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BBC News - Science & Environment
Updated: 26 min 5 sec ago

Life could exist on planet orbiting 'white dwarf' star

Fri, 2022-02-11 16:00
Experts may have detected a planet in the habitable zone of a nearly dead star called a white dwarf.
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Koalas: Australia lists marsupial as endangered species

Fri, 2022-02-11 11:02
The koala was not even classified as vulnerable until 2012, but it has seen a rapid decline.
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The engineers battling to stop global warming ruining roads

Fri, 2022-02-11 10:03
Climate change is putting roads under stress but research is finding ways to make them more durable.
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Fracking: UK's only shale gas wells to be sealed and abandoned

Fri, 2022-02-11 07:24
The industry regulator orders the two wells in Lancashire to be plugged with concrete.
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Fusion race kicked into high gear by smart tech

Thu, 2022-02-10 11:12
A US company is speeding up the path to practical fusion energy using Google's vast computing power.
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UK must move faster to insulate homes - climate chief

Thu, 2022-02-10 11:07
The cost of heating is rising - experts say government help is needed to insulate millions of homes.
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Neanderthal extinction not caused by brutal wipe out

Thu, 2022-02-10 06:40
New fossils challenge ideas that modern humans wiped out Neanderthals after arriving from Africa.
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Renewables auctions to be held annually in green energy push

Thu, 2022-02-10 04:58
The energy secretary says renewable power is the best way to shield the UK from volatile gas prices.
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'Alien-like' life thrives on dead matter in Arctic deep

Wed, 2022-02-09 02:44
Giant sponges survive on the remains of extinct animals in cold, deep waters near the North Pole.
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No silver-bullet solutions for saving used planet

Tue, 2022-02-08 09:25
Scientists issue a stark warning over the need to make hard choices about the way we use the land.
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Paralysed man with severed spine walks thanks to implant

Tue, 2022-02-08 02:04
Michel Roccati tells the BBC he "almost has a normal life" again thanks to an electrical implant.
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New greenfield housing still designed around cars, report finds

Mon, 2022-02-07 17:00
Services such as shops, schools and doctors are often almost impossible to reach on foot or by bike
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Climate change: Top companies exaggerating their progress - study

Mon, 2022-02-07 11:14
Companies including Google, Amazon and Ikea are not meeting their own green targets, a report finds.
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Fatherhood joy for paralysis implant dad

Mon, 2022-02-07 10:07
David M’zee received an electrical implant to his spine in 2017, it enables him to walk slowly and stand.
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Why switching asthma inhaler could be better for you and the planet

Sun, 2022-02-06 10:14
Aerosol asthma inhalers are cheap but not good for climate change - is there a better way for both patients and the planet?
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Parrots for sale: The internet's role in illicit trade

Sat, 2022-02-05 11:09
An investigation finds some 4,500 classified ads on social media, offering African grey parrots for sale.
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Iceland whaling: Fisheries minister signals end from 2024

Sat, 2022-02-05 08:34
A fall in demand for Icelandic whale products means the controversial practice is no longer profitable.
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Huge bank of dead fish spotted off French Atlantic coast

Sat, 2022-02-05 04:27
France's fisheries minister calls for an inquiry after a trawler spills more than 100,000 blue whiting.
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Mount Everest: Mountain's highest glacier melting rapidly, new study shows

Sat, 2022-02-05 04:06
The melting is endangering both climbers and locals who rely on the glaciers for drinking water.
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Satellites map huge methane plumes from oil and gas

Fri, 2022-02-04 10:45
Plugging methane leaks from oil and gas fields could be an easy win in curbing climate change.
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