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BBC News - Science & Environment
Updated: 1 hour 5 min ago

Liquid water 'lake' revealed on Mars

Thu, 2018-07-26 00:00
Researchers believe they have found the first existing body of liquid water on the Red Planet.
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Gene editing is GM, says European Court

Wed, 2018-07-25 21:12
The European Court of Justice has ruled that altering living things using the relatively new technique of genome editing counts as genetic engineering.
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China fossil tells new supercontinent story

Wed, 2018-07-25 01:00
Scientists have uncovered a new dinosaur in China... and it's older than expected.
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Rare coral found off the west coast of Ireland

Tue, 2018-07-24 19:46
Rare coral has been found in a deep sea research mission off the west coast of Ireland.
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Hyperloop test pod sets speed record

Mon, 2018-07-23 22:15
German engineering students set a record as their pod hits 457km/h in a hyperloop tunnel test.
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Recycled packaging 'may end up in landfill', warns watchdog

Mon, 2018-07-23 09:05
There is no guarantee that the products you recycle are actually recycled, the UK watchdog warns.
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Wave of plastic hits Dominican Republic

Sun, 2018-07-22 17:51
This was the scene on a beach in the Dominican Republic after a storm.
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Lovell lights: turning a telescope into an art installation

Sat, 2018-07-21 09:18
How the giant Lovell radio telescope at Jodrell Bank is transformed into a 3,200 tonne art installation.
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The cost of Trump's Endangered Species Act proposal

Sat, 2018-07-21 06:18
The Trump administration wants to weaken the landmark protection law. What species are under threat?
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Arctic wild goose chase threatens chicks as temperatures rise

Sat, 2018-07-21 00:37
Migrating geese race to warmer Arctic but are too worn out to lay their eggs early when they get there.
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Wanted: Any name other than 'Spacey McSpaceFace'

Fri, 2018-07-20 19:07
What should we call a six-wheeled robot going to the Red Planet to look for signs of life?
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Is UK barbecue charcoal fuelling global deforestation?

Fri, 2018-07-20 16:42
A growing taste for al fresco dining is driving record charcoal sales in the UK but is it also fuelling global deforestation and climate change?
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Nairobi National Park railway 'threatens Kenyan wildlife'

Fri, 2018-07-20 09:15
Conservationists are crying foul over a high-speed railway being built through Nairobi National Park.
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Plastic bags that biodegrade to nothing?

Fri, 2018-07-20 06:22
It sounds like the perfect solution, but critics say it failed their test.
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Slowing Gulf Stream current to boost warming for 20 years

Thu, 2018-07-19 22:01
Atlantic system that warms the UK is slowing down but scientists say this will cause more not less heating.
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Two halves of Attenborough polar ship joined together

Thu, 2018-07-19 20:17
Engineers at Cammell Laird shipyard add the top six decks to the hull of the UK's new polar ship.
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Theresa May announces new environment bill

Thu, 2018-07-19 19:11
PM commits to laws that will ensure environmental protection improves - but not everyone is convinced.
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Baby snake 'frozen in time' gives insight into lost world

Thu, 2018-07-19 17:46
The fossil of a prehistoric snake that lived alongside the dinosaurs has been found entombed in amber.
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Antarctic seabed gets protection after reporter's submarine trip

Thu, 2018-07-19 09:31
Video of a seabed filmed by a BBC journalist has helped the area get special protection.
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Ecuador's colonial past 'written in soil'

Wed, 2018-07-18 21:25
The impact of European settlers on the country is preserved in a detailed soil record, researchers have found.
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