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Updated: 1 hour 20 min ago

INTERVIEW: Octopus Investments takes mixed approach to natural capital strategy

Fri, 2024-06-14 19:38
A British investor launching a natural capital strategy is aiming for a strong risk-return profile by balancing investments in nascent markets like biodiversity with more assured sectors like renewable energy and afforestation.
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ANALYSIS: Australian NGOs urge govt to form clean energy partnerships with fossil fuel trading partners, but real-world challenges abound

Fri, 2024-06-14 18:20
NGOs this week have said Australia should find ways to establish partnerships with its fossil fuel trading partners to build regional cooperation towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but while it has potential, experts have raised a litany of challenges that could stifle such ambitions. 
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Singapore set to give carbon tax rate cut for refiners -reports

Fri, 2024-06-14 17:41
Singapore is ramping up its carbon tax from this year, but is planning major rebates for refineries and petrochemicals until the end of 2025 amid increased international competition, according to Reuters.
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Japanese climate tech company raises $26 mln, forms multi-sector carbon alliances

Fri, 2024-06-14 17:03
A Tokyo-based climate technology announced Friday it has raised 4.2 billion yen ($26 mln) in Series C funding while setting up alliances - including on carbon credits - across several sectors to accelerate the decarbonisation process.
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Regulator approves 21 projects for J-Credit scheme

Fri, 2024-06-14 15:56
Japan’s domestic J-Credit scheme has received a boost as the system administrator has approved the registration of 21 projects capable of generating just over 1.1 million units.
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New Zealand cancels controversial annual ETS forestry charges for this year

Fri, 2024-06-14 15:20
The New Zealand government has scrapped this year’s annual service charges for forestry under the emissions trading scheme.
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Korean investors still cautious on the voluntary carbon market amid insufficient policy guidance

Fri, 2024-06-14 13:47
Investors in South Korea remain cautious about making a foray into the international voluntary carbon market, given the absence of government guidance and slow trades of domestic emissions permits, an event heard this week.
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High number of ACCU projects claiming for the first time, regulator data shows

Fri, 2024-06-14 13:42
Applications from projects looking to receive Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) totalled 4.3 million units at the end of the Q1, with many claiming for the first time, according to data published by the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) Friday.
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US federal court rules Oregon county case against fossil fuel companies can proceed within the state

Fri, 2024-06-14 11:49
A US federal district court sided with an Oregon county’s motion to hear its case against fossil fuel companies in a state court.
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Brazilian Senate committee approves national green hydrogen framework

Fri, 2024-06-14 11:27
The Brazilian Senate’s Special Committee on Green Hydrogen advanced a bill Wednesday establishing a regulatory framework for energy sources that includes incentives designed to promote the nation's industry.
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Major Canadian banks will continue to finance oil and gas as part of the energy transition

Fri, 2024-06-14 10:58
Canada’s five major banks are committed to serving their oil and gas clients towards long-term net zero goals, executives said before a parliamentary committee on Thursday, as elected officials questioned the specifics of the firms’ climate goals.
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WCI Market: CCAs consolidate, WCAs upbeat post strong Q2 auction

Fri, 2024-06-14 10:38
California Carbon Allowances (CCA) prices stabilised after last week's price rout, while trade in Washington Carbon Allowances (WCA) in the secondary market picked up after a strong second quarterly auction result.
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Australian telco announces move away from carbon credit use, increases emissions reduction targets

Fri, 2024-06-14 10:21
Australia’s largest telecom company Telstra announced Friday it will no longer purchase carbon credits, choosing instead direct investments to reduce its emissions footprint as well as increasing its Scope 1 and 2 emissions reduction targets.
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Rise in US biofuels production could worsen air quality, particularly in disadvantaged communities -non-profit

Fri, 2024-06-14 09:54
Increasing support for US biofuels production – including renewable diesel (RD) and ethanol – as more sustainable alternatives to petroleum-based counterparts, overlook their impact on air quality, particularly in rural Midwestern communities, analysis by an environmental non-profit found.
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CF NORTH AMERICA: Voluntary carbon market grows interest in removals, panellists maintain role for reductions

Fri, 2024-06-14 08:54
Prominent buyers in the voluntary carbon market (VCM) have raised the profile of removals credits, but costs remain high and reductions credits still have a key role to play in achieving voluntary net zero targets, panellists told conference attendees this week.
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Article 6 negotiators decide to push emissions avoidance decision out to 2028

Fri, 2024-06-14 07:59
In a late move at mid-year UN climate talks in Bonn, country negotiators formally decided Thursday to try and clean up the Article 6 process by pushing several "spicy" topics out to future years, notably including that of emissions avoidance, easing the workload ahead of COP29 in November.
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RGGI Market: Prices race to new highs in search of a ceiling

Fri, 2024-06-14 06:51
RGGI Allowance (RGA) prices hit new highs after posting a record settle at last week’s second quarterly permit sale, with traders viewing supportive warm weather forecasts, the absence of a reserve cap, and options activity adding to the upside.
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BRIEFING: Chile’s draft Article 6 law is ambitious, but may see slow project approvals

Fri, 2024-06-14 06:31
The public consultation period for Chile’s draft Article 6 regulation concluded this week as stakeholders praised ambitious timelines and comprehensive coverage but flagged cumbersome processes for project approval.
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Verra places voluntary carbon projects implicated in Brazilian police probe on hold

Fri, 2024-06-14 04:21
Verra has placed three Brazil-based voluntary carbon projects on hold, pending a formal review, after they were implicated in a fraud probe launched by the Brazilian Federal Police (PF) last week.
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Danish Parliament approves CO2 tax for industry, shipping

Fri, 2024-06-14 03:07
The Danish parliament has approved two bills that will impose a CO2 tax on parts of industry, including shipping and waste-to-energy companies, from next year.
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