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Updated: 2 hours 6 min ago

Associate Counsel, Government and Public Affairs, American Wind Energy Association – Washington DC

Tue, 2019-04-02 05:20
The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) seeks an experienced mid-level associate attorney with 2 to 6 years of relevant experience to join the Legal Team and provide legal support to the association. The candidate must possess strong research, analytic and writing skills, as well as the ability to work independently.
Categories: Around The Web

Clean Energy Policy Associate, Analyst, or Senior Analyst, Western Resource Advocates – Multiple Locations

Tue, 2019-04-02 05:17
Western Resource Advocates (WRA) is seeking an Energy Policy Associate, Analyst, or Senior Analyst to develop and advocate for policies and mechanisms that reduce the environmental impact of electricity production in the Interior West. There are positions open in Carson City or Las Vegas, Nevada, and Phoenix, Arizona.
Categories: Around The Web

EU nations dish out further 38m free EUAs as Spain, Finland kick off 2019 allocation

Tue, 2019-04-02 02:59
EU member states have handed out a further 37.7 million free carbon allowances over the past fortnight, with Spain and Finland finally commencing their 2019 allocations.
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UPDATE – EU ETS emissions fell 4% in 2018, preliminary data shows

Mon, 2019-04-01 20:21
EU ETS emissions fell by 4% in 2018 to resume their annual downtrend, according to preliminary like-for-like data released by the European Commission on Monday.
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NZ Market: NZUs extend gains as emitters hedge against fixed price risk

Mon, 2019-04-01 17:56
New Zealand carbon allowances moved higher again in Monday trade amid healthy demand from emitters looking to hedge against the risk of the NZ$25 fixed price option changes.
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Australia’s Labor to toughen emissions target, set up carbon market if it wins election

Mon, 2019-04-01 11:31
Australia’s opposition Labor party will introduce a baseline-and-crediting scheme building on the Safeguard Mechanism with tougher CO2 targets and access to international offsets if it wins next month’s election, it said Monday.
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Chile moves UN COP25 climate summit to Easter Island over logistical, environmental fears

Mon, 2019-04-01 09:01
Amid a raft of concerns about overcrowding and a lack of conference venue options in Santiago, the Chilean government has announced its remote Easter Island as the surprise site for this year’s UN COP25 climate summit, highlighting the island’s ecological-driven collapse as a point of urgency for global efforts to reduce emissions.
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Alberta opposition party pledges to weaken large emitter programme, eliminate climate plan

Mon, 2019-04-01 07:26
Alberta’s poll-leading United Conservative Party (UCP) has pledged to soften the performance standards and excess emissions charge that make up the Canadian province’s pricing system for large installations, as well as scrap the ruling NDP’s climate plan that provides the basis for multiple other GHG reduction and clean energy goals.
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Chinese official hints at 2020 ETS start

Sun, 2019-03-31 21:29
China expects the first trade in its national emissions trading scheme to go through in 2020, a government official said over the weekend, the first official indication that the programme might get off the ground next year.
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CP Daily: Friday March 29, 2019

Sat, 2019-03-30 10:27
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
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Oregon ETS amendment would start natural gas utilities with 100% free allocation

Sat, 2019-03-30 08:36
A proposed amendment to Oregon’s WCI-modelled cap-and-trade bill would directly allocate allowances to natural gas utilities when the ETS starts in 2021, coming after the industry criticised its current treatment under the legislation.
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US Carbon Pricing Roundup for week ending Mar. 29, 2019

Sat, 2019-03-30 06:59
A summary of legislative action on carbon pricing and clean energy bills at the US state level taken this week, including the passage of a 100% Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) in Puerto Rico, an agreement between Hawaii and California to promote offsets, and California utility commission meetings to discuss alternatives to utility Pacific Gas & Electric's ownership.
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US RFS stakeholders hit back at proposed biofuel credit reforms

Sat, 2019-03-30 06:23
Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) programme advocates offered a litany of complaints Thursday about the US EPA's plan to implement a series of restrictions on biofuel credit trading, while others felt the agency should go further in those potential measures. 
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EU Market: EUAs tumble after another Brexit rejection, still manage 4% weekly gain

Sat, 2019-03-30 06:15
EUAs buckled on Friday afternoon after UK lawmakers voted down Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit withdrawal deal for a third time, with the pre-weekend sell-off capping four days of gains that added nearly 10% to prices.
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Six new California CITSS accounts opened during Q1 for WCI market

Sat, 2019-03-30 05:16
Six entities opened Compliance Instrument Tracking Service System (CITSS) registry accounts as another thirteen closed during the first quarter of 2019, California Air Resources Board (ARB) data showed on Friday.
Categories: Around The Web

Ireland to set out pathway, safeguards for quadrupling of fossil fuel carbon tax

Sat, 2019-03-30 03:31
Ireland should quadruple its domestic carbon tax on fossil fuels to €80/tonne by 2030, a cross-party government committee has determined as part of its proposed strategy to help the country hits its climate targets and reach net-zero emissions by mid-century.
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UK bumps back EU ETS deadline again after Brexit delayed

Sat, 2019-03-30 03:19
The UK government has formally extended the country’s 2018 EU ETS compliance deadline by a further two weeks after MPs delayed Britain’s scheduled exit from the bloc.
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Environmental Products Analyst, Shell – London

Sat, 2019-03-30 02:00
We are seeking a talented and experienced individual as Carbon/Environmental Products Market Analyst, to join our newly created Analytics Team, as part of Shell Energy Europe and Environmental Products Data Analysis and Systematic Trading unit.
Categories: Around The Web

ANALYSIS: California offset prices lagging behind allowance surge as demand remains soft

Fri, 2019-03-29 23:33
California Carbon Offset (CCO) prices have softened on the secondary market despite stronger California Carbon Allowance (CCA) prices over the past month, numerous market participants told Carbon Pulse.
Categories: Around The Web

China needs higher-level body running the ETS, analysts say

Fri, 2019-03-29 21:08
China needs to move the operation of its national emissions trading scheme above  environment ministry level if the scheme is to succeed in helping curb emissions, a report said this week.
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