Planet Venus: Hopes rise of new mission to the hothouse world
New science is ending the longstanding perception that Venus is a dead planet.
Categories: Around The Web
Cyclone Idai: How the storm tore into southern Africa
Parts of southern Africa have been left devastated after Cyclone Idai swept through Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe, destroying towns and villages in its path.
Categories: Around The Web
Dead whale 'had 40kg of plastic in its stomach'
The Cuvier's beaked whale was found in the Philippines, filled with 16 rice sacks and multiple shopping bags.
Categories: Around The Web
Planet Jupiter: Spectacular picture of Jupiter's storms
Three images of Jupiter are combined to make a striking new image of the planet and its famous spot.
Categories: Around The Web
Night parrot finding in Australia not backed up by evidence
Conservationists retract their findings, after evidence for the bird's discovery is disputed.
Categories: Around The Web
Green challenge
A student house is challenged to live in a more environmentally-friendly way. How did they get on?
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'Baby Grady' gives fertility hope to boys with cancer
A new approach could preserve fertility for boys having cancer treatment - thanks to a baby monkey.
Categories: Around The Web
IVF ethics pioneer Mary Warnock dies
The philosopher Baroness Mary Warnock has died at the age of 94.
Categories: Around The Web
Bloodhound: Land speed record car is relaunched
The Bloodhound supersonic car is back and preparing to renew its pursuit of the land speed record.
Categories: Around The Web
Mount Everest: Melting glaciers expose dead bodies
The remains of mountaineers who died on the world's highest peak are being exposed as its ice melts.
Categories: Around The Web
Rogue waves occurring less but 'becoming more extreme'
Rogue waves that can appear out of calm seas are growing in size, a study of the US coast suggests.
Categories: Around The Web
The Indonesian paradise island drowning in plastic
Beaches on the Indonesian island of Sumatra are covered in plastic - and some of it is being dumped there by local businesses.
Categories: Around The Web
Spring arrival: Public to capture new season in words
The public is being asked to contribute entries to a national nature diary documenting the arrival of Spring.
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Dig planned at rare 'Neolithic mortuary' in Aberdeenshire
Archaeologists hope to uncover new details of a site where dead may have been left for scavengers.
Categories: Around The Web
Hayabusa2: Asteroid mission exploring a 'rubble pile'
The mission exploring an asteroid finds that it consists of material blasted off another asteroid.
Categories: Around The Web
Hen harriers 'vanishing due to illegal killing' - study
Bird of prey 10 times more likely to die on English grouse moors than other habitats, data shows.
Categories: Around The Web
New Horizons: Ultima Thule 'a time machine' to early Solar System
Ultima Thule has been described as a Frankenstein object, composed of "poorly formed snowmen".
Categories: Around The Web
Bubble maths researcher wins top award
One of the highest prizes for mathematics is awarded to Prof Karen Uhlenbeck for her ground-breaking work.
Categories: Around The Web
Fund to boost female and black physicist numbers
Astrophysics star launches a scheme to help female and black students to become researchers.
Categories: Around The Web
Climate change: Water shortages in England 'within 25 years'
Wasting water should be as taboo as blowing smoke in a baby's face, says Environment Agency boss.
Categories: Around The Web