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Updated: 1 hour 24 min ago

'World won't laugh any more'

Fri, 2017-06-02 10:09
President Trump says pulling out of Paris climate deal will stop world laughing at the US.
Categories: Around The Web

Paris climate deal: Macron pledges to 'make planet great again'

Fri, 2017-06-02 08:36
Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from climate agreement is criticised by the French president.
Categories: Around The Web

Trump 'to announce Paris climate deal pullout'

Fri, 2017-06-02 05:09
President Trump is due to announce plans to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, US media say.
Categories: Around The Web

Trump urged to retain Paris climate deal by UN chief

Fri, 2017-06-02 01:15
The UN chief joins leaders of the EU and China in stressing the importance of the Paris agreement.
Categories: Around The Web

Gravitational waves: Third detection of deep space warping

Fri, 2017-06-02 01:00
Scientists pick up once again the distortions in space-time resulting from a huge black hole merger.
Categories: Around The Web

'Faceless' fish, last seen in 1873, found off Australia

Thu, 2017-06-01 18:46
The unique deep-sea fish was last spotted back in 1873.
Categories: Around The Web

The Last Animals - fighting to save animals from extinction

Thu, 2017-06-01 18:38
Kate Brooks' documentary focuses on individuals trying to save animals from extinction.
Categories: Around The Web

Paris climate deal: EU and China rebuff Trump

Thu, 2017-06-01 07:19
The statement backing the Paris climate agreement is seen a snub to Trump, who is mulling a pullout.
Categories: Around The Web

Antarctic ice crack takes major turn

Thu, 2017-06-01 03:44
One of the biggest icebergs ever seen is a step closer to forming on the edge of the Larsen C shelf.
Categories: Around The Web

Exxon shareholders back 'historic vote on climate

Thu, 2017-06-01 03:26
For the first time, Exxon Mobil will have to consider the impact of climate change on its business.
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Nasa renames Sun skimming mission

Thu, 2017-06-01 03:24
The space agency re-brands its mission to "touch the Sun" after a living scientist.
Categories: Around The Web

Trump 'poised to quit Paris climate deal'

Wed, 2017-05-31 23:05
President Trump is poised to pull the US out of the Paris climate accord, US media report.
Categories: Around The Web

How did early ejector seats work?

Wed, 2017-05-31 20:49
Nearly seven decades ago, Jo Lancaster became one of the first pilots to eject from a plane in an emergency.
Categories: Around The Web

UN chief Guterres says climate deal is essential

Wed, 2017-05-31 10:48
Antonio Guterres was speaking after Donald Trump refused to back the Paris climate accord.
Categories: Around The Web

Roadkill rescue

Wed, 2017-05-31 09:42
One of the world's worst hotspots for roadkill in Canada is helped by a project that cuts animal deaths by almost 90%.
Categories: Around The Web

Ultra-tough antibiotic to fight superbugs

Tue, 2017-05-30 22:29
The modified drug might help tackle resistant superbug infections, experts hope.
Categories: Around The Web

Southern lights dance across skies of Australia and New Zealand

Tue, 2017-05-30 22:06
Pictures from across Australia and New Zealand show the Southern Lights in the night sky.
Categories: Around The Web

Barrier reef suffers huge coral loss

Tue, 2017-05-30 21:55
Australia's Great Barrier Reef lost nearly a third of its corals in the past year, officials have said.
Categories: Around The Web

Earth-i plans space video network

Tue, 2017-05-30 17:02
Earth-i promises daily, fast-turn-around pictures and colour video of the planet's surface.
Categories: Around The Web

Aurora Australis: Colourful show hits Australia and New Zealand

Tue, 2017-05-30 14:52
Onlookers are treated to a spectacular display as the Southern Lights hit Australia and New Zealand.
Categories: Around The Web
