ABC Environment

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The Science Show and Ockham's Razor have always brought us commentary on the environment and climate change. Now Off Track takes us out to feel the breeze. Special features can also be found on Background Briefing and our other current affairs regulars: Breakfast, RN Drive, and the weekend Extras.
Updated: 2 hours 58 min ago

Things that go grunt in the night

Sat, 2018-04-21 13:05
If a koala bellows in a forest and a scientist isn’t there to record it, does the koala exist at all?
Categories: Around The Web

Camels dominate and destroy desert water holes

Sat, 2018-04-21 12:46
Waterholes throughout the parched Australian interior are being dominated by camels and destroyed as camels trample delicate areas.
Categories: Around The Web

Denial a coping mechanism for climate change

Sat, 2018-04-21 12:24
Psychology explains why some people deny climate science.
Categories: Around The Web

A Big Country 21 April 2018

Sat, 2018-04-21 06:20
Horses help patients deal with anxiety and stress issues; beach sculptures brings smiles to Shelley Beach; we visit a boutique duck farm; and meet a dog with an acute sense of smell.
Categories: Around The Web

Talking trash about the plastic-free life

Fri, 2018-04-20 09:31
Once upon a time, Erin Rhoads had no idea about what it meant to be eco-friendly. After watching one life-changing movie, she now lives a zero waste, plastic-free life.
Categories: Around The Web

Ipswich council dumps kerbside recycling

Thu, 2018-04-19 18:43
Ipswich is the first council in the country to dump its recycling program.
Categories: Around The Web

CSIRO sets sail to learn more about the East Australian Current

Thu, 2018-04-19 07:53
The East Australian Current is wide and powerful and plays a crucial role in our east-coast climate and ocean ecosystems — but there are gaps in what scientists know.
Categories: Around The Web

Oceans and climate change

Wed, 2018-04-18 20:40
Unchecked global warming threatens our oceans
Categories: Around The Web

Plastic pollution

Wed, 2018-04-18 20:05
Can we clean up plastic pollution?
Categories: Around The Web

Plastic pollution and climate change

Wed, 2018-04-18 20:05
The world's oceans are under threat from plastic pollution and climate change.
Categories: Around The Web

Northern Territory lifts ban on fracking

Wed, 2018-04-18 06:52
Environmental groups have warned shale oil and gas development could increase greenhouse gas emissions and farmers are worried fracking could pollute rivers and bores across the region.
Categories: Around The Web

Northern Territory lifts moratorium on fracking

Tue, 2018-04-17 18:35
The decision comes after a scientific inquiry made 135 recommendations including strict new laws and regulations of the industry.
Categories: Around The Web

Coal's hidden health cost

Tue, 2018-04-17 11:30
Sulphur dioxide pollution from coal-fired power stations can have bad health effects — but who picks up the bill, and could power stations be doing more?
Categories: Around The Web

Australia swelters through record-breaking Autumn temperatures

Tue, 2018-04-17 07:52
It might be mid-Autumn, but bushfires are still threatening homes and livelihoods across the country.
Categories: Around The Web

Country Drive: Military drones on farms, SA wants Murray Darling water and winegrowers concerned over climate change

Mon, 2018-04-16 18:52
US Military drones will be put to work on farms throughout Queensland and the Northern Territory.
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Carbon emissions from ships to be regulated for first time

Mon, 2018-04-16 08:37
A 50 per cent reduction in emissions by 2050 is a step in the right direction but some are questioning if it's enough.
Categories: Around The Web

Marine heatwaves are devastating oceans

Sat, 2018-04-14 07:30
The concept of a marine heatwave is relatively new to science. In fact, climate scientists have focused their attention on terrestrial heatwaves to date.
Categories: Around The Web

Conservationists plan a food drop to save migratory shorebirds from starvation

Thu, 2018-04-12 07:52
One of the coldest northern winters in decades has wiped out the clam population in a nature reserve in eastern China, the major food source for the critically endangered Great Knot.
Categories: Around The Web

Drugs in water supply lead to sex change in fish

Wed, 2018-04-11 18:25
Pharmaceutical drug waste is causing unexpected changes in aquatic wildlife.
Categories: Around The Web

ACT Climate Change Minister says NEG not good enough ahead of meeting next week

Wed, 2018-04-11 18:06
Next week, state and federal energy ministers will meet to discuss the government's National Energy Guarantee.
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