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Updated: 28 min 20 sec ago

Flexible printed solar cells – a new manufacturing frontier?

Wed, 2018-09-19 08:04

University of Newcastle's work on organic solar cells heralds a new industrial revolution, with flexible coatings that can be printed on plastic film or sheets in great quantity at low cost.

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Categories: Around The Web

Clean Energy Regulator counts 9GW in big solar and wind pipeline

Tue, 2018-09-18 14:56

solar farmLatest CER data shows combined capacity of large-scale wind and solar energy projects in development pipeline now nudging 9GW.

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Categories: Around The Web

Sydney takes global climate fight to the next level

Tue, 2018-09-18 11:52

Lord Mayor Clover Moore announced Sydney has joined forces with more than 100 City leaders from around the world committing to strong action on climate change as part of the Global Climate Action Summit.

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Categories: Around The Web

Clean energy industry scholarship to help build next generation of board directors

Tue, 2018-09-18 11:49

The Clean Energy Council has opened applications for the fourth annual Women in Renewables Scholarship, a program which aims to strengthen gender diversity at the leadership level across the industry. 

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Categories: Around The Web

Local Government Super is the sole Australian signatory on the Green Bond Pledge

Tue, 2018-09-18 11:36

The Green Bond Pledge is an international declaration that all bonds financing long-term infrastructure and capital projects need to address environmental impacts and climate risk

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Categories: Around The Web

Simec Atlantis reveals world’s largest tidal turbine

Tue, 2018-09-18 11:20

Simec Atlantis- the Australian ocean energy company now part of Sanjeev Gupta's business empire - says new tidal power turbine will be largest of its type in the world.

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Categories: Around The Web

Coal and hydro generators struggle after lightning strikes twice on network

Tue, 2018-09-18 11:11

Two big coal and hydro plants did not cope well with the events caused by lightning strikes last month, but market operator pleased with South Australia emergency control plan that includes the Tesla big battery.

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Categories: Around The Web

Solar becomes biggest contributor to South Australia grid in middle of day

Tue, 2018-09-18 11:01

Solar becomes biggest contributor to South Australia grid in middle of the day, signalling the next phase of the state's transition to 100 per cent renewables.

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Categories: Around The Web

Incumbents fail – so are we wasting our time on sustainability?

Tue, 2018-09-18 10:10

The scale and speed of change needed on sustainability means many and perhaps most of today’s major old companies simply won’t get there. So, are we wasting our time?

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Categories: Around The Web

SolarReserve signs manufacturing MOU for solar tower project, but financing delayed

Tue, 2018-09-18 09:23

SolarReserve sings MOU with local outfit Heliostat SA, to manufacture and assemble the heliostat components for the world-leading 150MW solar tower and molten salt storage facility proposed for Port Augusta.

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Categories: Around The Web

In Netherlands, every McDonalds Drive-In will have EV charging stations

Tue, 2018-09-18 09:18

Nuon to provide fast food chain McDonald’s with EV charging stations at all of the franchise’s McDrive locations.

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Categories: Around The Web

BMW’s vision of the future? An electric SUV you may not drive

Tue, 2018-09-18 09:17

BMW chooses the fuselage of a cargo plane in New York to unveil latest vision of the future of cars: an intelligent, autonomous, electric SUV.

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Categories: Around The Web

Japan’s Marubeni deals “body blow” to coal, in pivot to renewables

Mon, 2018-09-17 15:17

Japanese energy giant reveals plans to halve its ownership of coal power by 2030, and withdraw completely from building new coal fired generators.

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Categories: Around The Web

Building new coal, and propping up old, not the answer: S&P

Mon, 2018-09-17 14:51

S&P Global Ratings says government intervention to prop up existing coal power, and underwrite the development of new, would be "credit negative" for the energy sector.

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Categories: Around The Web

Greens call to phase out coal in Victoria, 100% renewables by 2030

Mon, 2018-09-17 14:48

Victorian Greens call for an end to coal fired generation and a transition to 100 per cent renewables by 2030.

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Categories: Around The Web

New solar and wind the “only thing” pushing down power prices

Mon, 2018-09-17 14:10

As Coalition ramps up attack on wind and solar, new report finds new renewable generation coming online the “only thing” currently helping lower electricity prices in Australia.

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Categories: Around The Web

Taylor launches extraordinary and ill-informed attack against wind and solar

Mon, 2018-09-17 14:07

Energy minister Angus Taylor says high levels of renewables cause "de-industrialisation" and will wreck the economy.

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Categories: Around The Web

Energy Insiders Podcast: EVs, transport emissions and the overwhelming case for renewables

Mon, 2018-09-17 13:45

Interview with Greg Bourne on Climate Council’s report on transport emissions, and Deloitte’s John O’Brien on the overwhelming case for renewables

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Categories: Around The Web

The switch is on: Consumers are turning away from gas

Mon, 2018-09-17 12:30

Gas demand is falling as consumers turn away from expensive gas and find cheaper and cleaner renewable options in their homes and businesses.

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Categories: Around The Web

Why your pool pump and solar hot water system could be market operator’s best friend

Mon, 2018-09-17 11:13

Virtual power plants will change the energy landscape - but they are not just about rooftop solar and battery storage.

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Categories: Around The Web
