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Updated: 3 min 34 sec ago

Indonesia could miss methane goal if it continues to under-report coal mine emissions, think tank says

Tue, 2024-03-12 16:07
Indonesia is jeopardising its efforts to meet its international climate commitments by under-reporting its coal mine methane emissions, a report released Tuesday said.
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Reducing banked allowances in tightening cap-and-trade on the table at California joint committee hearing

Tue, 2024-03-12 14:20
ARB staff and a stakeholder panel discussed with lawmakers at a joint committee public hearing on Monday the option of reducing the pool of banked allowances, trimming free allocation, or lowering California’s emissions cap to increase cap-and-trade programme stringency, as well as the future of the scheme post 2030.
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DAC developer partners with NZ Future Energy Centre on pilot project

Tue, 2024-03-12 13:37
A Direct Air Capture (DAC) project developer is partnering with New Zealand’s Future Energy Centre (Ara Ake) to help develop the first pilot project of its kind in the country, it announced Monday.
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Korean non-profit establishes council for voluntary market engagement

Tue, 2024-03-12 12:27
A South Korean non-profit dedicated to sustainable development has established a special council led by a climate policy veteran to facilitate the engagement of domestic companies in the voluntary carbon market.
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US 2025 budget requests additional $27 bln in climate funding

Tue, 2024-03-12 10:13
The Biden administration’s $7.4 billion 2025 budget plan requests an increase of $26.9 bln for climate programmes across US agencies, as well as funding for international climate finance, according to documents released Monday.
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NZ Climate Commission warns of material NZU oversupply, calls for large cuts to auction volumes  

Tue, 2024-03-12 10:05
The volume of NZUs available at auction must be dramatically reduced to cut a surplus in New Zealand’s ETS that threatens to undermine its effectiveness, the country’s Climate Change Commission (CCC) said Tuesday.
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Oregon sets 2024 rulemaking timeline to re-establish scrapped Climate Protection Program

Tue, 2024-03-12 09:36
The Oregon Department of Environmental Protection (DEQ) on Monday announced a new rulemaking schedule to reinstate its market-based GHG reduction programme that a state court dismissed in December.
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PREVIEW: RGGI Q1 sale expected to trigger additional volumes

Tue, 2024-03-12 09:06
Market participants coalesced around expectations for the first RGGI allowance auction of 2024 to clear around the Cost Containment Reserve (CCR) trigger, with secondary market prices converging towards that level over the last month.
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Just 6% of past voluntary carbon credit issuances likely to meet ICVCM’s CCP label -analysts

Tue, 2024-03-12 04:35
A little over 6% of historical credit issuances have a strong chance of receiving the CCP label by the Integrity Council for Voluntary Carbon Markets (ICVCM), with the tag potentially a more stringent marker of quality than CORSIA-eligible credits, according to market analysts.
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VCM Report: KSET liquidation sparks sell off in voluntary carbon spots and futures

Tue, 2024-03-12 04:28
Standardised voluntary carbon spot contracts for old CORSIA and related futures tumbled this week from already low levels, in the wake of asset manager KraneShares announcing it will liquidate its KSET exchange-traded fund.
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Carbon utilisation and removal firm launches new DAC unit for agriculture

Tue, 2024-03-12 02:53
An Amsterdam-based climate tech company launched its second direct air capture unit for onsite carbon capture and utilisation in large greenhouses and vertical farms.
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US DOE offers $425 mln towards clean energy production, decarbonisation in former coal communities

Tue, 2024-03-12 02:46
The US Department of Energy (DOE) announced $425 million in a second round of funding to support clean energy manufacturing while reducing industrial emissions in former coal communities.
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Exchange to imminently launch CORSIA, REDD+ voluntary carbon futures

Tue, 2024-03-12 02:26
A Singapore-based exchange is expected to be 'weeks away' from launching two physically-settled voluntary carbon futures contracts, one focused on units eligible for the current phase of CORSIA, and the second on jurisdictional REDD+ credits.
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Russia-Ukraine war to trigger cropland expansion worldwide, study says

Tue, 2024-03-12 02:24
The Russian invasion of Ukraine could lead to cropland expanding over eight million hectares worldwide, driving biodiversity loss as far away as the Americas, a study has estimated.
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BofA eyes EU carbon trading growth -Bloomberg

Tue, 2024-03-12 01:53
Bank of America (BofA) plans to expand its carbon trading business and sees significant growth in the European markets, members of the firm told Bloomberg.
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Overlooked umbrella species could better inform conservation programmes, study finds

Tue, 2024-03-12 01:19
Rethinking the monitoring criteria of umbrella species will enhance biodiversity conservation efforts, leading to more efficient and cost-saving programmes, researchers have found.
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UK govt buys land for new nuclear power projects

Mon, 2024-03-11 23:21
The UK's state-owned nuclear energy and fuels company is buying land for future developments, as part of the government's plans for a "revival" in the technology that includes developing a new large-scale reactor and mini plants.
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Euro Markets: Midday Update

Mon, 2024-03-11 23:04
European carbon prices declined on Monday morning, led lower by weakening natural gas prices that shrugged off an unplanned outage in the North Sea and suggestions that traders may be stating to unwind positions ahead of the March options contract expiry later this week.
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New York reconsiders sovereign debt rules as emerging economies push for relief to fund nature, climate

Mon, 2024-03-11 22:04
New York’s state legislature is advancing parallel bills to rewrite the rules of sovereign debt restructuring, in a potential hit to private creditors worldwide but a win for developing countries.
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China urged to provide more support for CCS, carbon markets

Mon, 2024-03-11 20:11
China should provide policy support for the development of offshore carbon capture and storage (CCS) and accelerate the construction of its national carbon market, domestic business leaders have called for during the annual parliamentary session.
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