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Updated: 49 sec ago

Japanese firms launch blockchain initiative to simplify J-Credit process

Thu, 2023-07-06 19:10
Two Tokyo-listed companies have launched an initiative to simplify the lengthy process of creating government-issued J-Credits while facilitating carbon credit trading through the use of IoT and blockchain technology, as the country is seeking ways to boost the supply of domestic offsets.
Categories: Around The Web

MPAs are increasing in Cambodia, but exhaustive list of issues must be addressed, World Bank reports says

Thu, 2023-07-06 18:24
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are receiving increasing attention in Cambodia to safeguard marine biodiversity, according to a new World Bank report, however wider governance, corruption, and capacity building issues must be addressed to begin adequately protect the country’s blue economy.
Categories: Around The Web

Verra ready to pilot biodiversity methodology

Thu, 2023-07-06 16:25
Carbon standard Verra on Wednesday issued a call for projects to pilot its long-awaited SD VISta Nature Framework and biodiversity methodology ahead of a public consultation process expected to launch in September.
Categories: Around The Web

AU Market: ACCU price falls to 10-month low on large supply overhang

Thu, 2023-07-06 14:31
The massive injection of Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) into the market in recent weeks has caused the price to slip to its lowest levels year-to-date, according to analysts.
Categories: Around The Web

Singapore asset manager secures green loan, carbon credits from OCBC bank

Thu, 2023-07-06 14:21
A Singaporean asset manager has secured a $300 million green loan that also includes carbon credits from Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation (OCBC) that will assist a shopping mall become carbon neutral, the company announced Thursday.
Categories: Around The Web

Record number of firms disclose forest-related risk but still leave $80 bln on the line, analysis suggests

Thu, 2023-07-06 14:01
More than 1000 companies disclosed forest-related risks through a voluntary platform last year in a sign of increasing corporate awareness, but analysis suggests that firms are not mitigating them effectively and could suffer losses of nearly $80 billion as a result.
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CP Daily: Wednesday July 5, 2023

Thu, 2023-07-06 11:25
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
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US startup incubator acquires Canadian voluntary carbon broker and marketplace

Thu, 2023-07-06 09:19
A US-based firm that incubates environmental fintech firms on Wednesday announced it has purchased a Canada-headquartered carbon and renewable energy credit broker, though will keep the acquired entity’s branding for its own marketplace under development.
Categories: Around The Web

UN insurers’ climate group ditches requirement to set GHG targets

Thu, 2023-07-06 08:24
A UN-convened climate alliance for insurance companies on Wednesday dropped a requirement for its members to set GHG reduction goals in line with its protocol after Republican politicians in the US lobbed anti-trust allegations at the initiative.
Categories: Around The Web

Germany agrees to resume domestic ETS price hike in 2024 after one-year pause -media

Thu, 2023-07-06 08:10
Germany’s has agreed to increase its domestic carbon price for buildings and transport from the start of 2024, going back on earlier plans to maintain a lower price after energy costs spiralled in the wake of Russian’s invasion of Ukraine last year, according to media reports.
Categories: Around The Web

ICE launches first Alberta carbon programme futures, as speculator builds credit positions

Thu, 2023-07-06 08:04
Global financial exchange ICE will launch futures contracts eligible for compliance under Alberta’s Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction programme, while transaction data showed a financial player continues to amass holdings in the province’s carbon market.
Categories: Around The Web

Carbon management firm to sell Canadian biochar credits, as ArcelorMittal invests in biocarbon company

Thu, 2023-07-06 07:12
A Germany-based carbon credit intermediary will sell credits from Canada’s first industrial-scale biochar facility on the voluntary market, while steelmaker ArcelorMittal announced plans to purchase biocarbon from another plans in the country.
Categories: Around The Web

Methane credit developer inks pre-purchase agreement with global commodity trader

Thu, 2023-07-06 07:05
A US-headquartered carbon credit developer on Wednesday announced it has pre-sold units stemming from plugging orphaned oil and gas wells to an international energy and commodity trading firm.
Categories: Around The Web

Policymakers significantly undercounting CO2 emissions from global wood harvesting, researchers say

Thu, 2023-07-06 07:03
Scientific papers and public policies are not typically counting the substantial contribution of wood harvesting to global carbon emissions, with GHG output set to take off even further through 2050 as timber demand grows, researchers said Wednesday.
Categories: Around The Web

EU political groups face major discussions ahead of nature law vote next week

Thu, 2023-07-06 03:31
European lawmakers have just days to come to a decision on nature protection measures, with a vote due at next week's plenary session on a law to restore at least 20% of the bloc’s sea and land areas by 2030.
Categories: Around The Web

Insufficient shipping carbon levy could lead to unmanageable regional regulatory differences, says industry

Thu, 2023-07-06 03:25
Shipping industry stakeholders have warned that a global carbon levy lacking in sufficient ambition could lead to a bureaucratic nightmare with patchworks of regional and national regulations emerging in response, as national representatives continue discussions in the UK this week to outline international climate plans for the sector.
Categories: Around The Web

New tool launched to create standardised reports of carbon credit projects at any stage of development

Thu, 2023-07-06 03:10
A new tool is about to be launched to formalise best practice in the voluntary carbon market by enabling project developers to report on the governance, financial, and sustainable performance of projects and climate change mitigation programs in a standardised way.
Categories: Around The Web

Tech company seeks to become alternative standard for digital carbon market

Thu, 2023-07-06 02:11
A technology company is seeking to break the malaise in the digital carbon market (DCM) following last year’s banning of tokenising voluntary credits from mainstream standard bodies by becoming the blockchain standard for the market.
Categories: Around The Web

ANALYSIS: UK sends “very strong signal” on removals in ETS reform paper

Wed, 2023-07-05 23:51
The UK has set down a very significant marker for the inclusion of removals in its compliance carbon market and one that starkly differs from the EU position, experts have told Carbon Pulse, though integration is unlikely to be rushed.
Categories: Around The Web

Euro Markets: Midday Update

Wed, 2023-07-05 21:59
EUA prices extended their losses for a third day amid low-key trading, staying between two key technical levels as numerous participants headed to an industry conference, while energy markets were little changed as renewables output was forecast to rise.
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