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Updated: 2 hours 17 min ago

Spain nears 50% renewables for first half 2018, led by wind power

Fri, 2018-07-13 13:02
Wind, hydro and solar combined to supply 45.8% of Spain's electricity demand in first six months of 2018.
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Next Kraftwerke adds battery to Virtual Power Plant to deliver control reserve in Belgium

Fri, 2018-07-13 11:09
Next Kraftwerke has teamed up with sustainable energy company Eneco Belgium and battery supplier Alfen to integrate a 2-megawatt battery to its Virtual Power Plant Next Pool.
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Rapid rise of UK electric vehicles sees National Grid double its 2040 forecast

Fri, 2018-07-13 11:07
National Grid says rapid rise of EVs will help the UK shift towards more renewable and low-carbon electricity generation.
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Australia ranked worst in world on climate action

Fri, 2018-07-13 11:05
Australia’s exported greenhouse emissions are higher per person than even Saudi Arabia’s.
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Australia’s regulators still can’t imagine a clean energy future

Thu, 2018-07-12 14:50
This has been the story of Australia's energy market for more than a decade. Almost every report done by a statutory authority has refused to contemplate what a decarbonised grid might look like. Sims falls into the same trap.
Categories: Around The Web

Three revolutions and the future of cars: An interview with Dr. Dan Sperling

Thu, 2018-07-12 14:45
Abby Figueroa sat down with Dr. Sperling to discuss the future of transportation and his book Three Revolutions: Steering Automated, Shared, and Electric Vehicles to a Better Future.
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If we cherry-pick data, use discredited projections, and ignore CO2 … then EVs are bad!

Thu, 2018-07-12 14:34
Another report that ignores the positive carbon benefits of EVs; misrepresents EV infrastructure investments; and fails to provide adequate context to compare EV subsidies, costs, and impacts. We set the facts straight.
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Is Rod Sims having a lend of us ?

Thu, 2018-07-12 14:30
The ACCC has done a good job shedding light on some of the darker places of the electricity industry. But the recommendations range from unrealistic to downright dangerous. And some run across policy work of the ESB.
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Electric Mini in works as BMW signs China EV factory deal

Thu, 2018-07-12 14:14
BMW Group seals deal with China’s Great Wall Group to build state-of-the art EV factory in Jiangsu Province.
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Redflow ships “biggest” battery order for Fiji digital TV roll-out

Thu, 2018-07-12 13:37
Australian energy storage company ships largest-ever order of zinc-bromine flow batteries, to provide energy storage for Fiji’s new digital television network.
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Two new big solar farms to begin construction in NSW “in coming weeks”

Thu, 2018-07-12 11:54
Developers confirm works set to begin on first of two new solar farms in NSW, totalling more than 460MW of large-scale PV capacity.
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Tasmania’s Granville Harbour wind farm reaches financial close

Thu, 2018-07-12 11:10
A 112MW wind farm that will deliver a one-third increase to Tasmania’s wind power capacity has reached financial close, after an investment from the CEFC.
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Qld breakthrough could make EV batteries cheaper, cleaner

Wed, 2018-07-11 15:29
A University of Queensland process for extracting and transforming metals needed for EV batteries could cut their carbon footprint – and manufacturing costs.
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DP Energy gets OK to build 1.1GW wind, solar and storage in SA

Wed, 2018-07-11 15:21
DP Energy wins approval for Stage 2 of 1.1GW hybrid renewables park, which will offer most services of traditional fossil fuel power stations.
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Tesla inks China giga-factory deal, targets 500,000 EVs a year

Wed, 2018-07-11 14:33
Tesla signs MOU to build EV plant in Shanghai, which will be producing 500,000 cars a year within five years' time.
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Massive surge in rooftop solar would bring end to Australia’s coal era

Wed, 2018-07-11 14:20
The biggest threat to Australia's legacy coal fired generators is not the explosion of wind and solar farms, or even the settings of the country's emissions policy: Right now, it's the continued boom in rooftop solar.
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Boost for Victoria’s renewable energy powerhouse

Wed, 2018-07-11 14:04
The Andrews Labor Government will provide $500,000 to help transition one of Victoria’s strongest renewableenergy regions towards a thriving low-carbon economy.
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ACCC wants federal rooftop solar subsidy abolished by 2021

Wed, 2018-07-11 14:03
ACCC calls for federal solar subsidy to be scrapped by 2021, in report that documents how consumers have been screwed by networks, generators and retailers. Its response: Kill rooftop solar, and get government to underwrite new projects that could include gas and coal.
Categories: Around The Web

Australia could be at 86% wind and solar by 2050 – on economics only

Tue, 2018-07-10 15:23
Australia will likely source 86% of its electricity from wind and solar by 2050, based on economics only, and regardless of climate policy. It could get there a lot quicker with emissions targets, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance.
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Networks cry foul as AER cracks down on poles and wire returns

Tue, 2018-07-10 15:14
Networks say Regulator draft decision will result in largest single cut to the amount the sector can recover on its investments. Consumer group says it could have been bigger.
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