ABC Environment

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The Science Show and Ockham's Razor have always brought us commentary on the environment and climate change. Now Off Track takes us out to feel the breeze. Special features can also be found on Background Briefing and our other current affairs regulars: Breakfast, RN Drive, and the weekend Extras.
Updated: 1 min 13 sec ago

Algae - a new sustainable resource

Wed, 2018-07-18 20:05
Algae is the new ‘green gold'. On Big Ideas, an expert panel describes the potential of algae as a game-changing sustainable resource for numerous industries.
Categories: Around The Web

Singing in the caves and a career change to 'Fork it Farm'

Mon, 2018-07-16 11:30
We go underground to sing in the caves; Woodstock farewells its butcher; we take a walk through the 'lungs' of Pt Macquarie; and visit Daniel and Kim Croker on 'Fork it Farm'
Categories: Around The Web

The father of climate science, my Foote!? A mystery revealed.

Sun, 2018-07-15 13:05
You won't believe your ears. A hidden herstory in the history of science.  
Categories: Around The Web

Are animals friends or food?

Sun, 2018-07-15 06:05
We may all love puppies and kittens and want them treated well, but what rights – if any – should a fish have, or a cockroach? Kumi Taguchi joins two vegans – a Buddhist veterinarian and an animal-loving Christian to find out how to love animals best in a meat-obsessed world.
Categories: Around The Web

Edible ocean conservation with a side of chips

Sat, 2018-07-14 13:05
Two PhD-qualified fisheries scientists have jumped ship to open a eco-friendly fish and chip shop, aiming to put their philosophy of sustainable ocean use into practise.
Categories: Around The Web

New incentives for landlords to invest in carbon-free energy

Sat, 2018-07-14 12:11
Blockchain software brings efficiencies and savings from renewable energy infrastructure for property owners and consumers.
Categories: Around The Web

A Big Country 14 July 2018

Sat, 2018-07-14 06:20
We go underground to sing in the caves; Woodstock farewells its butcher; we take a walk through the 'lungs' of Pt Macquarie; and visit Daniel and Kim Croker on 'Fork it Farm'
Categories: Around The Web

Federal Politics: ACCC, Timor-Leste and robocalls

Thu, 2018-07-12 18:35
RN Drive unpacks the biggest stories from the week in politics.
Categories: Around The Web

Government responds to ACCC report amid speculation over energy policy

Thu, 2018-07-12 18:06
"I do not care whether it comes from coal or gas or solar or wind or chook poo, the important thing is that it's the cheapest, most reliable and affordable option."
Categories: Around The Web

Harvest Market goes plastic free and bushland rises from the ashes

Mon, 2018-07-09 11:30
A farmers' market goes plastic free in July; drovers hit the road as the big dry bites; Lorna Driscoll is a veteran water diviner; and Tathra's bushland rises from the ashes.
Categories: Around The Web

Mother Nature and the Holy Father

Sun, 2018-07-08 18:05
This NAIDOC week, we hear from Dr Rose Elu, an elder from Saibai Island who shares her concerns about the impact of climate change on the Torres Strait Islands. And, Sister Gail Worcelo from Green Mountain Monastery in Vermont, USA stresses the importance of caring for the earth as she reflects on the work of the late eco-theologian, Thomas Berry.
Categories: Around The Web

Banning plastic may not be good for the future

Sun, 2018-07-08 10:30
Even those who campaign against the overuse of plastic, argue for a more nuanced understanding of its role in our lives. Future Tense looks at these nuances.
Categories: Around The Web

Earworms from planet earth IV

Sat, 2018-07-07 13:05
Off Track listeners from all over the globe have been recording the sounds of nature on their phones. Listen as a panel of experts takes us through the latest batch of Earworms
Categories: Around The Web

Lithium boom for Western Australia

Sat, 2018-07-07 12:05
The world’s biggest lithium deposit is in Western Australia. Peter Newman describes the potential lithium holds for jobs and the economy.
Categories: Around The Web

Country Breakfast Features

Sat, 2018-07-07 06:45
This week, will the new Country of Origin food labels make a difference to what you buy; and how is the mighty Murray Cod faring since the evolution of the Murray-Darling Basin plan?
Categories: Around The Web

A Big Country 7 July 2018

Sat, 2018-07-07 06:20
A farmers' market goes plastic free in July; drovers hit the road as the big dry bites; Lorna Driscoll is a veteran water diviner; and Tathra's bushland rises from the ashes.
Categories: Around The Web

Calls for Australia to walk away from the Paris Agreement

Wed, 2018-07-04 18:06
A fight is looming in the Coalition partyroom over the National Energy Guarantee, and this fight threatens to open up old divisions.
Categories: Around The Web

Humans vs volcanoes

Tue, 2018-07-03 11:30
Which would win*: humans or volcanoes? (*In a fight over carbon emissions)
Categories: Around The Web

Making homes more energy-efficient

Tue, 2018-07-03 09:06
How do you get a truly energy-efficient home, and can smart home technologies help or make things worse?
Categories: Around The Web

Natures engineers

Mon, 2018-07-02 16:45
As our cities become more crowded and our roads more congested it becomes harder and harder to efficiently get from one place to another. What can be done? Dr Tanya Latty explains how nature might have the answer.
Categories: Around The Web
