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Updated: 2 hours 4 min ago

Huge Wambo wind and battery storage project gets planning approval

Wed, 2020-10-28 11:58

Cubico and REP get state planning approval for 500MW Wambo wind farm, to be built with a four-hour big battery in south-west Queensland.

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Super power: Here’s how to get to 100pct wind, solar and storage by 2030

Wed, 2020-10-28 10:44

Deep disruption: New report from futurist Tony Seba and RethinkX says transition to 100pct renewables possible by 2030, and the "super" surplus of wind and solar can be used to power transport and industry.

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Categories: Around The Web

Australia’s surging industrial emissions the ‘elephant in the room’, Reputex says

Wed, 2020-10-28 10:23

industrial emissions climateWorks Australia - optimisedLacklustre climate policies will see Australia's industrial emissions surge for at least the next decade, analysts Reputex have warned.

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Categories: Around The Web

Jacinda Ardern to get all-electric Audi e-tron to replace diesel fleet car

Wed, 2020-10-28 09:02

audi e-tron 55New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern to ride in clean and green Audi-e-tron electric car, replacing government’s standard diesel BMW 7 series vehicles.

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Categories: Around The Web

Aussie tech company to develop flexible “self-charging” battery

Wed, 2020-10-28 08:27

Australian tech company works with CSIRO and UNSW to develop flexible self-charging battery which creates electricity from humidity in air or on skin.

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Categories: Around The Web

Fiji set to build biggest solar project in Pacific islands

Wed, 2020-10-28 08:23

Canva - Top View Photo of Solar Panels - optimisedFiji will become home to the largest solar farm of its kind in the Pacific, a 15MW project that will lower the country’s reliance on imported fuel.

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Community solar developer Komo Energy launches crowd investment offer

Wed, 2020-10-28 08:00

Canva - Engineer interacting with colleague standing near solar panels in countryside - optimised community solarDedicated community solar project developer Komo Energy launches crowd investment offer to grow the pipeline of community owned solar.

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Categories: Around The Web

Peak emissions are here but decline needs to be faster: new BloombergNEF report

Tue, 2020-10-27 21:26

BloombergNEF's new report suggest emissions peaked in 2019 and cheaper renewables than running fossil fuel plants in 2025.

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Categories: Around The Web

Solar and battery “microgrid” approved for development by Gold Coast Council

Tue, 2020-10-27 14:22

Local government approves 33MW Gilberton solar and battery farm, with hopes it will attract high-tech, low carbon industries to the northern Gold Coast.

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Categories: Around The Web

Australian company fined for importing potent greenhouse gas, 1000s times worse than CO2

Tue, 2020-10-27 14:12

greenhouse gas emissions - optimisedAustralian company fined $500,000 for illegally importing a synthetic greenhouse gas that is thousands of times worse than carbon dioxide in its contribution to global warming.

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Categories: Around The Web

Carbon Club: The backroom lobbyists and corporate titans who helped kill climate action

Tue, 2020-10-27 14:06

Marian Wilkinson weaves a narrative through decades of political ineptitude and cynicism, and the role of activists funded by the fossil fuel industry in stopping climate policy.

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Categories: Around The Web

Why the best solar tariffs are not always best option for solar households

Tue, 2020-10-27 13:36

Queensland Competition Authority urges solar households to compare electricity retailers, saying the best feed-in tariffs may not lead to the lowest bills.

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Categories: Around The Web

BHP turns to renewables for nickel mine that may supply Tesla, starting with solar and battery

Tue, 2020-10-27 12:46

BHP to integrate renewables into nickel mine that may supply Tesla batteries, including an 18.5MW solar and battery system.

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Categories: Around The Web

Cannon-Brookes backs UNSW solar cell start-up, founded in a Maroubra garage

Tue, 2020-10-27 11:55

High profile Australian investors tip $5m into Sydney start-up SunDrive, in support of its quest to make a new breed of cheaper, more efficient solar cells.

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Categories: Around The Web

Tesla Model 3 takes out Targa West rally, beating fossil fuel rivals by huge margin

Tue, 2020-10-27 11:42

targa model 3 winTesla Model 3 takes first position in 130 class of Targa West rally, almost 10 minutes ahead of a lineup of fossil-fuelled competitors.

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Categories: Around The Web

Community battery storage will help “dumb” networks catch up with energy transition

Tue, 2020-10-27 10:08

community battery storageCommunity battery storage could make Australia's networks smarter and cheaper, and bring their technology into the same century as the clean energy transition.

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Categories: Around The Web

EU says home electrification, clean transport, and energy justice key to higher targets

Tue, 2020-10-27 09:31

EU says electrification of homes, options for decarbonising transport and "energy justice" they key to meet its more ambitious emissions reduction targets.

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Categories: Around The Web

Australia’s carbon customers ramp up escape plans, but Morrison isn’t listening

Tue, 2020-10-27 07:07

Japan joins China in announcing a net zero emissions target. This is a big deal for Australia, which depends on fossil fuel exports, but its political leaders are not listening.

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Categories: Around The Web

Why AEMO wants the power to cut off your rooftop solar

Mon, 2020-10-26 14:50

rooftop solarAEMO defends and explains its decision to impose new controls over rooftop solar PV, including having the power to switch off household solar when needed.

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Categories: Around The Web

Clean energy investors slam AEMC’s proposed network access reforms

Mon, 2020-10-26 14:43

lincoln gap wind farmClean energy investors slam rule-maker's "perverse" changes to network access, saying they will result in delays, cancelled projects and higher costs.

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