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Updated: 48 min 51 sec ago

China thermal power generation drops in June, renewable energy expansion continues

Mon, 2024-07-15 20:36
China saw its domestic thermal power generation decline in June, while renewable energy production continued to grow at a fast pace that could signal a turning point in the country's emission trend.
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FEATURE: The big opportunity of insetting for biodiversity markets

Mon, 2024-07-15 20:20
Many actors in biodiversity see the largest opportunity for biodiversity markets in ‘insetting’, a way of directly supporting nature in their supply chains while potentially generating biodiversity credits, as an alternative to offsetting.
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Singapore delegation goes carbon credit shopping in Ghana

Mon, 2024-07-15 18:50
Singaporean Minister of State for Trade and Industry Alvin Tan has taken a delegation of 22 companies with him to Ghana this week with the intention of cultivating a pipeline of Article 6 carbon credit projects.
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Investors pour $37 mln into firm turning CO2 into solid rock

Mon, 2024-07-15 18:24
A climate-focused investment fund has completed a $37 million Series A investment round in a leading provider of carbon mineralisation technology, aiming to accelerate the process of turning CO2 into solid rock for permanent sequestration.
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SK Market: Monthly KAU auction again oversubscribed, price likely to remain steady until compliance deadline

Mon, 2024-07-15 18:20
South Korea's latest monthly CO2 permit auction was again oversubscribed, with analysts expecting permit prices to remain steady throughout the rest of the current compliance period.
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ERAC closes first interim process for ACCU method proposals

Mon, 2024-07-15 15:58
Australia’s Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC) has wrapped up its first expression of interest (EOI) period seeking new methods to generate Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs), with 43 proposals put forward by stakeholders.
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FortisBC implements automatic RNG blend for British Columbia customers

Sat, 2024-07-13 10:03
Customers of regulated British Columbia utility FortisBC will automatically have 1% of their gas blended from renewable natural gas (RNG) sources.
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Pennsylvania Senate passes CCS legislation, sending bill to governor’s desk

Sat, 2024-07-13 09:02
The Pennsylvania Senate passed on Thursday a bill establishing a regulatory framework around carbon capture and storage (CCS), which now sits on Governor Josh Shapiro's (D) desk for possible approval.
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Emitters add biggest RGGI haul since February, CCA length cut across the board

Sat, 2024-07-13 08:28
Producers added to their holdings in RGGI Allowances (RGAs) in the most significant way since late February, while both emitters and financial players cut back their net length in California Carbon Allowances (CCA) ahead of a Wednesday cap-and-trade rulemaking workshop, weekly data from the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) released Friday showed.
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PREVIEW: Von der Leyen’s EU Commission bid seen hanging on Greens’ backing

Sat, 2024-07-13 03:28
The newly elected European Parliament is holding its first plenary session in Strasbourg next week, with a potential majority for Commission President-designate Ursula von der Leyen seemingly hanging on the future of climate policies, as she needs backing from the Greens to secure a second term.
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EU countries more than three-quarters through 2024 free EUA allocations –Commission data

Sat, 2024-07-13 02:51
EU member states have handed out more than three-quarters of their 2024 quotas of free carbon allowances under the ETS, according to data released by the European Commission.
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LEAK: EU ministers to call for expanding pool of climate finance contributors, no number in sight

Sat, 2024-07-13 02:24
EU climate and environment ministers are poised to call for expanding the pool of countries contributing to the new global climate finance goal, in draft conclusions preparing for the EU’s COP29 negotiating position, although the document did not to specify the amount the bloc itself should provide.
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BRIEFING: EU energy and climate stories to watch in the weeks ahead

Sat, 2024-07-13 01:43
Reporter Emanuela Barbiroglio recaps key EU energy and climate developments from last month and the stories to watch out for in the weeks ahead, as part of a briefing produced in cooperation with Clean Energy Wire.
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Carbon exchange confirms auction of Article 6 credits for next week following clarification of transfer technicalities

Sat, 2024-07-13 00:56
The much-delayed auction for carbon credits, eligible for international trade under Article 6, from a Malawi clean cooking project has been confirmed for next week, organisers said Friday, after a clarification letter was published specifying that the initial transfer of the corresponding adjustment will occur upon issuance of the units.
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Colombian organisation kickstarts water credit pilot, eyes biodiversity market

Sat, 2024-07-13 00:46
A Colombian non-profit has launched a water crediting pilot programme in a 20,000-hectare area of a river basin in its country, planning to issue the first units by year-end, while preparing a separate biodiversity credit pilot.
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Europe’s first 100% hydrogen-fuelled power plant launches for UK refinery

Fri, 2024-07-12 22:54
Europe's first hydrogen-ready combined heat and power plant (CHP) has been launched in northwest England that will supply power and steam to help decarbonise a refinery and other industrial users in the region.
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Renewable energy giant to research UK solar biodiversity impacts

Fri, 2024-07-12 22:48
The UK renewables arm of energy giant Electricite de France (EDF) has announced a project aimed at advancing research on the effects solar farms can have on biodiversity, including how they could generate benefits for nature.
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Euro Markets: Midday Update

Fri, 2024-07-12 21:35
European carbon prices rose for a second day, mimicking fluctuations in the natural gas market as trading activity fell away, while prices have held in an increasingly narrow band that has drawn various averages into the smallest range for a year.
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‘Lack of economics’ for hydrogen, CCS slowing green transition in petrochemicals, says Poland’s Orlen

Fri, 2024-07-12 21:34
Orlen, one of the largest oil refiners and retailers in Central and Eastern Europe, is looking at a range of technologies to hit net-zero emissions by 2050, including continued investments in wind power as well as clean hydrogen, small nuclear reactors, and carbon capture and storage (CCS), a company executive has said.
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CN Markets: Allocation plan fails to move CEA price, but liquidity improves

Fri, 2024-07-12 19:51
The release of a draft 2023-24 allowance allocation plan for the China ETS failed to ignite the world's largest compliance emissions market, which has seen prices remain rangebound with relatively low trading volume over the past week.
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