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Updated: 2 hours 44 sec ago

Nasa runs competition to help make old Fortran code faster

Thu, 2017-05-04 20:47
Two coders will share a $55,000 prize for what a Nasa official calls the "ultimate 'geek' dream assignment.
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Birdwatching from space

Thu, 2017-05-04 15:14
Scientists are counting albatrosses on remote islands from satellite images.
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Albatrosses counted from space

Thu, 2017-05-04 14:05
Super-sharp images from a US satellite are keeping track of remote bird-breeding sites.
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Big bang theory

Thu, 2017-05-04 09:48
Pioneering work that extracts information from audio of gunshots could help solve criminal cases.
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Rare Russian tiger returns to the wild

Thu, 2017-05-04 04:25
Amur tigers were nearly driven to extinction, but conservation work in Russia is helping them bouncing back slowly.
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Washed up whale 'most contaminated' on record

Wed, 2017-05-03 14:59
Lulu the killer whale had 20 times the expected level of banned chemicals known as PCBs in her system.
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Busy shipping lanes could cause 'seal hearing loss'

Wed, 2017-05-03 10:30
Researchers say noise could affect how whales, dolphins and seals find food and communicate.
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Bumblebees: Pesticide 'reduces queen egg development'

Wed, 2017-05-03 10:03
Using the insecticide thiamethoxam in spring could reduce numbers later in the year, a study finds.
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'Shocking' levels of PCB chemicals in UK killer whale Lulu

Wed, 2017-05-03 03:07
One of the UK's last killer whales, which was found dead last year, had some of the highest levels of a toxic pollutant ever recorded.
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Antarctic iceberg crack develops fork

Wed, 2017-05-03 01:08
The fissure that will lead to the breakaway of one of the largest bergs ever seen has a new branch.
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Ministers will not appeal pollution ruling

Tue, 2017-05-02 23:10
The UK Government has decided not to appeal against the High Court's rejection of a bid to delay publication of its draft plan to tackle illegal levels of air pollution.
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Cassini ran through the 'big empty'

Tue, 2017-05-02 21:16
Nasa says its Saturn probe encountered very few particles in its dive inside the rings last week.
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Fossil sheds light on 'Jurassic Park' dinosaurs

Tue, 2017-05-02 21:00
A fossil kept in storage in a museum for decades turns out to that of a new species, say researchers.
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Exotic pet therapy?

Tue, 2017-05-02 15:11
A group in Ontario are using animals like capybaras and kinkajous to reduce stress.
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Secrets of tea plant revealed by science

Tue, 2017-05-02 11:09
Botanists unlock the genetic workings of the tea plant, in a move that could improve flavour.
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British territories' environment 'at risk'

Tue, 2017-05-02 10:36
Overseas territories' ministers say Brexit is distracting the government from environmental issues.
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SpaceX launches 'spy satellite' from Florida

Tue, 2017-05-02 01:33
A SpaceX Falcon 9 has launched a classified military satellite - known only as NROL-76 - into orbit.
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Household food waste level 'unacceptable'

Sun, 2017-04-30 13:03
Too much food is wasted in England and households should be helped to throw away less, MPs say.
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Trump executive order aims to allow Arctic drilling

Sat, 2017-04-29 08:18
The US president said he hoped the new order would create "thousands and thousands" of jobs.
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DNA of extinct humans found in caves

Fri, 2017-04-28 23:48
The DNA of extinct humans can be retrieved from sediment in caves - even in the absences of skeletal remains.
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