Carbon Pulse

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Updated: 23 min 25 sec ago

Emitters shed CCA length as financials grew, RGA and WCA holdings decline

Sat, 2023-11-04 08:31
Compliance players shed California Carbon Allowance (CCA) holdings as speculators did the opposite, while both entities reduced their RGGI Allowance (RGA) and Washington Carbon Allowance (WCA) net length, US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) data showed Friday.
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Analyst downgrades CCA outlook, puts WCAs at Tier 1, and leaves RGGI unchanged

Sat, 2023-11-04 07:48
A monthly report by a carbon market analysis firm revealed lower expectations for California Carbon Allowance (CCA) prices, with Washington Carbon Allowance (WCA) values also expected to slide, while the outlook for RGGI Allowances (RGAs) remained the same.
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UPDATE – Verra halts credit issuances, launches investigation into Kasigau REDD projects on abuse allegations

Sat, 2023-11-04 07:42
Standards body and registry Verra on Friday halted issuances for both Kasigau Corridor REDD projects in Kenya, initiating an investigation into the activities after it was made aware of what it said were serious allegations of physical and sexual abuse.
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US companies announce verification of first credits in livestock-based carbon insetting marketplace

Sat, 2023-11-04 07:28
A major US veterinary pharmaceutical company and an Indianapolis-headquartered startup announced on Thursday the verification of credits for sale through the latter's cloud-based platform.
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Brazil increases NDC stringency

Sat, 2023-11-04 07:23
The Brazilian federal government has submitted stronger Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) targets to the UNFCCC, increasing the country's ambition to reduce emissions - the first official change to its national emissions plan since President Inacio Lula da Silva was elected in Oct. 2022.
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EU member states signal backing for obligation on oil and gas sector to build up bloc’s CCS infrastructure

Sat, 2023-11-04 02:26
The Council of EU member states is firming up its largely favourable position on whether to obligate oil and gas firms to fund the bloc’s CCS infrastructure as part of the bloc’s Net Zero Industry Act, with Denmark and the Netherlands wanting to include provisions that would also safeguard non-oil and gas ‘front-runner’ companies.
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INTERVIEW: Microsoft says critical that other carbon removal buyers join effort to scale industry

Sat, 2023-11-04 02:10
US tech giant Microsoft has stressed the need for other buyers to join its effort to scale up emerging technologies such as direct air capture and enhanced rock weathering through the purchase of carbon removal credits, with the company's removals portfolio executive stating that a group effort is required to scale up the industry and bring down costs.
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UK government invests £65 mln to warm homes with recycled data centre waste heat

Sat, 2023-11-04 00:27
The UK government has earmarked £65 million to invest in five pioneering projects aimed at heating homes by harnessing waste heat from data centres.
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Euro Markets: Midday Update

Fri, 2023-11-03 22:44
European carbon prices were modestly firmer at midday Friday in relatively quiet trading after Thursday's volatile €3 move, as the market digested mixed technical signals after yesterday's fall generated a potential bullish reversal, while the main energy markets advanced for a second day.
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Italian tech company gets EU backing to develop biodiversity credits

Fri, 2023-11-03 21:23
The EU will provide funding for an Italian firm to adapt its existing approach for biodiversity credits, with the company now seeking to take advantage of opportunities emerging from European-wide corporate disclosure rules.
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India launches energy efficiency programme to distribute induction cookstoves nationwide

Fri, 2023-11-03 21:06
India's Ministry of Power has launched a National Efficient Cooking Programme (NECP) to distribute 2 million induction cookstoves in order to revolutionise cooking practises in the country while slashing carbon emissions.
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Japan pilots biodiversity support certificates to beef up nature spending

Fri, 2023-11-03 20:35
Japan has started a first piloting phase for companies seeking to generate certificates by supporting government-certified biodiversity projects that they can use in reports under the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).
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CN Markets: CEA retreats from all-time high following government intervention, CCER trades stable

Fri, 2023-11-03 20:20
CO2 allowance prices in China’s carbon market fell below the 80 yuan ($10.93) benchmark over the past week after hitting a fresh all-time high, with trading volume remaining stable amid continued compliance demand.
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UN carbon crediting experts to hold extra meeting as scheduled talks stumble

Fri, 2023-11-03 19:01
The body guiding the Paris Agreement’s carbon crediting mechanism has hastily scheduled an extra meeting for later this month after this week’s talks broke without sufficient progress.
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Australian report finds hope for gas pipeline hydrogen

Fri, 2023-11-03 18:32
Australia’s domestic gas pipelines could take up to 10% hydrogen blended into the natural gas stream, according to a report released Friday, which could eventually be increased to 100% to speed decarbonisation, add new jobs in the state, and ultimately ensure gas pipelines remain viable through the energy transition.
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China accelerates spot power market construction, releases timelines for regional schemes

Fri, 2023-11-03 18:11
China is deepening power sector reform by speeding up the construction of the spot electricity markets, a move considered crucial to make the transition towards market-based electricity pricing and improve the effectiveness of the national carbon market.
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NZ Market: Special vote count results confirm National, Act will negotiate with NZ First to form govt

Fri, 2023-11-03 13:24
New Zealand’s Electoral Commission has released the results of the special votes from last month’s election, showing that the National party and Act will not get a majority together, meaning they will need NZ First to form government.
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CP Daily: Thursday November 2, 2023

Fri, 2023-11-03 12:52
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
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Barclays returning to carbon market with head trader hire

Fri, 2023-11-03 11:57
Barclays is reportedly rebuilding its presence in the carbon market after retreating from them a little over a decade ago.
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British tribunal upholds £24k UK ETS non-compliance fine against Bulgarian airline

Fri, 2023-11-03 11:39
A British tribunal has upheld a £24,200 penalty against a Bulgarian airline for failing to surrender sufficient carbon allowances under the UK ETS.
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