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Updated: 41 min 30 sec ago

No new coal fired power plants for India

Tue, 2016-12-20 10:51
India’s new draft National Electricity Plan concludes India does not require any new coal-fired power stations and its energy minister says it must look beyond fossil fuels.
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The madness behind a Chief Scientist report on energy

Mon, 2016-12-19 13:06
You couldn’t dream up the crazy set of events that have driven fears that South Australia is a sign of the threats to come to power supply reliability.
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Know your NEM: Energy regulators need to look forward, not back

Mon, 2016-12-19 12:59
The AEMC really needs to get its act together in terms of more forward looking in terms of its approach to modelling.
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Some analysts kid themselves about future of solar + storage

Mon, 2016-12-19 12:55
We've read and reported on some remarkably misinformed analysis in recent weeks, including from country's principal energy rule maker and government's favourite energy consultant. But this one on solar and battery storage just about takes the biscuit.
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East Antarctica is melting from above and below

Mon, 2016-12-19 12:03
Two new studies of different ice shelves have seen major melting that could portend a less stable future for the region.
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N.T. appoints wind, solar experts to 50% renewables panel

Mon, 2016-12-19 12:02
Northern Territory appoints leading lights in wind and solar to panel devising strategy for its 50 per cent renewable energy target.
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Coal closures: Will utility margins rise where the sun don’t shine?

Mon, 2016-12-19 11:42
JP Morgan say that with rapid coal generation closure, AGL may be worth more than the market currently thinks. But maybe not.
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Carnegie, Lendlease join forces to target “massive” microgrid market

Mon, 2016-12-19 10:49
Carnegie Clean Energy's EMC and Lendlease Services ink major deal to corner Australia's multi-billion dollar microgrid market.
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Australia’s largest virtual power plant in operation with help from Reposit

Mon, 2016-12-19 08:05
Powered by Reposit, South Australia has the largest operational virtual power plant (VPP) in Australia.
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Nothing fickle about Finkel

Fri, 2016-12-16 12:30
In the wash up of this week's COAG Energy meeting, there's a real risk the importance of the Finkel Review will be lost.
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Lazard: Solar PV, storage costs fall in 2016

Fri, 2016-12-16 12:28
Lazard report says rooftop solar costs on "by far the steepest cost decline of any technology," with energy storage looking like following suit.
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GE: Why grids don’t need to rely on “synchronous” generation

Fri, 2016-12-16 12:13
GE technology chief says days of "relying solely on synchronous generation for everything are over". In a direct challenge to those who say grid security can only be assured by spinning coal and gas turbines, the world's biggest provider of energy equipment says wind and solar can do the job just as well.
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Hazelwood closure to cost the same as one inefficient lightbulb

Fri, 2016-12-16 11:53
How much will the Hazelwood coal power plant closure really cost you? Let's shed some (energy efficient) light on the matter.
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Ring fencing: Who should have power over your solar and storage?

Fri, 2016-12-16 11:39
New guideline on "ring fencing" still gives too much latitude to the networks, and may work against the interest of consumers.
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Cutting energy waste through efficiency – NSW takes the lead

Fri, 2016-12-16 11:36
NSW new initiative on energy efficiency is good model for the Victorian government's long-awaited energy efficiency and productivity strategy.
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ACT solar farm announces new tender ….. for sheep

Fri, 2016-12-16 11:34
Owner of 13MW Mugga Lane Solar Park – winner in ACT govt’s first large-scale renewables tender – has launched a rather unusual tender.
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High drivers for change, low ambition: Australia’s energy reform train crash

Fri, 2016-12-16 07:29
Australia, once held up a paragon of energy market reform, has fallen well behind the pace, both in terms of current progress and future vision.
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The renewable energy investment drought has broken

Thu, 2016-12-15 13:20
Investors feel like they have been sandwiched between Cory Bernardi and Bob Brown, but there are finally signs that the investment drought for wind and solar is over.
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Solar feed in tariffs jump as community retailer ruffles big boys

Thu, 2016-12-15 12:58
Enova Energy decides to lift solar feed in tariff to 12c/kWh, good news for solar households, including those about to lose premium tariffs. The small community owned retailer is rattling the big boys in the energy market - not because of its size, but what it stands for.
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Fresh energy needed to cut through silly season fiasco

Thu, 2016-12-15 12:09
Last week served as a reminder – as if we needed another one – that climate policy is still a wild ride in Australian politics.
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