Carbon Pulse
News and intelligence on carbon markets, greenhouse gas pricing, and climate policy
Updated: 1 hour 46 min ago
Nobel laureates denounce dropping of ‘fossil fuels’ from UN draft pact
A group of 77 former world leaders and Nobel laureates is calling out governments for dropping any mention of fossil fuels and a just transition from the 'Pact for the Future' in negotiation ahead of an upcoming UN summit in New York.
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Green gold: Russian mining company issued first voluntary carbon credits
A Russian gold mining company has been issued almost 2.2 million voluntary credits by the country’s national carbon registry for emissions reductions linked to cleaner energy usage.
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SK Market: August auction undersubscribed ahead of compliance deadline, price growth potential seen limited
South Korea’s latest monthly CO2 permit auction was undersubscribed even with the annual compliance deadline rapidly approaching, with analysts expecting the permit price to remain at relatively low levels due to a lasting oversupply in the market.
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Academics launch independent standard for high-integrity biodiversity, carbon credits
A group of academics have launched a community-focused standard for high-integrity carbon and biodiversity credits to address the growing demand for reliable markets, the team leader has told Carbon Pulse.
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Australia’s biggest bank puts emitters on notice: No transition plan, no money
A shareholder activist group known better for being the scourge of the oil and gas and high-emitting resources industry and those who fund their polluting work has welcomed new, tough transition plans from Australia’s leading bank.
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Rate of global warming forecast to drop under current policy -report
The rate of global warming is expected to decline over coming years under current climate policies, though the downward trend could be greater if both NDCs and long-term net-zero targets are met, according to new analysis.
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UAE asset management firm forms alliance to pursue JCM rice farming project in Indonesia
An Abu Dhabi-based asset management firm has teamed up with two international partners to promote a sustainable rice farming method and generate carbon credits deemed eligible under Japan's bilateral framework in Indonesia, it announced Wednesday.
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Biodiversity credits to receive significant portion of private finance, expert says
A substantial share of private finance will flow towards biodiversity credits as investors are confident demand for them will surge in coming years, a think tank researcher has said.
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Korean financial firm to provide deposit services for upcoming ETS consignment trading platform
A Korean financial institution is planning to provide deposit services for a planned consignment carbon trading platform that will likely be added to the country's national emissions trading scheme next year, local media reported.
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Thai consortium launches voluntary carbon trading platform for events
Five organisations in Thailand have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to launch a carbon trading platform for small- and medium enterprises (SMEs) in order to hold sustainable events, they announced Wednesday.
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Japanese power company expands carbon credit deal with trading house
One of Japan’s largest power retailers and generators has signed a long-term offtake agreement with a Singapore-based trading house for Australian carbon credits.
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Major Korean automaker enters domestic voluntary carbon market
The automotive finance arm of a major carmaker in South Korea has created a business model that can generate carbon credits for electric vehicles by leveraging the parent group's resources.
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California ARB’s modified LCFS draft rules briefly send credit prices in a tizzy
ARB issued a 15-day notice late Monday for accepting public comments to modifications of proposed changes to California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS), sending credit futures in the secondary market trading through a wide intraday range on Tuesday.
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PREVIEW: July 10 ARB workshop tempers WCI Q3 auction settlement expectations
Market participants expect the upcoming WCI auction on Wednesday to settle at the lowest level in more than a year and at a discount to front-month futures, while analysts forecast a broad range of estimates considering a mix of bearish market sentiment and opportunistic buying from speculators.
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US DOE opens $54 mln funding opportunity for array of carbon management technologies
The US Department of Energy (DOE) opened Tuesday applications for $54.4 million in funding to support the development of technologies for the capture, transport, conversion, and storage of CO2.
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World Bank issues bond linking financial return to carbon removals from Amazon reforestation
The World Bank has priced what it says is the first bond linking investors' financial return to carbon removals from reforestation in the Amazon.
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BRIEFING: Australia must move fast to capture A$250 bln green iron opportunity
Australia must move fast to create a green industry from its current vast iron ore exports so it can go beyond a simple ‘dig and ship’ model to value-add creations. In so doing, the country can decarbonise its own industry and take advantage of the growing appetite for clean commodities.
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UK regulator approves low-carbon electricity ‘superhighway’ between Scotland and England
Britain’s energy regulator on Tuesday gave the green light to a £4.3 billion low-carbon electricity “superhighway” stretching over 500 kilometres, set to run from northeastern Scotland to northern England.
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Arctic’s carbon sink declines as coastal permafrost erodes -study
The CO2 capacity of the Arctic appears limited as global warming erodes key coastal permafrost, according to research published on Tuesday.
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Trump return, global recession, climate ‘race to the bottom’ are all ‘plausible’ in the near term -report
Current geopolitical factors and policy trends mean that there is a plausible risk that progress on tackling climate change could stall or go into reverse, a recent report has warned.
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