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Updated: 2 hours 29 min ago

Gold Standard unveils pilot for carbon crediting climate policies

Tue, 2024-06-11 19:10
Governments will soon be able to receive emissions reductions validation via a new policy crediting pilot launched by Gold Standard on Tuesday, with the units expected to be tradable as ITMOs under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.
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Australian soil tech developer to undertake review of carbon business after “disappointing results”, CEO departure

Tue, 2024-06-11 19:04
An Australian soil carbon tech developer on Tuesday announced a complete review of its carbon business due to what it described as “disappointing results to date” and the departure of its managing director and CEO.
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Philippines Article 6 registry operator issues call for carbon projects

Tue, 2024-06-11 17:29
Maharlika Carbon, which hosts the Philippines’ Article 6 registry, on Tuesday issued a call for nature-based, biodiversity, renewable energy, and green technology projects across the Philippines to register on its platform for participation in environmental markets.
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Rainforest Alliance, Swiss firm team up to scale sustainable farming in Kenya

Tue, 2024-06-11 17:00
Non-profit Rainforest Alliance and a Switzerland-based advisory company have announced a partnership to boost investments towards conservation efforts among Mount Kenya's farming communities.
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China announces first batch of qualified verifiers for CCER programme

Tue, 2024-06-11 15:44
China on Tuesday announced the first batch of qualified bodies to conduct validation and verification work under the country's national voluntary carbon credit programme, a move that will remove hurdles for developers to proceed with their offset projects.
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New Zealand disbands agricultural industry climate group, confirms it will keep sector out of the ETS

Tue, 2024-06-11 12:57
The New Zealand government has dumped agricultural group He Waka Eke Noa (HWEN), saying the former government’s process to price agricultural carbon emissions has failed and vowing to keep the country’s most polluting sector out of the emissions trading scheme.
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Australia Market Roundup: Rio Tinto acquires larger stake in Queensland smelting company, ACCU issuance dips

Tue, 2024-06-11 11:44
Anglo Australian miner Rio Tinto has acquired Mitsubishi Corporation’s interest in an aluminium smelting company, Rio announced Tuesday, which operates a smelter covered under the Safeguard Mechanism.
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LCFS Markets: Clean fuels programme credit prices dive across US Northwest markets

Tue, 2024-06-11 10:37
Credit values for both Oregon Clean Fuels Program (OCFP) and Washington Clean Fuel Standard (WCFS) plummeted towards the end of last week, while California's Low Carbon Fuels  Standard (LCFS) credit prices remain pressured in recent months.
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Verra suspends registry account linked to Brazilian carbon credit fraud investigation

Tue, 2024-06-11 08:21
Verra has suspended a registry account linked to three projects that are reportedly the subject of a fraud probe launched by the Brazilian Federal Police (PF) last week.
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Increased water demand for CO2 capture from ethanol plants may deplete Iowa’s aquifers, says non-profit

Tue, 2024-06-11 07:01
Iowa’s ethanol plants that have partnered with a CO2 pipeline developer would require 3.36 billion gallons (12.7 bln litres) of water every year to capture carbon, potentially depleting the state’s aquifers, according to an environmental non-profit.
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RGGI Market: Prices reverse higher after record Q2 allowance clear

Tue, 2024-06-11 06:42
RGGI Allowance (RGA) prices reversed course from the week’s downslide as the Q2 auction record settlement beat market expectations.
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New York Senate approves Clean Fuel Standard bill, proposal in limbo again

Tue, 2024-06-11 06:39
The New York State Senate approved Friday a bill seeking to establish a Clean Fuel Standard (CFS), but the proposal once again failed to clear both chambers ahead of the end of the legislative session.
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INTERVIEW: Loopholes are temporary, decarbonisation is forever for ships under EU ETS

Tue, 2024-06-11 06:14
The extension of the EU ETS to maritime shipping on Jan. 1 will not result in fee-dodging at a meaningful scale, or for a protracted period, keeping up a manageable pressure to decarbonise, two industry experts have told Carbon Pulse, despite fears to the contrary.
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BRIEFING: Bonn climate finance talks making tentative progress but still far from “nitty gritty”

Tue, 2024-06-11 04:53
Negotiators have managed to significantly shorten a text that would move towards creating a new global climate finance goal during mid-year UN climate talks in Bonn, but most of the key details are yet to be hashed out.
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OECD launches call for IEA to procure clean cookstove, SAF carbon credits

Tue, 2024-06-11 03:44
The OECD has launched a call for tenders, on behalf of the International Energy Agency (IEA), to source suppliers of clean cookstove and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) carbon credits.
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EVs only marginally increased market share in Europe last year, shows new data

Tue, 2024-06-11 03:14
Electric vehicle market share growth slowed down sharply in Europe last year, according to new data from the European Environment Agency (EEA), analysed by Carbon Pulse.
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VCM Report: CCP-tagged voluntary carbon credits fail to ignite market, hopes pinned on slow burn impact

Tue, 2024-06-11 01:45
The first voluntary credits tagged with the Core Carbon Principles (CCP) label nudged higher last week, after the ICVCM approved its methodologies, but expectations that the integrity-stamped units would immediately spark demand were snubbed out.
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Colombian bank to issue “first biodiversity bond” for $50 mln

Tue, 2024-06-11 01:29
A ‘biodiversity bond’ with a tailored nature-specific structure, distinct from a green bond, is planned to issue for $50 million from BBVA Colombia in collaboration with the International Finance Corporation (IFC).
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Brazil launches mangrove conservation programme

Tue, 2024-06-11 00:02
The Brazilian government has launched a programme to enhance the conservation of mangroves in the country, which boasts the second-largest area of mangrove cover in the world.
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Surge in private finance could help close nature finance gap by 2030, UNEP FI says

Mon, 2024-06-10 23:50
The amount of private money committed to nature could help the total amount raised reach sufficient levels to reverse biodiversity loss, if investment rates continue, the UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) said in a report preview on Monday.
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