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Updated: 2 hours 17 min ago

Australia ask EU to delay compliance on deforestation law

Thu, 2024-05-09 12:42
The Australian government has asked the EU to delay regulation that would prevent commodities linked to deforestation from being imported into the bloc.
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Biotech firm, gas producer call for ramp-up of CI stringency in California LCFS scheme

Thu, 2024-05-09 12:16
California must significantly ramp up the proposed carbon intensity (CI) target under its Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) to rid the market of its surplus, according to submissions to the market regulator's ongoing stakeholder consultation process.
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Malawi issues letter of authorisation to sell 1.5 mln carbon credits at auction

Thu, 2024-05-09 12:03
Malawi’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Climate Change has authorised a private firm to auction the country’s carbon credits on the international market, according to local media reports.
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Washington CFS rulemaking to deviate from federal GREET model updates

Thu, 2024-05-09 11:13
Washington’s Department of Ecology (ECY) staff received pushback from stakeholders for choosing not to make changes to its GREET model during the latest round of Clean Fuels Standard (CFS) rulemaking, after the federal government recently updated their carbon intensity (CI) standard calculations for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) tax credits.
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INTERVIEW: Poor demand from Global North hampers biodiversity credit uptake in Africa

Thu, 2024-05-09 10:50
European and North American companies are not keen to invest in biodiversity credit initiatives in Africa, as the continent strives for innovative funding solutions alongside carbon credits to preserve its nature, a conservation finance expert has told Carbon Pulse.
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Brazil, India, Saudi Arabia among largest emitters most exposed to climate impacts

Thu, 2024-05-09 09:01
A third of the countries responsible for the vast majority of global emissions could face some of the harshest climate change impacts, especially from heat, according to a new report by a risk intelligence company.
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Extending UK ETS to heating and road transport would cut emissions -report

Thu, 2024-05-09 09:01
Expanding the UK carbon market to cover heating and road transport fuels could help to reduce emissions significantly, but further measures are needed to offset the cost to lower-income households and reach net zero emissions by 2050, according to research published Thursday.
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ARB’s highest offset issuance of 2024 lacks DEBs-tagged units, keeping their premiums elevated

Thu, 2024-05-09 08:29
California regulator ARB issued the highest number of compliance-grade offsets thus far this year but none with direct environmental benefits (DEBs) to the state, holding DEBs-tagged premiums above $20, data published Wednesday showed.
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Expanded ETS proposal, extensive oil production cloud Brazilian climate policy -report

Thu, 2024-05-09 07:47
The enhanced eligibility of REDD+ credits in partially-approved ETS legislation in Brazil, alongside increased investment in oil production, could contradict the country's climate policy ambitions, according to a report published Wednesday.
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BRIEFING: Federal judge questions basis of discrimination in Washington cap-and-trade lawsuit

Thu, 2024-05-09 07:33
A US federal district judge has questioned the nature of a power producer’s electricity consumers, its allocation of no-cost allowances as per Washington state’s Climate Commitment Act (CCA), and the future of the facility's participation in the cap-and-trade programme, according to legal arguments heard in court.
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Surge of patents in CDR technologies this year signals market set for rapid growth

Thu, 2024-05-09 03:01
An explosion of patents has lit up the carbon dioxide removal (CDR) market, signalling the nascent market is on the cusp of entering into the growth stage.
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EU failing to protect remote marine areas, WWF says

Thu, 2024-05-09 00:49
EU countries are largely failing to protect their marine areas in the bloc's most remote regions, with national strategies often misaligned with the European Green Deal goals, a WWF report said on Tuesday.
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Australia’s mining sector well placed to lead on Safeguard credits -expert

Wed, 2024-05-08 23:08
Miners could emerge as frontrunners in generating Safeguard Mechanism Credits (SMCs) under Australia’s main carbon market programme thanks to their ability to abate emissions and the varied GHG profiles of different assets, a conference in the country’s unofficial mining capital of Perth heard Thursday.
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Euro Markets: Midday Update

Wed, 2024-05-08 23:01
European carbon prices jumped in early Wednesday trading as traders anticipated a pause in the auction programme for the next two days, while the weekly positions data showed investment funds continuing to trim their bearish bets for a fourth week in a row.
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Carbon removal competition selects 20 finalists to compete for $50 mln prize

Wed, 2024-05-08 22:00
A global competition to support innovators developing carbon removal solutions has announced its cohort of 20 finalists set to compete in the last stage, with $50 million up for grabs for the winning team able to demonstrate sustainable and cost-effective carbon removal from the atmosphere or ocean.
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INTERVIEW: Developer sells clean cooking credits for $30 through use of more conservative methodology

Wed, 2024-05-08 21:00
A developer of clean cookstove projects in Kenya has sold its first tranche of credits to a multilateral buyer for several times the typical value of cookstove credits on the voluntary carbon market, with the credits the first to be issued for a biomass project in Africa under a new methodology.
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Series of institutional investment natural capital funds prepares for launch

Wed, 2024-05-08 20:46
A series of large nature investment funds focused on real assets will launch on a new platform, which should appear next year, from the investment arms of a Dutch bank and a Canadian pension fund.
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ASEAN region runs risk of “severe underinvestment” from the private sector across all energy technologies

Wed, 2024-05-08 20:02
Southeast Asia is witnessing significant underinvestment in the energy transition and renewable energy, mostly because the private sector has been contributing a negligible percentage of its asset base, a financial consultant told a virtual conference on Wednesday.
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Philippines govt, conglomerates team up to protect massive marine ecosystem

Wed, 2024-05-08 17:03
The Philippines government has partnered with three of the nation’s biggest conglomerates on the conservation of a 1.4-million hectare vital waterway, though some observers expressed concern as the same three firms recently started building an LNG facility in the area.
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NGO claims ArcelorMittal is failing to follow through on commitments to decarbonise

Wed, 2024-05-08 17:01
Steelmaker ArcelorMittal is accused of walking back on commitments to decarbonise, and returning more money to shareholders than it puts into climate action, in a report released Wednesday by an NGO.
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