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Updated: 1 hour 27 min ago

Graph of the Day: What we need, what we’re getting

Thu, 2017-10-19 14:21
How Turnbull's National Energy Target will be worse for the renewable energy sector than no policy at all.
Categories: Around The Web

BYD hones focus on Australia home battery market

Thu, 2017-10-19 13:54
Chinese battery and EV giant is ramping up its presence in Australia’s home energy storage market with its modular B-Box battery offering.
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The NEG will reduce competition, and that’s not good for prices

Thu, 2017-10-19 13:50
It seems like the government’s plan may reduce competition, and that is never good for price in the long run. One of the many advantages of state run reverse auctions is they introduce new suppliers and new players into the system.
Categories: Around The Web

Coalition energy target may require a “go slow” on rooftop solar

Thu, 2017-10-19 13:47
Energy Security Board forecasts suggest a sharp slow down in rooftop solar deployments to meet its modest renewable energy share. It comes as concerns grow about ESB process and the alacrity with which the normally snail-paced AEMC has moved to confer great powers upon itself.
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Construction of Kennedy Energy Park underway, as CEFC tips in another $94m

Thu, 2017-10-19 13:42
Work to begin on first 60MW of 1200MW Kennedy Energy Park, after the wind, solar, and battery storage project in north Queensland received another $94m from the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, and an $18m grant from ARENA.
Categories: Around The Web

Coalition’s energy policy hinges on tricky wordplay about coal’s role

Thu, 2017-10-19 10:27
The new policy could end up feeding demand for coal.
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JinkoSolar p-type multi-crystalline silicon solar cells achieve new world record in conversion efficiency again

Thu, 2017-10-19 09:39
JinkoSolar Holding Co today announced that its practical sized P-type multi-crystalline silicon solar cells reached the world’s highest conversion efficiency of 22.04%
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Lights Out! The dark side of demand management

Thu, 2017-10-19 07:52
Self serving and misleading comments from CEO of one of the country's iconic energy businesses need to be held up as a shining example of how recent energy summit forgot about one key person: the customer.
Categories: Around The Web

Why Turnbull’s plan could be disaster for renewables, climate, prices

Wed, 2017-10-18 14:45
NEG appears to be the most ill-considered, poorly detailed and potentially useless policy that anyone can remember, and a disaster for renewable energy, climate targets and consumer prices. It appears to be the work of Australia's so-called "energy mafia", hungry to retain power of incumbent oligopoly.
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It’s the end, not the means, that counts

Wed, 2017-10-18 14:30
Amongst all the sound and fury regarding the Government’s energy plan there is a central question going unanswered - what is the level of emissions reduction being proposed by the Government? And at what cost?
Categories: Around The Web

The no-name policy with little chance of reducing power prices

Wed, 2017-10-18 14:18
The runway to strong emission reductions at an affordable price is at risk of being thrown away under the Coaliton's new policy, which could require retailers to buy the output from its own expensive Snowy Hydro project. The energy mafia would approve.
Categories: Around The Web

States gobsmacked by lack of detail, research in Turnbull’s NEG

Wed, 2017-10-18 13:46
States stunned by lack of detail in new energy policy. In a testy phone hook-up they were told all the government had was a press release and an eight-page letter.
Categories: Around The Web

Origin backs NEG, even though it fails to match climate target

Wed, 2017-10-18 13:28
Origin Energy's newly released decarbonisation plan shows the gen-tailer is taking climate change rather more seriously than the Coalition.
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On Turnbull’s electricity trilemma, are we being negged?

Wed, 2017-10-18 13:05
The Australian public has been ‘negged’ by unfounded fears of blackouts. Will we be 'negged' again by the proposed new energy policy?
Categories: Around The Web

China set to add 50GW new solar PV in 2017

Wed, 2017-10-18 11:20
China has installed 42GW of new solar PV in 2017 so far, putting it on track to reach a record 50GW for the year. Meanwhile, in battery storage...
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The NEG: A carbon price by any other name

Wed, 2017-10-18 10:02
Assuming it is implemented, the Turnbull government's National Energy Guarantee will in effect establish a de facto price on carbon emissions from the power sector.
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Replacing the Clean Energy Target with a dirty one?

Wed, 2017-10-18 07:35
The decision to walk away from a Clean Energy Target makes no sense. But small communities will forge ahead with the transition to renewable energy.
Categories: Around The Web

Abbott 1, Consumer 0. Turnbull’s energy fudge locks in high prices

Tue, 2017-10-17 15:06
If one thing is clear from the Coalition's new energy policy announcement today, it is that Tony Abbott has won, and consumers have lost. Even in the most optimistic scenario presented by the government, energy consumers will see little reduction in their energy bills over the next decade. And that's outrageous.
Categories: Around The Web

Origin teams with UK start-up in SA demand-response trial

Tue, 2017-10-17 11:56
Origin Energy rolls out flexible energy trial in South Australia, allowing commercial and industrial customers to align demand with renewables output.
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Live: Turnbull unveils new energy plan – national energy guarantee

Tue, 2017-10-17 11:11
The Turnbull Coalition government unveils its new energy policy.
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