Liquid water 'lake' revealed on Mars
Researchers believe they have found the first existing body of liquid water on the Red Planet.
Categories: Around The Web
Gene editing is GM, says European Court
The European Court of Justice has ruled that altering living things using the relatively new technique of genome editing counts as genetic engineering.
Categories: Around The Web
China fossil tells new supercontinent story
Scientists have uncovered a new dinosaur in China... and it's older than expected.
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Rare coral found off the west coast of Ireland
Rare coral has been found in a deep sea research mission off the west coast of Ireland.
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Hyperloop test pod sets speed record
German engineering students set a record as their pod hits 457km/h in a hyperloop tunnel test.
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Recycled packaging 'may end up in landfill', warns watchdog
There is no guarantee that the products you recycle are actually recycled, the UK watchdog warns.
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Wave of plastic hits Dominican Republic
This was the scene on a beach in the Dominican Republic after a storm.
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Lovell lights: turning a telescope into an art installation
How the giant Lovell radio telescope at Jodrell Bank is transformed into a 3,200 tonne art installation.
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The cost of Trump's Endangered Species Act proposal
The Trump administration wants to weaken the landmark protection law. What species are under threat?
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Arctic wild goose chase threatens chicks as temperatures rise
Migrating geese race to warmer Arctic but are too worn out to lay their eggs early when they get there.
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Wanted: Any name other than 'Spacey McSpaceFace'
What should we call a six-wheeled robot going to the Red Planet to look for signs of life?
Categories: Around The Web
Is UK barbecue charcoal fuelling global deforestation?
A growing taste for al fresco dining is driving record charcoal sales in the UK but is it also fuelling global deforestation and climate change?
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Nairobi National Park railway 'threatens Kenyan wildlife'
Conservationists are crying foul over a high-speed railway being built through Nairobi National Park.
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Plastic bags that biodegrade to nothing?
It sounds like the perfect solution, but critics say it failed their test.
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Slowing Gulf Stream current to boost warming for 20 years
Atlantic system that warms the UK is slowing down but scientists say this will cause more not less heating.
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Two halves of Attenborough polar ship joined together
Engineers at Cammell Laird shipyard add the top six decks to the hull of the UK's new polar ship.
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Theresa May announces new environment bill
PM commits to laws that will ensure environmental protection improves - but not everyone is convinced.
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Baby snake 'frozen in time' gives insight into lost world
The fossil of a prehistoric snake that lived alongside the dinosaurs has been found entombed in amber.
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Antarctic seabed gets protection after reporter's submarine trip
Video of a seabed filmed by a BBC journalist has helped the area get special protection.
Categories: Around The Web
Ecuador's colonial past 'written in soil'
The impact of European settlers on the country is preserved in a detailed soil record, researchers have found.
Categories: Around The Web