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Updated: 36 min 17 sec ago

The Arctic is a seriously weird and scary place right now

Wed, 2016-11-23 10:12
Intense warmth in both the air and oceans is driving the mini-meltdown at a time when Arctic sea ice should be rapidly growing.
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Chinese companies plan 1GW solar plant on Chernobyl nuclear site

Tue, 2016-11-22 14:11
One of the greatest energy-related disasters in living memory is now set to become a bastion of PV development in Europe.
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Trump’s Day 1 plan to fire up US shale gas and “clean coal” industries

Tue, 2016-11-22 13:43
Trump says from Day 1 he will cancel "job-killing restrictions” on production of unconventional shale energy and "clean coal". Meanwhile, Canada announces coal ban.
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Victoria town calls for partners for 100% renewable energy plan

Tue, 2016-11-22 13:11
Community energy goes to market: Victoria town of Newstead seeks expressions of interest to help refine plan to go 100% renewable energy.
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QUT partners with Sumitomo to test super efficient CPV solar technology

Tue, 2016-11-22 11:40
QUT to test Sumitomo CPV solar technology for Qld climate, with view to add redox flow battery storage "in due course."
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Why the future belongs to decentralised renewables

Tue, 2016-11-22 11:38
China and to some extent India are emerging as the principal practitioners of an alternative vision of energy growth.
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Baker & McKenzie acts on IPO for Sydney Renewable Power Company

Tue, 2016-11-22 11:25
Baker & McKenzie has assisted SRPC in its initial public offering of shares.
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Climate conspiracy grips Senate as Coalition attacks latte-sipping opponents of coal

Tue, 2016-11-22 09:05
Coalition attacks "latte-sipping" opponents of coal generation while enthusiastically joining in a One Nation sponsored "debate" of climate science in the Senate. And there are still 60 days until Trump becomes president.
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Eco Energy secures planning consent for second solar farm in Australia

Mon, 2016-11-21 13:01
Eco Energy World secures 2nd solar farm approval in Queensland; both projects likely to use "merchant" funding model.
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Know your NEM: Post-Trump rate spike making renewable projects more costly

Mon, 2016-11-21 12:49
Gas price jump pushing up electricity prices in Queensland, while post-Trump spike in bond rates will push up financing costs for renewable energy projects.
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Marrakech COP22: Climate deal emerges stronger from Trump shock, but plenty to do

Mon, 2016-11-21 12:44
The 2016 Marrakech Climate Summit finished strongly, despite the election of President Trump, with a multitude of commitments and actions.
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CIT students head to France to study renewable energy

Mon, 2016-11-21 12:40
Ten Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) students will travel to Paris in 2017 to study advances in renewable energy.
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Trump as president will be little different to Abbott (or Turnbull) as PM

Mon, 2016-11-21 12:26
Trump's position on clean energy and climate change is little different to that of Tony Abbott's, whose policies have been unchanged by Malcolm Turnbull. But Trump's success has unleashed a new push from the lunar right that will make any progress incredibly hard to achieve.
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Revive Chernobyl’s Exclusion Zone: GCL-SI to Build PV Plant in Ukraine

Mon, 2016-11-21 12:05
The Ukrainian government now aims to give a new renewable life to the Chernobyl exclusion zone.
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Why won’t Australia ratify an international deal to cut mercury pollution?

Mon, 2016-11-21 12:05
Despite signing in 2013, Australia has still not ratified the UN’s Minamata Convention on Mercury.
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Tesla’s pay-as-you-go supercharging: Good or bad for Tesla?

Mon, 2016-11-21 12:04
Now that the election is in the past, it’s worth returning to Tesla’s announcement to see what strategic values or challenges this would bring.
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Tesla solar roof cheaper than regular roof, says Musk – electricity “a bonus”

Mon, 2016-11-21 11:57
Elon Musk says Tesla's solar tiles could cost less than – and last twice as long as – a regular "dumb roof."
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Adani confirms plans to build up to 200MW solar farm in Qld

Mon, 2016-11-21 11:24
Adani Australia says design and tendering underway for $200m, 100-200MW solar project in Qld Bowen Basin; construction set to begin 2017.
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Swiss try to give away nuclear plants, but find no takers

Fri, 2016-11-18 11:54
Swiss reactor operator Alpiq reportedly could find no buyer for its two nuclear plants and is therefore hoping to give them to the Swiss state.
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Supermoon floods warn of crisis facing Donald Trump

Fri, 2016-11-18 11:43
Donald Trump is preparing to lead America during a perilous period for the 130 million residents of its coastal counties.
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