Should your accelerator pedal curb your speeding?
The EU proposes fitting all new cars with technology that makes it harder to exceed the speed limit.
Categories: Around The Web
Skywatchers set for Draconid meteor shower
The meteor shower reaches its peak this week, and will be visible in UK skies, weather permitting.
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T. rex dinosaur 'Stan' sold for world record price
The near-complete, 67-million-year-old fossil fetches $31.8m ($24.6m) at Christie's in New York.
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Toothless dinosaur with just two fingers discovered
Several complete skeletons of the unusual two-fingered dinosaurs were unearthed in the Gobi Desert.
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Scientists win historic Nobel chemistry prize for 'genetic scissors'
Two women have shared the prize for the first time, winning for their work on genome editing.
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September was world's 'hottest on record'
Scientists say it is a clear indication of temperatures rising because of emissions from our society.
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Great Barrier Reef: Can tech help the coral survive?
Drones, science stations and monitoring sensors are being used to help buy the reef more time.
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The man who proved black holes weren't 'impossible'
The UK scientist confessed to being a bit slow in class, but went on to win the Physics Nobel.
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Black hole breakthroughs win Nobel physics prize
Three scientists including the UK's Roger Penrose have been awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics.
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Boris Johnson: Wind farms to power every home by 2030
Boris Johnson will pledge £160m for building turbines as he promises to "build back greener".
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Dexamethasone, remdesivir, Regeneron: Trump's Covid treatment explained
The US president has been given a number of different medicines to attack coronavirus and calm the immune system. What are they, and why is he taking them?
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Beirut blast was 'historically' powerful
The huge explosion in Beirut in August was one of the biggest non-nuclear explosions in history.
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Israel moves to ban 'immoral' animal fur trade
New regulations would make it the first country in the world to outlaw selling fur for fashion
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Nobel Prize for Medicine goes to Hepatitis C discovery
The virus is a major cause of liver cancer and can lead to people needing a liver transplant.
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Tasmanian Devils reintroduced into Australian wild
Its thought the mammals, classified as endangered, were wiped out on the mainland by dingoes.
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McDonald's among food firms urging tougher deforestation rules
Unilever and Tesco also say a new law should apply to all deforestation, whether legal or illegal.
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Climate: The week Boris Johnson turned green, or did he?
Are Boris Johnson's pledges at this week's UN general assembly a landmark for the environment?
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Nasa Wallops launch: Astronauts to test new $23m toilet at space station
Astronauts will test the female-friendly toilet before its probable use in a future lunar mission.
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National Trust suffers 'worst year' for ash dieback
The late frost and dry spring has created a 'perfect storm' for disease spread, the charity says.
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Covid-19: Funding crisis threatens zoo conservation
As Covid-19 threatens conservation work, Whipsnade Zoo is hoping for rhino breeding success.
Categories: Around The Web