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Updated: 1 hour 1 min ago

New guide to help business slash energy costs

Fri, 2017-05-26 13:45
The Energy Efficiency Council (EEC) has launched a new guide that will help Australia's manufacturers and commercial building owners take control of their energy costs.
Categories: Around The Web

AEMO receiving 1,000 applications for wind and solar projects a month

Fri, 2017-05-26 13:32
Australian Energy Market Operator says applications for new wind and solar projects up 50-fold in recent months, based on economics, not environment.
Categories: Around The Web

AEMO says major market reform essential to cut energy prices

Fri, 2017-05-26 13:15
AEMO and ARENA again plead for changes to market rules to keep pace with extraordinary change of technology. Australia's over-buit grid is locked in 20th century, with much capacity sitting idle and peaking plants trying to recoup a year's revenue in just a few hours.
Categories: Around The Web

Financial agreements of Sweihan Photovoltaic Independent Power Project in Abu Dhabi were signed

Fri, 2017-05-26 11:48
The agreements closed a US$870 million financing for the Project.
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AGL tests household energy trading using blockchain in Melbourne pilot

Fri, 2017-05-26 11:27
AGL-led, ARENA-backed pilot to test P2P energy trading between households using blockchain technology.
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The French experiment – and the shift from nuclear to renewables

Fri, 2017-05-26 10:53
Macron has appointed his cabinet, but the direction of the country’s energy transition remains unclear. The energy portfolio is now known as "ecology and solidarity".
Categories: Around The Web

More solar and hydro brings California gas use to five-year low

Fri, 2017-05-26 10:50
As renewable energy breaks new output records in California, both the need for and availability of gas in California have declined.
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German battery giant Sonnen teams with Australian solar tile maker to take on Tesla

Fri, 2017-05-26 10:38
German battery maker Sonnen in new partnership with Australian roofing company that is set to launch its own integrated solar tile.
Categories: Around The Web

Australia’s first P2P green loan platform launched with CEFC backing

Fri, 2017-05-26 10:24
Australia’s first peer-to-peer green lending platform launched, with $20m cornerstone investment from Clean Energy Finance Corp.
Categories: Around The Web

Renewable energy investment is booming but there are clouds ahead

Thu, 2017-05-25 15:06
It is now clear there are enough projects ready to go to sail past the 2020 renewable energy target. But just because we can doesn't mean that we will. There are still some major hurdles.
Categories: Around The Web

Biggest threat to utilities is not solar + storage, it’s their own greed

Thu, 2017-05-25 14:43
The plunging cost of solar and storage present a huge threat to the business models of incumbent utilities. But the biggest threat to their future is their own greed, and the invitation to consumers to look at alternatives.
Categories: Around The Web

2017 Actsmart Business Sustainability Award winners announced

Thu, 2017-05-25 14:25
Businesses across the Canberra region were today recognised for their commitment to making a change towards a more sustainable future at the annual Actsmart Business Sustainability Awards.
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Video: Wind, solar cheaper than coal and gas, so let’s get on with it

Thu, 2017-05-25 12:57
ARENA CEO tells federal government Senate Committee that new wind and solar power generation is already, on average, cheaper than existing fossil fuel generation on the NEM.
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Electric cars becoming popular as the grid gets greener

Thu, 2017-05-25 11:38
With the rising number of plug-in models available in the U.S., many at increasingly affordable prices, the climate benefits of electric cars are growing.
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Renewable energy now employs 9.8m people globally

Thu, 2017-05-25 11:36
Report by the International Renewable Energy Agency shows large increase in number of people employed in renewable energy sectors.
Categories: Around The Web

Networks: Bad news for consumers is good news for renewables

Thu, 2017-05-25 10:25
The move to decarbonisation will benefit from the rising price of fossil fueled, grid delivered electricity because higher prices will encourage investment in efficiency and lower consumption ,and incentivise alternatives such as distributed renewables.
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Power markets need a redesign – here’s why

Thu, 2017-05-25 10:18
Is the rise of subsidized clean energy causing power markets to misfire?
Categories: Around The Web

Biomass power plan to bridge gap between farmers and miners

Thu, 2017-05-25 10:17
Remote mining projects in farming areas could soon access baseload electricity from biomass plants powered by straw.
Categories: Around The Web

VRET – the only safe bet for consumers, industry and jobs

Thu, 2017-05-25 08:22
There is no doubt that Victoria's renewable energy target will be good for consumers, industry and jobs. They should start the auctions soon.
Categories: Around The Web

Consumer bills to jump as networks score court victory over regulator

Wed, 2017-05-24 14:34
Australian Energy Regulator loses costly Federal Court battle to control how much NSW network operators can charge for power.
Categories: Around The Web
