Carbon Pulse

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Updated: 14 min 21 sec ago

COP28: Abolish fundamentally-flawed carbon offset industry, Dutch NGO urges

Wed, 2023-12-06 08:31
A Dutch NGO has called for the abolishment of the voluntary carbon offset industry, highlighting what it sees as a myriad of fundamental flaws that go to straight the heart of the system.
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Washington lawmakers seek to lighten cap-and-invest regulations for biofuels

Wed, 2023-12-06 08:10
Lawmakers introduced a new bill in Washington’s Senate on Tuesday, looking to loosen cap-and-invest programme requirements for biofuels in the state.
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PREVIEW: Washington’s Q4 carbon allowance auction expected to clear above Tier 1

Wed, 2023-12-06 07:54
Most market observers expect Washington’s final cap-and-trade current vintage auction for 2023 to settle above the Allowance Price Containment Reserve (APCR) Tier 1 price and consequently trigger a reserve permit offering for the third time this year.
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Carbon Quality Manager, Carbon Value Exchange (CaVEx) – Flexible

Wed, 2023-12-06 07:41
The opportunity exists for a suitably qualified candidate to take a leading role in the company's next growth stage. As the Quality Manager you will spearhead the implementation and adherence of international standards (ISO14064-2 in particular), ensuring the development of high-integrity carbon credits.
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COP28: Major UK firms invest in soil carbon startup

Wed, 2023-12-06 06:56
Two major UK-based companies have invested in a soil carbon measurement startup, according to media reports.
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ANALYSIS: EU-US cleaner steel deal to be postponed until after elections amid rules friction

Wed, 2023-12-06 06:07
A definitive deal between the EU and the US involving the decarbonisation of the steel and aluminium industries is likely to be postponed until after next year's elections in both places, as fundamental differences between the two sides have emerged and the EU's carbon border adjustment mechanism has complicated matters.
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COMMENT: US-EU negotiations on sustainable steel and aluminium showed little progress… so, what’s left for EU’s industry?

Wed, 2023-12-06 06:06
Negotiations over the Global Arrangement on Sustainable Steel and Aluminium (GSA) remain stuck in a complex impasse, necessitating substantial concessions that neither the EU or US is willing to provide, writes Irina Kustova, Research Fellow at Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS).
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COP28: US states behind on commitments to align with national climate goals, study shows

Wed, 2023-12-06 04:47
The 25 US states aiming to align with the country's nationally determined contribution (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement must turn their emissions pledges into policy, attendees heard at a Tuesday panel as a report was presented showing progress towards the goal.
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Corporates can make carbon neutral claims under ISO with carbon credits that fail CCP grade

Wed, 2023-12-06 04:18
Corporates can claim carbon neutrality under the guidelines of the International Organisation for Standards (ISO) by offsetting their emissions with carbon credits that have failed to meet the CCP integrity label of the ICVCM, an ISO spokesperson confirmed this week.
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Biodiversity Pulse: Tuesday December 5, 2023

Wed, 2023-12-06 04:01
A twice-weekly summary of our biodiversity news plus bite-sized updates from around the world. All articles in this edition are free to read (no subscription required).
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Microsoft makes biggest investment into nature-based removals to date

Wed, 2023-12-06 03:53
Microsoft has concluded its biggest deal to date for nature based carbon credits, agreeing to buy afforestation, reforestation and revegetation (ARR) units from a Brazilian startup that has ambitions to replant parts of the Amazon with native species, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday.
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Norway moves closer to approving deep-sea mining

Wed, 2023-12-06 03:25
Norwegian politicians have won a preliminary parliamentary majority for a proposal to open up deep-sea mining in the Arctic region, triggering outrage from environmentalists, although the plans have yet to be given final approval.
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COP28: New funds announced to help Global South transition away from fossil fuels

Wed, 2023-12-06 02:47
A new flow of money was announced on Tuesday to help the Global South step away from oil and gas, from a growing number of members of international coalition Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance (BOGA).
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COP28: Fossil fuel industry embraces a phasedown of emissions, rather than production

Wed, 2023-12-06 02:24
While COP28 negotiating parties grapple with language surrounding the phaseout versus phasedown of fossil fuels, industry delegates demonstrated limited enthusiasm to reduce production of oil and gas amid activist calls for otherwise during the summit’s thematic Energy and Industry day.
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COP28: UAE joins Paris-aligned coal phaseout pledge, adding momentum to growing movement

Wed, 2023-12-06 02:14
The UAE has joined a group of around 180 countries, cities, regions, and organisations aiming to accelerate the phaseout of coal-fired power and transition to clean energy, as the COP28 host helps to strengthen a common call to end the era of new coal power.
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CIX to launch standard spot contract based on CCP-labelled carbon credits

Wed, 2023-12-06 02:11
Singapore-based Climate Impact X (CIX) is set to launch a set of standard spot contracts based on the Core Carbon Principle (CCP) mark of integrity from the ICVCM, as it seeks to establish the key benchmark for the voluntary carbon market.
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Chinese firm to study feasibility of REDD+ project in Laos

Wed, 2023-12-06 02:07
A Chinese company has teamed up with the Lao government to assess the feasibility of a REDD+ project in the Southeast Asian country, local media reported.
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Canadian carbon removals developer announces fourth technology partnership

Wed, 2023-12-06 01:59
A Montreal-based carbon removals developer has partnered with a UK-based direct air capture (DAC) company to deploy its technology in Canada.
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COP28: Uganda announces package of energy and sustainability commitments

Wed, 2023-12-06 00:58
The Ugandan government launched its Energy Transition Plan (ETP) at COP28 on Tuesday, aiming to boost energy security, environmental protection, and attractiveness to private sector investors in the East African nation.
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COP28: African Development Bank backs own adaptation mechanism over biodiversity credits

Tue, 2023-12-05 23:54
A voluntary biodiversity credit market would come with a number of risks, and nations should instead require corporates to pay towards climate adaptation and nature measures, a representative for the African Development Bank (AfDB) said on the sidelines of COP28 Tuesday, as the bank hopes to get the adaptation mechanism it has pushed for years to get approved at the talks.
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