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Updated: 16 min 40 sec ago

INTERVIEW: Using less energy to capture CO2 is key to DAC race  

Thu, 2024-02-29 01:50
A developer of direct air capture (DAC) says that its technology’s low energy use requirements compared to other methods will allow it to scale up faster by connecting to the grid.
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Corporates fail to cough up enough cash to fund sustainability innovation -study

Thu, 2024-02-29 01:39
Almost half of executives surveyed for a new study said that they struggle to fund climate investments, with spending on sustainability reporting exceeding that on tangible green innovation by 43%.
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US project developer launches programme to help small businesses boost offsetting, sustainability efforts

Thu, 2024-02-29 01:37
A US-based project developer has launched a new initiative aimed at empowering small and midsize businesses (SMBs) to engage in sustainable practices and voluntarily reduce their carbon footprints.
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EU countries fail to reach a deal on corporate due diligence bill

Thu, 2024-02-29 01:36
European ambassadors failed to reach an agreement on a bill setting due diligence rules for large companies, including an obligation to adopt Paris Agreement-aligned climate plans, leaving their meeting on Wednesday open-ended after a month-long stall.
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SBTi sets out corporate guidelines for beyond value chain emissions cuts via voluntary carbon credits

Thu, 2024-02-29 01:33
New guidance from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) aims to encourage companies to invest in emissions reductions beyond their own value chains on top - rather than instead - of decarbonising their own operations, including by investing in voluntary carbon credits and projects.
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FEATURE: Steelmakers brace for end of free EU carbon allowances

Wed, 2024-02-28 23:32
Traditional steelmakers say they will have to spend €3 billion on additional EUAs until 2030 to comply with the European Commission's newly proposed free allocation rules, which aim to promote the cleanest methods of reducing iron ore for steelmaking.
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UK-France panel spotlights challenges with scaling biodiversity credit market

Wed, 2024-02-28 22:47
Key challenges to scaling the emerging biodiversity credits market include the need for independent verification, robust regulation, and fair engagement with Indigenous Peoples, a UK-France led international initiative told an event on the sidelines of the ongoing UN environment summit this week.
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Euro Markets: Midday Update

Wed, 2024-02-28 22:38
EU carbon allowance prices rose to an eight-day high after the strongest auction result in six weeks triggered further short covering by speculative traders, while the weekly position data showed investors had boosted their bearish bets to a new record.
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Better nature protection in the Cerrado could give huge boost to Brazil GDP, WEF says

Wed, 2024-02-28 21:51
The agricultural development in the Cerrado no longer needs to come at the expense of destroying the ecosystem, becoming instead an opportunity to attract investment in sustainable agriculture, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has warned.
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Biomethane merger hopes to boost Europe’s green gas output with CO2 capture

Wed, 2024-02-28 21:47
The merger of a European biomethane provider and a global supplier of biogas treatment systems will help to deploy new technology that can increase green gas production by 70% - further displacing natural gas, the companies announced Wednesday.
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Energy exchanges to collaborate on Turkish ETS

Wed, 2024-02-28 21:04
Energy exchanges in Germany and Turkey have agreed to collaborate on building a carbon market in the Mediterranean country.
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Asset management firm funds $50 mln-biochar project in Indonesia, as marketplace set to emerge

Wed, 2024-02-28 20:53
An Abu Dhabi-based asset management firm has announced its first investment in a biochar-based carbon offset project in Indonesia, which is expected to generate around $50 million worth of credits over the next 10 years, the firm announced Tuesday, as separately a blockchain platform is planning a biochar credit marketplace.
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Indian climate consultancy to launch govt-backed rice projects in Laos

Wed, 2024-02-28 20:07
An Indian environmental consultancy has teamed up with the Lao government to generate carbon credits from a rice-focused emissions reduction methodology that has rapidly gained popularity across Asia.
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South Pole appoints sustainable finance expert as new CEO

Wed, 2024-02-28 19:30
Large voluntary carbon project developer and investor South Pole has appointed the former head of sustainable finance at HSBC as its new CEO, the firm announced Wednesday.
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Timor-Leste taking steps to outline policy for nature-based voluntary market

Wed, 2024-02-28 19:26
Timor-Leste is taking has started taking steps to put together policy guidelines for the voluntary, nature-based carbon market, though a lot of work remains before the framework is finalised.
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Financed emissions reporting standard partners with sustainability data portal

Wed, 2024-02-28 19:00
An initiative set up to define reporting standards for financed emissions is partnering with a provider of sustainability information to address issues with data gaps, according to a press release issued Wednesday.
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South Korea strengthens support for SMEs to get to grips with CBAM

Wed, 2024-02-28 18:02
Government agencies in South Korea are ramping up efforts to help domestic companies make preparations for the impact of the EU's proposed carbon border tax, with a focus on capacity building and financial support. 
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Indonesia muddies the waters with ‘green’ coal claims -think tank

Wed, 2024-02-28 17:57
Indonesia’s captive coal-fired power stations cannot reasonably be listed as new, clean energy even if they are used in mineral processing for the battery supply chain, a think tank said Tuesday in response to the Southeast Asian country’s recently proposed sustainable finance taxonomy.
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Australia Market Roundup: Poll respondents support nuclear power in Australia, ACCU issuance increases

Wed, 2024-02-28 17:04
Survey results published this week show that 55% of Australian voters support the idea of small modular nuclear (SMR) reactors as an energy transition technology in the country, local media reports.
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India’s Green Credit Scheme could spell disaster for ecosystems, experts warn

Wed, 2024-02-28 16:46
The Indian government last week released further guidelines for its Green Credit Scheme, revealing plans to award credits for planting trees in landscapes where they don’t grow naturally, a move experts say would be “disastrous” for local ecosystems.
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