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Updated: 2 hours 29 min ago

AGL seeking big wind project proposals to help replace Liddell

Tue, 2018-02-13 14:30
AGL seeks another 500MW of wind capacity as it gears up to replace Liddell coal plant with mix of renewables, storage and gas.
Categories: Around The Web

Former Queensland Coalition MP pushing coal propaganda

Tue, 2018-02-13 14:20
A website and Facebook page called "Energy in Australia" has emerged over recent months. If you ever wanted an example of "fake news" loaded with myths masquerading as facts, here it is.
Categories: Around The Web

Energy divide: Frontier attacks AEMO, wants it abolished

Tue, 2018-02-13 12:05
Schism among Australia's energy elite deepens as Frontier's Danny Price attacks AEMO, saying it is a "danger" to investors and should be abolished.
Categories: Around The Web

JA Solar supplies mono PERC modules for 250MW solar project in Israel

Tue, 2018-02-13 11:51
Upon completion, the power station, which will reduce contamination levels and promote local renewable energy development profoundly, will be the largest of its kind in Israeland the 5th largest in the world .
Categories: Around The Web

CEFC backed green loan scheme hopes to boost EV uptake

Tue, 2018-02-13 11:10
New green loan scheme backed by Clean Energy Finance Corporation to offer cheaper finance to buy and lease low and zero emissions vehicles.
Categories: Around The Web

Tesla charged with diesel generator still cleaner than conventional car

Tue, 2018-02-13 09:12
Critics argue EVs charged with fossil fuelled electricity are as dirty, if not dirtier than conventional ICE cars. We put that to the test.
Categories: Around The Web

S.A. to host Australia’s first green hydrogen power plant

Mon, 2018-02-12 14:34
South Australia government to help fund Australia's first renewable-powered hydrogen electrolyser plant – a 15MW facility to be built at Port Lincoln, along with a 10MW hydrogen-fired gas turbine, fuelled wind and solar, and a 5MW hydrogen fuel cell.
Categories: Around The Web

Which retailers will (and won’t) meet their 2017 LGC liability?

Mon, 2018-02-12 14:17
With a Wednesday deadline, things are getting tight for power companies to purchase and surrender enough LGCs to meet their liability. Has ERM got its act together?
Categories: Around The Web

Departing Swan takes aim at Coalition “right wing thugs” over carbon price

Mon, 2018-02-12 14:05
Retiring Labor stalwart Wayne Swan cites losing carbon price debate to "vicious" Abbott-led scare campaign as major regret.
Categories: Around The Web

“State’s biggest” solar + battery storage microgid to power SA Produce Markets

Mon, 2018-02-12 14:04
A $10.5m microgid combining 2.5MW solar PV, 4.2MWh of Tesla battery packs, 2.5MW diesel generator will power SA wholesale fruit and vege market, save stall holders $500k a year.
Categories: Around The Web

Know your NEM: All eyes on bond rate and utility earnings

Mon, 2018-02-12 13:00
All eyes on bond rates and the results from the country's biggest utilities, including AGL.
Categories: Around The Web

Who’s afraid of electric vehicles? Busting the Kelly myths

Mon, 2018-02-12 12:54
Who knows what EV nightmare Craig Kelly had over Christmas, but clearly it spooked him. Let's compare his claims with real word facts.
Categories: Around The Web

Water does best in down month for cleantech stocks

Mon, 2018-02-12 12:31
Australian CleanTech Index slightly underperformed the wider market in January.
Categories: Around The Web

Extreme weather, disappearing coal supply: another day on the NEM

Mon, 2018-02-12 12:29
Supplies cut by storms in Queensland and faulty sub-station in Victoria, while market operator warns of 1400MW of lost generation due to "coal supply" issues.
Categories: Around The Web

Carnegie to build W.A.’s largest micro-grid at Kalbarri

Mon, 2018-02-12 12:05
Carnegie wins WA contract to build state's largest microgrid, ensuring renewables and batteries can lift reliability of supply for Kalbarri.
Categories: Around The Web

Carnegie proposes 100MW solar, 20MWh battery near Kalgoorlie

Mon, 2018-02-12 11:21
Carnegie Clean Energy proposes 100MW solar farm and 20MWh battery storage to supply mines in Kalgoorlie area, and possibly lithium processing plants as the storage market for electric vehicles and battery storage takes off.
Categories: Around The Web

Bolivar identified as permanent location for publicly-owned power plant

Mon, 2018-02-12 10:35
The State Government has identified Bolivar as the permanent location for South Australia’s publicly-owned power plant, which is set to be operational at the site from summer 2019-20.
Categories: Around The Web

Dispatchable wind and solar: They’ll be the death of coal and gas

Fri, 2018-02-09 13:38
It's been a year since the last South Australia blackout and when the Coalition brandished a lump of coal in parliament. And the progress since then has been remarkable – on the cost front, on storage, and the emergence of dispatchable renewables.
Categories: Around The Web

Adani coal plans take another hit, as Aurizon withdraws loan request

Fri, 2018-02-09 13:09
Aurizon withdraws application for NAIF funding to build Gallilee rail line, in fresh vote of no confidence in the Adani-led mega coal project.
Categories: Around The Web

CEFC invests $25m in Australia’s first residential housing green bond

Fri, 2018-02-09 12:45
The CEFC has made a $25 million cornerstone investment in the first ever green tranche of an Australian residential mortgage backed bond.
Categories: Around The Web
