Climate change: Ban all gas boilers from 2025 to reach net-zero
A ban on new gas boilers from 2025 is one step to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, say energy experts.
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Just 20 firms behind more than half of single-use plastic waste - study
The study looked at approximately 1,000 factories that make the raw materials for single-use products.
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Green light for 'net zero' equivalent for nature
The government is expected to announce a legally-binding target for 2030 to halt nature loss.
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More than a billion sparrows in the world, study finds
At least 50 billion individual wild birds are on the planet, including 1.6 billion house sparrows, scientists say.
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Bloodhound racer stored in Coventry Museum as funding hunt starts
The team's ambition to set a land speed world record requires more investment, the group says.
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UK plastic waste being dumped and burned in Turkey, says Greenpeace
Greenpeace says it found plastic waste from UK supermarkets dumped and burned at numerous sites.
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John Kerry: US climate envoy criticised for optimism on clean tech
John Kerry told the BBC technologies that don't yet exist will play a huge role in stabilising the climate.
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China prepares to land its Zhurong rover on Mars
The six-wheeled robot is ready to make the hazardous descent to the surface of the Red Planet.
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The most plastic-polluted riverbed in the UK
Part of the River Tame in Greater Manchester is the most plastic-polluted riverbed in the UK, scientists say.
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Calls for post-Covid 'revolution' in building air quality
Top experts in how diseases spread are calling for massive improvements to the air in buildings.
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COP26: Alok Sharma urges nations to banish coal
In a speech ahead of the COP26 event, Alok Sharma will say the coal business is "going up in smoke".
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Ignore hype over hydrogen heating, government told
The benefits of hydrogen-powered heating have been overplayed, say environmentalists.
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Russia picks team for film shot on International Space Station
An actress and director will blast off in October - but Tom Cruise also plans to visit the ISS.
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Native oysters reintroduced into Firth of Clyde
A total of 1,300 oysters have been suspended in the water as part of a restoration project.
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Wastewater is 'polluting rivers with microplastic'
"Frequent releases" of sewage create microplastic hotspots in UK rivers.
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Tesla will no longer accept bitcoin over climate concerns, says Musk
The initial decision made by Tesla in March to accept bitcoin caused an outcry from environmentalists.
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'Cocaine of the sea' threatens critically endangered vaquita
The vaquita marina in Mexico is threatened by a clash of interests between fishing and conservation.
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HS2 high-speed rail project begins underground tunnel
At 170m long, "Florence" is the largest ever tunnelling machine to be used on a UK rail project.
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US environmental agency releases climate report delayed by Trump
The report says the impact of climate change is being felt by Americans "with increasing regularity".
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Animal welfare plan unveiled by government
The UK government introduces a wide-ranging plan to improve the welfare of some animals.
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