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Updated: 47 min 37 sec ago

Power Ledger expands trials of blockchain electricity trading

Fri, 2016-10-28 10:40
Power Ledger is expanding trials of blockchain-based software to open up peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading behind the meter and across the network.
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Guess which big EU country might have blackouts this winter?

Fri, 2016-10-28 10:13
France faces sky-rocketing power prices and supply shortages with 21 of its 58 nuclear reactors offline due to safety concerns. Just as well it can rely on imports of renewable energy from Germany.
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Network lobby proposes special tariff to keep households on grid

Thu, 2016-10-27 14:17
Networks lobby suggests small discount to network charges could keep consumers on grid – if they don't mind being cut off in critical peaks. But it also proposes rule changes that signal shift from blanket "rural electrification", even if its technology estimates are still conservative.
Categories: Around The Web

Victoria turns the tide on value of rooftop solar and feed-in tariffs

Thu, 2016-10-27 13:59
Solar households in Victoria may receive 30c/kWh for critical peaks for their solar output. But the most significant aspect of the new Victoria tariffs are the recognition of environmental and network benefits of household solar power. Other states should follow suit.
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Tesla turns a profit, says Model 3 on track and on budget

Thu, 2016-10-27 13:46
Tesla Motors reports first quarterly net profit in more than three years, on track to meet forecast delivery and Tesla 3.
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A Tesla as the family car? Nothing ludicrous about it

Thu, 2016-10-27 12:11
Can an all electric vehicle be used as the family run-about? We tested the theory using a Tesla Model S, pretended the price tag was more like a Model 3, and came to these conclusions...
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State of the Climate 2016: Rainfall down, extreme weather and fire up

Thu, 2016-10-27 12:02
CSIRO and BoM's 4th biennial State of the Climate Report says climate change is happening now, and we will have to adapt to changes over next 30 years.
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Solar roadway under construction in France

Thu, 2016-10-27 11:56
Construction of the first kilometer of solar road in France's northwestern department Orne is underway.
Categories: Around The Web

Australia in reverse, again, on renewables investment appeal

Thu, 2016-10-27 11:50
Australia falls to 11th place on EY Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index, just months after cracking the Top 10.
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DP Energy appoints financial and legal specialists for Port Augusta renewable park

Thu, 2016-10-27 10:31
DP Energy has appointed EY and Baker & McKenzie as their financial and legal advisors on their hybrid wind and solar Port Augusta Renewable Energy Park in South Australia.
Categories: Around The Web

Victoria gives nod to “fairer” time-of-use tariffs for rooftop solar

Wed, 2016-10-26 17:46
Victorian government to shift solar feed-in tariffs to time-of-use pricing, in move to better reflect the value of the state’s rooftop solar generation, and their environmental benefits.
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Australia in danger of missing out on solar thermal and storage

Wed, 2016-10-26 14:13
IEA report says global capacity for solar thermal could more than treble in next five years, with focus on China, Chile, Morocco and South Africa.
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Andrews Government can match the Victorian RET with a transparent target for community owned renewables

Wed, 2016-10-26 14:09
The Victorian Parliament is currently running an inquiry into community energy projects to find out what the benefits are and how to implement best practice policies that will see community energy grow across the state.
Categories: Around The Web

IEA hails “impressive progress” of solar PV manufacturers

Wed, 2016-10-26 14:05
IEA points to wind and solar PV’s central role as increasingly "affordable solutions" in the fight against climate change and air pollution.
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Australia’s new carbon bomb: uncounted coal seam gas emissions

Wed, 2016-10-26 14:01
Report warns Australia's vastly underestimated CSG emissions – potentially equal to entire transport sector – would make Paris targets impossible to meet.
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The myth of renewables threatening grid stability?

Wed, 2016-10-26 13:57
Germany’s power grid outage averaged 12.7 minutes last year, 41% less than in 2006, even though renewables have grown to account for as much as a third of power generation in the country.
Categories: Around The Web

Half a million solar panels a day, as global renewable capacity outstrips coal

Wed, 2016-10-26 13:56
IEA says installed capacity of renewables has now overtaken coal, and sees no issues with high penetration of wind and solar with right policies.
Categories: Around The Web

Carnegie Wave trebles bet on micro-grid market with EMC purchase

Wed, 2016-10-26 12:41
Carnegie Wave takes full ownership of Energy Made Clean, saying South Australia blackout underlines case for renewable based micro-grids.
Categories: Around The Web

IEA tips Australian renewables to reach 27 GW/54TWh by 2021

Tue, 2016-10-25 18:01
IEA says strong policy underpins lift in global outlook for renewable energy, but in Australia, lingering policy uncertainty makes it unsure about large scale investment.
Categories: Around The Web

Coal won’t solve poverty, but it may save Turnbull’s career

Tue, 2016-10-25 13:56
New report says coal is no solution to poverty, but Malcolm Turnbull is using the fossil fuel industry slogan to try to curb environmental groups and to shore up his increasingly shaky leadership.
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