ABC Environment

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The Science Show and Ockham's Razor have always brought us commentary on the environment and climate change. Now Off Track takes us out to feel the breeze. Special features can also be found on Background Briefing and our other current affairs regulars: Breakfast, RN Drive, and the weekend Extras.
Updated: 2 hours 9 min ago

The future of food

Thu, 2019-06-20 22:40
Could lab-grown meat and 3D-printed meals be on our dinner tables by 2050? Award-winning environmental journalist Amanda Little thinks it's highly likely.
Categories: Around The Web

Labor demands investigation into misconduct allegations

Thu, 2019-06-20 18:15
The Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is under pressure to explain whether he attempted to intervene in a decision effecting a company part-owned by his colleague, Energy Minister Angus Taylor.
Categories: Around The Web

Chinese-owned cattle station in WA land-clearing controversy

Thu, 2019-06-20 08:37
Traditional owners in the Kimberley region are urging the WA Government to take action to stop land clearing on a Chinese-owned cattle station.
Categories: Around The Web

3D reconstructions of Himalayan glaciers show effects of climate change

Thu, 2019-06-20 06:52
Declassified US spy satellite records from the 1970s have been used to map the Himalayan glaciers, providing insight into their rate of melt.
Categories: Around The Web

Would a tax on fast fashion producers solve the sustainability crisis?

Wed, 2019-06-19 18:25
A UK Parliamentary committee has recommended a "penny-per-garment" fee for fashion producers to raise funds for improved recycling and clothing collections.
Categories: Around The Web

'Doing nothing really isn't an option': CSIRO report shows where we could be by 2060

Tue, 2019-06-18 06:50
Australia's enjoyed nearly three decades of economic growth, but a new report from the CSIRO warns we face a slow decline if we don't tackle our biggest economic, social and environmental challenges.
Categories: Around The Web

Mayors urge Federal Government to deal with Australia's recycling crisis

Tue, 2019-06-18 06:36
Councils are demanding urgent action to address the growing stockpiles of waste after last year China toughened standards for the recyclable materials it imports.
Categories: Around The Web

The Pacific's Rising Human Tide

Sat, 2019-06-15 08:45
A new book describes the people and concerns of the Pacific region, in the interests of better informing our foreign policy.
Categories: Around The Web

Adani's Carmichael coal mine receives final environmental approval

Fri, 2019-06-14 07:36
After nine years of planning, negotiations and protests, Adani's controversial Carmichael coal mine in the Galilee Basin has received its final environmental approvals from the Queensland Government.
Categories: Around The Web

Irrigators launch class action against Murray-Darling Basin Authority over water issues

Fri, 2019-06-14 06:36
Hundreds of irrigators in southern NSW have signed up to join a $750 million class action, claiming economic loss as a result of "reckless" water management by the Murray Darling Basin Authority.
Categories: Around The Web

Adani battle 'a long way from over': Greens leader Richard Di Natale

Thu, 2019-06-13 08:06
One of the country's longest running environmental battles will come to a head today, with a decision expected on the final hurdle standing in the way of the Adani coal mine.
Categories: Around The Web

National park funding down by 65pc under Palaszczuk Government: report

Thu, 2019-06-13 06:35
An alliance of six national and state conservation groups say Queensland is failing on a commitment made four years ago to develop a "world leading protected area system".
Categories: Around The Web

Australia’s engagement with the Pacific

Wed, 2019-06-12 20:05
Australia is neglecting its role in the Pacific – Sean Dorney says that we’ve taken our position in the region for granted for too long and with China’s increased involvement it’s now time to wake up.
Categories: Around The Web

Nationals MP Keith Pitt backs expanded "big stick"

Tue, 2019-06-11 18:35
The controversial bill would allow the Government to forcibly separate energy companies that refuse to lower their prices.
Categories: Around The Web

Global Paris pledges need to triple to stay within 2C of global warming, says expert

Tue, 2019-06-11 08:47
"When it comes to climate change, Australia is actually the most vulnerable nation in the developed world," says climate scientist Dr Joelle Gergis.
Categories: Around The Web

'No argument for increasing royalties': Mining royalties a focus for Queensland budget

Tue, 2019-06-11 08:06
Queensland's Palaszczuk Government hands down its budget today, and along with bread-and-butter issues like more air conditioning for schools, mining royalties are a key focus.
Categories: Around The Web

Dengue fever outbreak in Rockhampton

Tue, 2019-06-11 07:52
Up to 10 cases of dengue fever have emerged in an unusual outbreak of the potentially deadly disease in central Queensland. As authorities try to contain the spread of the virus, new research predicts the dengue risk zone could extend to inland Australia by 2050 due to climate change.
Categories: Around The Web

Electric cars and renewable energy bring new mining opportunities to Australia

Tue, 2019-06-11 06:35
Australia is the world's biggest producer of lithium, a crucial component in things like EV batteries, and we also have other valuable rare earth metals. But can Australia make the most of the opportunities from this growing resources sector?
Categories: Around The Web

Boxing for fitness, confidence and preserving rural property's history

Mon, 2019-06-10 11:30
Indigenous women boxing for fitness and confidence; preserving rural property's historic church; ranger catching rabbits with ferrets; rural community draws crowds to pumpkin festival.
Categories: Around The Web

Putting the pieces of yourself back together at your favourite place

Mon, 2019-06-10 09:51
Life can get pretty messy, but sometimes returning to a place of special memories helps restore your sense of self.
Categories: Around The Web
