ABC Environment

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The Science Show and Ockham's Razor have always brought us commentary on the environment and climate change. Now Off Track takes us out to feel the breeze. Special features can also be found on Background Briefing and our other current affairs regulars: Breakfast, RN Drive, and the weekend Extras.
Updated: 1 hour 3 min ago

Two-thirds of northern Great Barrier Reef coral killed by intense heat

Sat, 2017-03-18 11:05
Corals as old as 100 years have been killed.  Bleaching occurred in 1998, 2004 and 2016. Bleaching events are increasing in frequency. Recovery periods for corals are becoming shorter.
Categories: Around The Web

Pythons are forever

Sat, 2017-03-18 09:30
A radio-tagged ringtail possum was caught and eaten by a radio tagged diamond python, and then scientists found out that the vulnerable eastern chestnut mouse actually likes a bit of a bushfire. Booderee National Park is full of surprises.
Categories: Around The Web

Australia's energy debate shifts

Sat, 2017-03-18 07:05
A supercharged week of announcements about energy storage projects mark a turning point in Australia's fractured energy debate.
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'Old energy interests' and politics hit energy transition: Garnaut

Fri, 2017-03-17 07:05
Former energy advisor Ross Garnaut says Australia is 'a bit late' coming to the energy transition happening in the rest of the world.
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Whanganui river has been granted the same rights as a person

Thu, 2017-03-16 17:25
The New Zealand government has recognised the river as a 'living being' in a world-first decision.
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The engineering challenges of the Snowy Hydro scheme

Thu, 2017-03-16 17:15
Expanding the Snowy Hydro will mean digging a 27-kilometre tunnel through a mountain in the middle of a national park.
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Will the Snowy Hydro scheme expansion actually happen?

Thu, 2017-03-16 17:06
Finance Minister Mathias Cormann says the government will wait for the result of the feasibility study before fully committing to the project.
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Parliament House want your help to name their possum

Wed, 2017-03-15 17:25
They've put the call-out on Twitter for name suggestions.
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Thousands of pelicans flock to remote inland lake

Wed, 2017-03-15 07:19
More than 8000 pelicans have descended on to a series of islands on an inland lake in central NSW to breed.
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Boaty McBoatface to set out on maiden Antarctic voyage

Tue, 2017-03-14 17:25
The submarine dubbed Boaty McBoatface is preparing to explore some of the deepest parts of the Antarctic Ocean.
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How the SA energy announcement might affect the rest of the country

Tue, 2017-03-14 17:15
Could South Australia's proposed fix to power supply problems push power bills up in other states?
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South Australia to spend $500 million on securing state energy supply

Tue, 2017-03-14 17:06
Battery storage, a new power station, more gas exploration and ministerial powers all part of the $500 million package out of South Australia.
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Melt at North and South Poles likely to continue: NASA

Tue, 2017-03-14 07:45
It’s likely to be several years before scientists can determine the real implications of this year’s record melt of Antarctic sea ice, says NASA’s Walt Meier.
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Australian officials attend unprecedented UNESCO reef meeting

Tue, 2017-03-14 07:05
Queensland and federal environment officials called to Switzerland to provide UNESCO reef update
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How did Westpac's e-waste end up on the worst dump in the world?

Sun, 2017-03-12 07:05
There's a roaring international racket in hazardous e-waste. This is the story of how one of our biggest banks discovered its e-waste dumped on West Africa's notorious Agbogbloshie dump in Ghana.
Categories: Around The Web

A bird with whiskers, a 'flying koala' and terrible Mr fox

Sat, 2017-03-11 09:30
From an endangered ground-dwelling bird with whiskers like a cat, to a huge glider that is almost like a 'flying koala', Booderee National Park sounds, and is, like no other.
Categories: Around The Web

Country Breakfast features Sat 11th March

Sat, 2017-03-11 05:45
The CSIRO finds Australia's wheat production has flatlined because of climate change; and is there any hope for a free trade deal with India?
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Consuming our future

Thu, 2017-03-09 19:05
Only lowering our living standards will achieve sustainable growth. That’s the message from Satyajit Das.
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Consuming our future

Thu, 2017-03-09 19:05
Only lowering our living standards will achieve sustainable growth. That’s the message from Satyajit Das.
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Fukushima clean-up 'beyond comprehension'

Thu, 2017-03-09 17:43
Six years on, significant challenges remain in cleaning up the Fukushima plant.
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