Another Big Oil solar farm starts sending power to Queensland grid
Solar farm developed by Lightsource BP in Lower Wonga is starting to send small amounts of much needed cheap solar power to Queensland's grid.
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Regulators demand more clarity from ageing power stations about expected outages
Regulators want more information about planned power station outages, as Australia's ageing fossil fuel generators grapple with a changing grid.
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Australian vanadium battery technology gets fresh shot at long duration game
Australian vanadium flow battery maker signs MoU with Sydney-based firm to develop grid-scale opportunities for its long-duration storage technology.
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Solar Insiders Podcast: What the election result means for solar industry
Celebrations as Coalition policy bollards swept away, but what does this really mean for the solar industry?
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Victoria urged to aim for 100 pct renewables by 2030 after parliamentary report
A Victoria parliamentary report says Victoria has sufficient resources to go 100 per cent renewables, and the government is being urged to do this by 2030.
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Morrison’s “legacy” is higher power prices: Bowen pins price spike on Coalition
Incoming energy minister Chris Bowen says electricity price increases are the legacy of Morrison's energy policy failures.
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Work begins on big battery adjoining Australia’s biggest solar project
Work is underway on a potential 400MWh big battery energy storage system being built alongside biggest solar PV project in Australia.
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How expensive coal and gas blew up the Queensland electricity market
Queensland - home to most of the LNP climate deniers and technology troglodytes - is paying the very high price of fossil fuel dependence.
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Households slugged as Australia’s coal addiction sends electricity prices soaring
Electricity prices in some parts of Australia will increase by as much as 14.1 per cent, as surging coal and gas costs push prices higher.
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Offshore wind auctions to favour projects with lowest carbon footprint as costs plunge
Offshore wind farms no longer require subsidies, so German authorities are now looking at their carbon footprint to rank them in capacity auctions.
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Broken Hill renewable micro-grid revived after Transgrid finds a way to dump diesel
Transgrid revives renewable micro-grid proposal for Broken Hill, dumping diesel option in favour of compressed air storage. But it will depend on a grant.
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Victoria seeks smarter ideas than solar taxes to manage grid voltage
Victoria seeks input into long-term strategy for managing grid voltage, and an alternative to constraints on rooftop solar.
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Chart of the Day: Breaking down Australia’s household and trade emissions
The biggest source of Australian household emissions is the car you drive, while the trade emissions don't include burning of coal and gas overseas.
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Household power bills jump as Coalition hands energy market mess to Labor
First rise in household bills announced, conveniently delayed until after election as Coalition hands its energy mess to Labor and the cross bench.
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Big Banana: CS Energy signs up for French nuclear giant’s first Australian wind farm
Queensland state owned utility CS Energy has signed an agreement that will seal the go-ahead of the first wind farm to be built in Australia by the renewables offshoot of French nuclear energy giant EdF. The deal is still at the MoU stage, but it appears that CS Energy is looking to buy both an […]
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Neighbourhood Batteries: If you want to bring power to the people, you need to listen to what they want
Does the value of neighbourhood batteries stack up? And do they cut emissions? Local communities will want to know.
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Analysis: What’s next for Safeguard Mechanism under Albanese
Positive sentiments may be returning to Australia's carbon markets, but what's in-store for the Safeguard Mechanism under an Albanese government?
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Huge artificial “green hydrogen island” proposed for North Sea
CIP proposes "hydrogen island" in the North Sea to produce up to one million tonnes of green hydrogen a year.
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“Don’t work for climate wreckers:” UN chief warns young people off fossil fuels
UN Chief Antonio Guterres tells university graduates not to work in industries that are "killing the planet", including fossil fuels.
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Alice Springs tests potential for remote control of home solar and batteries
A team at Charles Darwin University will test the ability for solar and battery inverters to provide “essential support services” to the Alice Springs grid.
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