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Updated: 29 min 35 sec ago

Alaskan village votes to relocate due to climate change

Mon, 2016-08-22 13:08
Shishmaref is one of dozens of indigenous villages in Alaska that face growing threats of flooding and erosion due to global warming.
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Market operator says no system security issues in South Australia

Fri, 2016-08-19 13:38
AEMO, in presentation to energy ministers, says there was no system security or supply reliability issues in South Australia during July.
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Dirty power games: Coalition steps on the gas

Fri, 2016-08-19 13:08
More evidence emerges of how big utilities game the market in South Australia, and how the fossil fuel industry tried to blame it all on renewables. This comes as energy ministers meet to consider proposals to open up the national gas market.
Categories: Around The Web

New low solar price record set in Chile — 2.91¢ per kWh!

Fri, 2016-08-19 13:05
A new record-low solar bid was set in Chile, while wind projects took 40% of the auctioned power contracts.
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Graph of the Day: Battery storage profitable already … for some

Fri, 2016-08-19 12:39
McKinsey report – and graph – says battery storage makes sense now for subset of commercial customers in "each of the four most important applications."
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SA energy “crisis”: Arrium’s requiem and the events of July 7

Fri, 2016-08-19 12:38
The events of July 7, and how we interpret them, will have ongoing implications for future business investment and how we meet the decarbonisation challenge.
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Changing lives with solar microgrids

Fri, 2016-08-19 12:15
A nonprofit organization is testing a solution that could be a model of how to bring electricity to 1.2 billion people still living in the dark.
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Origin Energy: The worst is behind it, but demerger looms

Fri, 2016-08-19 11:43
The worst appears behind it, but Origin Energy is clearly two companies under one banner. A split appears inevitable, the only question is how it will happen.
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Energy Ministers – there is no crisis and the market is working

Fri, 2016-08-19 11:29
There has been an incredible amount of nonsense published by media outlets purporting that there is a so called crisis unfolding in Australia’s electricity market.
Categories: Around The Web

How gas profited from S.A. market dominance, and blamed renewables

Thu, 2016-08-18 20:30
The gas industry profited enormously from electricity price spikes in South Australia. The media also played a role, using renewables as a scapegoat.
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Origin says energy future lies “beyond” the grid

Thu, 2016-08-18 14:51
Origin Energy says growth in energy markets will lie "beyond the grid" in the transition to low-carbon economy, but it doesn't expect consumers to leave the grid in large numbers. Its solar sales doubled, but remain a small fraction of the overall market, while storage uptake is slow.
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SA electricity price spikes “perfectly normal”, says Origin

Thu, 2016-08-18 14:36
Origin Energy says recent price spikes in South Australia were predictable and "perfectly normal". It has advised energy ministers not to be "spooked".
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Origin signs first offtake agreement with Degrussa solar and storage plant

Thu, 2016-08-18 14:00
Origin signs offtake for hybrid solar and storage plant at Degrussa mine – its third solar contract, as it seeks bidders for massive Stockyard Hill wind farm.
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How residential demand tariffs could add $1000s to your bill

Thu, 2016-08-18 13:53
As residential demand tariffs are rolled out around Australia, we take a look at what they are, how they works, and why many households should avoid them at all costs.
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Boost for WA solar uptake as government cuts red tape

Thu, 2016-08-18 13:41
WA govt removes barriers to third-party solar finance, opening the market to more consumers and suppliers.
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What if all German households went renewable?

Thu, 2016-08-18 12:41
If all German households went renewable, they still would not be able to buy all of the renewable electricity in the country. We mainly need to get the industry on board—and electric mobility going.
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The 7th Energy Storage Australia Conference is drawing near

Thu, 2016-08-18 12:40
Under the rapid growth of Australian energy storage market, the 7th Energy Storage Australia 2016 is going to present over 300 professionals from 23 countries in October.
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Fiddling the books on renewables while the planet burns

Thu, 2016-08-18 12:38
Labor's support of Coalition raid on ARENA is direct attack on transition to renewable energy, on innovation, on jobs and on addressing global climate emergency.
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Solar and storage in apartment blocks: innovations and road blocks

Thu, 2016-08-18 11:36
Solar and storage installations on Australian apartment blocks make up one of the largest and most rapidly growing sectors in our cities. So why aren't we hearing more about them?
Categories: Around The Web

Millennials want solar, storage, shared energy – and an app for all that

Thu, 2016-08-18 11:36
A recent Accenture survey has asked Millennials – Australia’s second-largest cohort after Gen X – what they want from their energy providers. The answers are a clarion call to those utilities and retailers who still believe business-as-usual will do.
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