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Updated: 1 hour 31 min ago

Will solar powered cars ever be real?

Tue, 2017-08-01 15:02
The Sunswift team has designed and built Eve to be registered as a road legal sports car, representing a shift in solar powered transport from conceptual to commercial vehicle standards.
Categories: Around The Web

How much will a Tesla Model 3 cost in Australia?

Tue, 2017-08-01 15:01
The best way to estimate the prices is to use Tesla’s own configuration prices for the USA/Aus Model S and then scale them for the lower numbers.
Categories: Around The Web

Welfare lobby’s misguided and self-defeating attack on solar

Tue, 2017-08-01 14:35
Welfare lobby is right to rail against Australia’s ridiculous electricity prices, but echoing fossil fuel talking points against solar and other new technologies is self defeating.
Categories: Around The Web

Australia solar market heads for 12GW by 2020

Tue, 2017-08-01 12:50
Australia's installed solar PV capacity set to double in three years, according to latest APVI data, as the big solar market gears back up.
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GE wins South Australia tender for back-up generators

Tue, 2017-08-01 12:49
GE wins tender for back-up generator, and will install mobile units using diesel this summer, before turning them into longer-term gas-fired units.
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Koch front group is putting out misleading attack ads on electric vehicles

Tue, 2017-08-01 11:20
Petrochemical billionaires Charles and David Koch, who have underwritten attacks on climate science, have launched a series of videos attacking electric vehicles.
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Study finds storage prices falling faster than PV and wind technologies

Tue, 2017-08-01 11:18
Energy storage projects may bring the cost per kWh of a lithium-ion battery down from $10,000/kWh in the early 1990’s to $100/kWh in 2019, according to a new study.
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Soaring power prices caused by “decade of policy instability”

Mon, 2017-07-31 14:24
Report says fundamental failure to deliver national, coordinated, stable energy and climate policy a major factor in pushing up electricity prices.
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Innovation: Wind, solar grid integration technologies win state, federal govt grants

Mon, 2017-07-31 14:19
Two Australian-made renewables grid integration and stabilisation technologies have won government grants: Clean Technology Partners' e-cube; and NOJA Power's smart "switchgear."
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Wind output curtailed again in South Australia

Mon, 2017-07-31 14:05
Wind output in South Australia was heavily constrained again over the weekend because not enough gas generators were online.
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Tesla has its “iPhone moment”, but Australia left in slow lane for EVs

Mon, 2017-07-31 14:04
Australia is in danger of missing the iPhone moment in electric vehicles. The country known as land of burning climate and energy policies has left a market hungry for EVs without any affordable products.
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Know your NEM: Showdown looms on CET

Mon, 2017-07-31 13:45
A lot of wind and solar projects are getting approved, but no so many with PPAs and finance. Meanwhile, as the company reporting season starts, a showdown looms over energy policy and the CET.
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Politically charged: do you know where your batteries come from?

Mon, 2017-07-31 11:00
People are excited about batteries are forgetting one important issue: the raw materials needed to build this technology – where they come from and their environmental cost.
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Largest wind farm in US is growing in Oklahoma. It’s a sign of the times

Mon, 2017-07-31 10:59
$4.5 billion project by American Electric Power (AEP) and wind developer Invenergy, will be largest in US and help key states wean off coal.
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Elon Musk unveils specs on new Tesla Model 3 electric vehicle

Sat, 2017-07-29 14:39
Tesla delivers first of its mass-market electric vehicles, the Model 3. The top range car will have a range of 500kms, while the standard version will have a range of 350kms. Australia will have to wait until 2019.
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NSW govt approves 275MW of new solar farms for state

Fri, 2017-07-28 14:49
Four more large-scale solar projects totalling 275MW approved for development in central and northern NSW.
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Just how quickly can Tesla kill the petrol car?

Fri, 2017-07-28 14:48
Elon Musk to had over first 30 Tesla Model 3s and reveal what's inside first mass market EV. Along with new government mandates, the event flags another stage in demise of the petrol car. Except perhaps in Australia, whose government is developing an Amish-style suspicion of new technology.
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Environment Ministers to consider national battery recycling scheme

Fri, 2017-07-28 14:39
Australia's Environment Ministers resolved today to consider new laws to require battery manufacturers to collect and recycle used batteries.
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China heading for 230GW of solar by 2020

Fri, 2017-07-28 14:37
New annual targets released by China on Friday suggest a total installed capacity of around 230GW by 2020, triple the total at the end of 2016.
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Graph of the Day: Tesla battery popular on both sides of politics

Fri, 2017-07-28 14:19
Scott Morrison compares Tesla's big battery to the Big Banana and the Big Prawn, but polls shows even Coalition voters think that it is a good idea.
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