Know your NEM: Looking to the future of energy prices
Futures market indicate steady fall in wholesale electricity prices as new renewable generation comes online.
Categories: Around The Web
Coalition attempts to rewrite history on support for wind, solar and RET
The Coalition is again feigning selective amnesia about the country's climate and clean energy policies, and the party's key role in delivering rising prices and a weakening, less stable electricity system. History tells another story.
Categories: Around The Web
Getting climate risk on the company board agenda
When it comes to mitigating the impacts of climate change, shareholder activism is not the only thing keeping company leaders awake at night.
Categories: Around The Web
Vegan football club reaches the big time in England
Forest Green Rovers, a "vegan club that aims to be the world's first "sustainable" football club, finally reaches the big time.
Categories: Around The Web
Kidston solar project takes first delivery of modules
Genex is pleased to provide shareholders with this latest update regarding the construction program for the Company’s Phase One 50MW Kidston Solar Project.
Categories: Around The Web
Fact check: Is Australian coal really cleaner than Indian coal? And does it even matter?
If India uses coal from Adani's Carmichael coal mine in Australia, how much less CO2 will be emitted? And is this even relevant in a market that is shifting so rapidly to renewables?
Categories: Around The Web
Gas turbines vs batteries: S.A. wrestles with inertia and future of energy
South Australia is being accused of raising the drawbridge against synthetic inertia and battery storage too quickly, possibly because gas generators put the fear of god, and more blackouts, into them. The debate over renewable energy penetration is repeating itself.
Categories: Around The Web
Gas could be the most expensive, least reliable path to grid stability
Why a system with a large proportion of gas turbines is possibly more vulnerable to short term instability than a modern renewable based system with storage.
Categories: Around The Web
Misrepresenting German renewables: NYT does climate denial 101
New NYT columnist Bret Stephens is in good company in misunderstanding German energy policy and outcomes. Here's where he goes wrong.
Categories: Around The Web
Why pick on banks when monopoly electricity networks make 10 time more profit?
Australia’s monopoly electricity networks are the most profitable businesses in Australia – by far - and earn 10 times the returns of the banking sector.
Categories: Around The Web
Australian stock market resembles carbon bomb waiting to explode
S&P/ASX All Australian 50 found to have world's highest level of embedded fossil fuel emissions and greatest percentage of coal-derived revenues.
Categories: Around The Web
The temperature spiral that went viral – one year on
The first few months of 2017 have been added the temperature spiral to celebrate the graph's one year birthday.
Categories: Around The Web
2017 budget axes research to help Australia adapt to climate change
2017 federal budget axes funding for agency that provides information to decision-makers on how to manage risks of climate change and sea level rise.
Categories: Around The Web
Infigen restructures management team
Infigen today announced several key changes to the Infigen management team to support the company’s growth strategy.
Categories: Around The Web
South Australia energy security target may exclude battery storage
South Australia rules out "synthetic inertia" - and therefor battery storage - in its energy security target, in a move that could have huge implications for the owners and developers of current and upcoming wind and solar projects in the state.
Categories: Around The Web
Stephen Mikkelsen to step down from AGL
Executive General Manager, Energy Markets, Stephen Mikkelsen, would be leaving his role at AGL after 11 years of service both in his current role and, formerly, as Chief Financial Officer.
Categories: Around The Web
South Korea’s new president likely to curb thermal coal imports
South Korea is Australia's second biggest customer for thermal coal, but election of Moon Jae-In as president raises doubts about future of coal generation in that country.
Categories: Around The Web
AusNet trial successfully takes part of Melbourne suburb off-grid
Eight homes successfully separated from main electricity grid and operated as stand-alone solar and battery storage powered mini-grid, in Melbourne trial.
Categories: Around The Web
California grid operator prepares for August eclipse
California's high solar penetration means the stakes are high with this summer’s eclipse. Fortunately, Europe has already been down this road.
Categories: Around The Web
Tesla’s ‘solar roof’ open for orders – and down payments – in Australia
Tesla opens orders for its much-hyped solar roof, with installations of two varieties of its PV tiles to begin installations in the US mid-year and in Australia in 2018.
Categories: Around The Web