Moorabool wind farm connection agreement finalised
Goldwind Australia and Australian Energy Operations have signed the connection agreement for construction of connection assets for the 321 MW Moorabool Wind Farm in Victoria.
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Plunkett Homes and Bradford Energy partner to build better homes with Tesla technology
New homeowners set to save up to $2,000 a year in electricity costs with Tesla Powerwall, as Western Australia electricity prices tipped to rise again.
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RCR awarded $60M Greenough River solar farm 30MWac expansion project
RCR’s scope of works for the project includes engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning of the expanded Solar Farm, with an immediate project start and targeted completion in Q2, 2019.
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Victoria’s brown coal power plants undermining reliability of national grid
Over summer there were 16 major breakdowns at Victoria’s three brown coal plants, which saw hundreds of megawatts of capacity withdrawn from the grid almost instantly.
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Tesla big battery is changing the way people think about the grid
Tesla big battery is causing a rethink about the way the grid is managed. It will already become a front-line defence in a new mechanism designed to prevent black-outs and load-shedding in the event of a major fault.
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Low-income and disadvantaged households should be priority for clean energy
“Energy poverty” is not unique to developing countries. In Australia, it affects three million. But it's a problem clean energy can easily solve.
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Portugal reaches 100% renewables, ends fossil fuel subsidies
Portugal grid averages 103% renewable electricity over month of March; government suspends power supply subsidies in April.
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Solar, wind and batteries are killing market for new gas plants
New report from Bloomberg New Energy Finance highlights how wind and solar technologies paired with battery storage are already beating new coal and gas fired generators on cost.
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Solar PV and wind on track to replace all coal, oil and gas within two decades
Solar PV and wind power are rapidly getting cheaper and more abundant – so much so that they are on track to entirely supplant fossil fuels worldwide within two decades.
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Global solar capacity grew faster than fossil fuels in 2017, says report
For the first time in 2017, global solar capacity grew faster than all fossil fuels combined, including coal, oil and gas-fired power stations.
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It’s time to shake up the grid
Australia's National Energy Market needs a massive shake-up to evolve to a smarter, more stable distributed renewables-based system. And not every participant will make it out alive.
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Consumers are sick of Coalition’s coal fantasy: They are going solar
Malcolm Turnbull may have done more for renewable energy than he is given credit for. The political and policy deadlock is creating unprecedented demand for rooftop solar, destroying the business model for coal faster than the Coalition can think of ways to prop it up.
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ANU announces new leader of battery storage program
has announced the appointment of Dr Lachlan Blackhall to lead an international research program to improve ways to integrate battery storage with the electricity grid.
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Three-wheeling towards a poor energy policy outcome
Defending NEG on basis that something must be better than nothing is like trying to build a car and settling on just three wheels and no steering.
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“Wheelmageddon” – the rise and stall of shared electric scooters
The latest trend in California's Silicon Valley - shared electric scooters.
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German car owners report on EV emissions is garbage
Based on some 5 year old data and some contrived fossil-fuel-friendly assumptions, German car owners association ADAC has concluded that EVs are not always climate-friendly.
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Faster and smarter: Grid operator hails performance of Tesla big battery
Grid operator says Tesla big battery is faster and smarter than conventional turbines - and is also reducing prices.
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New target equates to 1140MW of rooftop solar PV in 2018
New target equates to an effective level of rooftop solar PV installations of 1140MW in 2018 plus approximately 67,000 solar hot water systems.
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ACT says won’t be bullied into accepting “any old” NEG
ACT says it won't be bullied on the NEG by Coalition. “We need to get a good outcome, not just any old outcome," it says - just as the Coalition's hard right warns against any slippage in the NEG's proposed stifling of renewables.
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Launch of online solar power calculator for homes and businesses
SunSPoT, a new online platform that can be used to calculate the solar power potential of any rooftop – home, business, factory or school – to be launched today in Sydney at UNSW.
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