Department of the Environment

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Updated: 2 hours 10 min ago

Piccaninnie Ponds Karst Wetlands – Australia’s new wetland of international importance

Fri, 2013-08-23 16:57
On 21 December 2012, Piccaninnie Ponds Karst Wetlands in South Australia was designated as a Ramsar site under the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat.
Categories: Around The Web

Environmental watering in the Macquarie Marshes

Thu, 2013-08-22 10:52
Environmental water is being deliver to a range of inner-floodplain native plant communities in the marshes such as reed beds and water couch meadows while supporting migratory waterbirds and native fish and keeping waterbird colony sites healthy.
Categories: Around The Web

Update on portfolio management statement process now available

Fri, 2013-08-09 17:19
The Commonwealth Environmental Water Office does not currently anticipate trading allocations or entitlements (excluding zero dollar transfers) in the first half of 2013-14.
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Environmental watering in the Murray River Valley

Fri, 2013-08-09 17:17
Up to 300 gigalitres of Commonwealth environmental water is being provided to help improve water quality and flush salt and nutrients from the Murray River, improving conditions for native plants, fish and water birds particularly in the Lower Lakes and the Coorong.
Categories: Around The Web

Request for Tender in relation to the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office Long-Term Intervention Monitoring Project

Wed, 2013-07-24 14:10
The Commonwealth Environmental Water Office has released a tender for the Long Term Intervention Monitoring Project.
Categories: Around The Web

Environmental watering in the Loddon River, Campaspe River and lower Broken Creek

Wed, 2013-07-24 14:07
Environmental water is being provided to the Loddon and Campaspe Rivers and lower Broken Creek for the overarching purpose of improving and maintaining the ecological health and resilience of these systems.
Categories: Around The Web
