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Updated: 1 hour 55 min ago

Will Australia’s Far Right lose its stranglehold on climate policies?

Mon, 2016-07-04 13:23
2016 election sees one bunch of climate deniers turfed out, only to be replaced by another. But will the diminished Malcolm Turnbull still be beholden to his party's right-wing, Abbott-era climate and clean energy policies, or can he follow the UK's lead and find middle ground?
Categories: Around The Web

Know your NEM: It’s all about the price of gas

Mon, 2016-07-04 12:20
Gas prices surge, and spot electricity prices remain high - undermining arguments that coal generators need to close before new renewables can be built.
Categories: Around The Web

France rolls out tenders for 20GW solar capacity by 2023

Mon, 2016-07-04 11:06
France greenlights raft of new tenders for solar energy, including a three-fold increase in installed PV capacity, eyeing 20GW by 2023.
Categories: Around The Web

Solar PV crosses two symbolic milestones in UK and Germany

Mon, 2016-07-04 11:05
Solar PV has trickled across the 40 GW threshold in Germany, while the UK now has 10 GW. But both markets are slowing down.
Categories: Around The Web

Tesla shares slump as auto-pilot fatality flags concerns about autonomous driving

Fri, 2016-07-01 13:52
Although statistically expected, the first auto-pilot fatality will bring into question the safety of the new technology.
Categories: Around The Web

Big spikes in electricity prices, but renewables not to blame

Fri, 2016-07-01 13:34
Regulator report shows most big price spikes coincided with sudden withdrawal of coal and gas capacity, including when one big generator ran out of coal!
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A hung parliament? It might be the best we can hope for

Fri, 2016-07-01 13:26
A long and uninspiring election campaign comes to an end. The latest polls suggest that the best renewable energy and the climate can hope for is a hung parliament, given that the Coalition has given no indication it has moved beyond the Abbott era.
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BGC contractor selected as EPC contractor for Kwinana waste to energy plant in WA

Fri, 2016-07-01 12:08
Phoenix Energy has nominated local company BGC Contracting as the preferred contractor for its $400 million Kwinana Waste to Energy project.
Categories: Around The Web

How to close down brown coal generators: Hit them with bigger levies

Fri, 2016-07-01 10:28
We all know we need to shut down our brown coal power stations, especially the really old ones, as soon as possible...But how?
Categories: Around The Web

Sweden opens its first electric road, to help power heavy transport

Fri, 2016-07-01 10:27
The electric road will test the use of electric power as an aid to heavy transport on public roadways.
Categories: Around The Web

Utilities may push for new RET review if Coalition returned

Thu, 2016-06-30 15:10
Big utilities and conservatives tipped to push for another review of the renewable energy target if Coalition returned to power, and has support in Senate.
Categories: Around The Web

New polling shows voters in Liberal-held marginal seats support phasing out Hazelwood

Thu, 2016-06-30 14:45
The electorate is concerned about global warming and strongly backs the phase-out of coal-fired power stations, so why are we hearing so little about the difference between the two major parties?
Categories: Around The Web

Abbott, Trump, Brexit: What happens when the dog actually catches the car

Thu, 2016-06-30 14:36
Never have so many false promises made to so many people been retracted so quickly in the face of such an unexpected victory. But Brexit has broader implications in the fight against climate change and the push for clean energy.
Categories: Around The Web

The potential implications of the Federal Election for clean energy

Thu, 2016-06-30 14:04
Here are three ways you can evaluate how the plight of the various major parties in this forthcoming election could impact on the clean energy sector.
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