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Updated: 1 hour 21 min ago

Energy Insiders Podcast: Coalition’s fake news on climate and energy.

Wed, 2019-03-06 16:38

Federal Energy Minister Angus TaylorClimate Council’s Greg Bourne on why scientists and researchers are so outraged by Coalition givernment’s fake claims on emissions.

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Categories: Around The Web

Desperately seeking PPAs: 7GW of solar, wind queue up for corporate deals

Wed, 2019-03-06 14:22

An independent online platform designed to connect corporate energy buyers with renewable energy developers has attracted more than 7,000MW of large scale wind and solar projects.

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Categories: Around The Web

Victoria leads again as rooftop solar installations set another monthly record

Wed, 2019-03-06 12:16

rooftop solar, SydneyVictoria has retained its spot as the biggest market for rooftop solar in February, as the country-wide installation of rooftop solar set another monthly record in February. Data compiled by industry statistician Sunwiz shows that 164MW was installed in February, a record for the month and the third best month ever. The installation rate for...

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Categories: Around The Web

Nissan reveals price for boosted range Leaf, takes on Tesla

Wed, 2019-03-06 10:03

Nissan announces US pricing for Leaf Plus with boosted range and 62kWh battery.

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Categories: Around The Web

Tesla to unveil Model Y electric SUV next week, says Musk

Wed, 2019-03-06 09:58

Elon Musk to unveil Tesla's fourth electric vehicle model - the Model Y SUV - next week.

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Categories: Around The Web

Time to clean up our climate act – KonMari style

Wed, 2019-03-06 09:49

Does it spark joy? Japanese Queen of Clean Marie Kondo could teach the federal government a thing or two about building an effective – and vote-winning – climate policy.

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Categories: Around The Web

UK shows how climate action done, with cuts to emissions for six years in a row

Tue, 2019-03-05 13:55

Carbon Brief analysis shows UK CO2 emissions fell for the sixth consecutive year in 2018, the longest series of continuous reductions on record. Meanwhile, in Australia...

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Categories: Around The Web

Victoria announces planning rule change to smooth way for renewables boom

Tue, 2019-03-05 13:45

Victoria government changes state planning rules for grid connections for large-scale solar and wind energy development.

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Categories: Around The Web

Did Morrison and Taylor listen when Snowy belled the cat on coal costs?

Tue, 2019-03-05 13:26

SCOTT MORRISON SNOWY HYDROAt press briefing to announce $1.4bn of taxpayer funds into Snowy Hydro, the CEO made it clear wind and solar were far cheaper than even existing coal power. Was the government listening?

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Categories: Around The Web

South Africa celebrates opening of another solar plus storage plant

Tue, 2019-03-05 11:05

ENGIE announced early February the completion and commercial operation of one of South Africa’s largest renewable energy projects, the 100 MW Kathu Solar Park.

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Categories: Around The Web

Record renewable energy share of 56.5% for German system operator 50Hertz

Tue, 2019-03-05 11:01

Germany windGerman grid operator 50Hertz says 56.5% of the electricity consumed in 2018 across its grid area was supplied by renewable energy sources.

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Categories: Around The Web

Why does the AFR print such utter garbage about battery storage?

Tue, 2019-03-05 09:27

The AFR is not done with battery storage. On Monday, it publishes opinion piece so ridiculous and so misinformed it beggars belief.

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Categories: Around The Web

What will a Tesla Model 3 EV cost in Australia? Find out here

Mon, 2019-03-04 21:15

Wondering how much the Model 3 will cost for Australian buyers? This handy calculator might help.

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Categories: Around The Web

Scientists slap down Australia government over fake climate claims

Mon, 2019-03-04 14:58

Federal Energy Minister Angus TaylorGroup of 28 climate scientists, academics and energy industry veterans release a joint statement fact checking the federal government's "unbelievably misleading" claims on climate and emissions.

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Categories: Around The Web

Alinta, Snowy, Engie, EnergyAustralia fail to meet renewable energy target

Mon, 2019-03-04 14:21

Regulator confirms leading energy retailers did not bother to meet renewable energy target in 2018, and will make huge profits playing the market over the next three years.

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Categories: Around The Web

Renewable hydrogen could help solve Australia’s lack of fuel reserves

Mon, 2019-03-04 13:18

In the event of a total oil supply chain disruption, Australia’s economy could come to a sputtering halt in just over three weeks. So could renewable hydrogen be the answer?

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Categories: Around The Web

Renewable Energy Market Report – sharp declines in large scale certificates

Mon, 2019-03-04 11:54

Recent months saw a sharp decline in LGC prices with shortfall penalty strategies and surplus impacts much discussed. Meanwhile, STC supply continued to grow.

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Categories: Around The Web

South Australia’s second biggest solar farm begins production

Mon, 2019-03-04 11:50

South Australia's 108MW Tailem Bend solar farm has started sending electricity to the grid, kicking off operations for the state's second big solar project.

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Categories: Around The Web

Australian wind turbine listening device prepares for commercial launch

Mon, 2019-03-04 11:48

Final trials of listening devices that monitor the health of wind turbines will take place in coming months ahead of a commercial launch mid year.

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Categories: Around The Web

AGL gets ready for duck curve and high renewables with new gas plant

Mon, 2019-03-04 11:00

AGL takes delivery of first "fast-start" gas generators as it prepares for high renewables share, 5-minute trading and bigger duck curves.

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Categories: Around The Web
