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Updated: 1 hour 26 min ago

BRIEFING: Over half of APAC’s economy directly dependent on nature, highly vulnerable to nature-related risks

Wed, 2024-04-24 20:54
Countries in the Asia Pacific region are highly vulnerable to nature-related risks, including loss of biodiversity, an increase in pollution, and the non-availability of freshwater, and the failure to address these losses could lead material financial risk for companies and institutional investors, panellists told a webinar Wednesday.
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INTERVIEW: Plastic credits for waste recovery can help plug financing, regulatory gaps

Wed, 2024-04-24 20:40
Plastic credits should be used wherever there’s a financing gap to make plastic collection happen and as a bridge to extended producer responsibility regulation, while they should be sufficiently expensive to dissuade plastic makers from producing the waste in the first place, according to a developer of track and trace software for waste recovery.
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BRIEFING: Who are the small industrial emitters covered by the EU’s ETS2?

Wed, 2024-04-24 20:30
Small industrial emitters falling under the “other” sectors covered by the EU’s Emissions Trading System for road transport and heating fuels, ETS2, are typically German installations burning fossil gas in plants of less than 20 megawatts, analysts say.
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Australia’s largest resources export state fails again to buck emissions trend

Wed, 2024-04-24 19:59
New emissions data from Australia’s climate change department shows emissions in its largest resources export state rose over the previous year by 9 million tonnes of CO2-e but those in its largest coal mining state have dropped significantly every year for five consecutive years.
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Korean steelmaker to to launch combined blue carbon, marine biodiversity conservation project

Wed, 2024-04-24 19:21
One of the world's largest steelmakers has teamed up with government agencies to increase carbon sequestration and protect marine ecosystems in South Korea, using steel by-products to help cultivate seaweeds.
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Green industrial production set to migrate to renewables-rich countries -study

Wed, 2024-04-24 19:00
The production of energy-intensive green steel, chemicals, and hydrogen is likely to migrate from countries with limited renewables resources to those with abundant supply over the next two decades — but that does not have to result in a deindustrialisation for those that lose the operations, according to a study published on Wednesday. 
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Australian state to develop guide to reduce biodiversity impacts from renewable energy projects

Wed, 2024-04-24 18:57
The Australian state of Victoria is committing A$3.8 million ($2.5 mln) to develop tools and guidelines for renewable energy project developers to avoid harming local biodiversity, it announced Wednesday.
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Australia’s Woodside sees climate plans rejected by AGM

Wed, 2024-04-24 18:48
Australia's Woodside Energy saw its climate action plan rejected by shareholders at its annual general meeting in Perth on Wednesday with nearly 60% of investors voting against it, while the chairman suffered one of the largest shareholder revolts recorded for an ASX50 company in recent years.
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Thai bank teams up with consultancy to decarbonise energy, agriculture sectors, promote carbon trading

Wed, 2024-04-24 17:41
A Thai state-owned bank has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a Bangkok-based climate consultancy to support domestic businesses and farmers in meeting their decarbonisation goals through trading of carbon credits and renewable energy certificates (RECs), it said in a statement.
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Removals buyers club signs CDR offtake agreement with concrete CO2 mineralisation tech developer

Wed, 2024-04-24 17:01
A carbon dioxide removal (CDR) venture has made an advanced purchase of CDRs from mineralised CO2 in demolished concrete from multiple projects across Europe, it announced Tuesday.
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ANALYSIS: Japan’s inclusion of CDR credits not expected to stir enthusiasm in domestic carbon market

Wed, 2024-04-24 16:06
Japan has opened the door to the use of international credits from carbon dioxide removal (CDR) projects in its domestic carbon market, though market response might be tepid due to the entry threshold and the limited scope of eligible projects.
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Volatile day in California market as ARB workshop largely dodges main rulemaking questions

Wed, 2024-04-24 12:35
WCI traders’ expectations for more clarifications on cap adjustment details, cost containment changes, and allowance allocation considerations from ARB at Tuesday’s workshop failed to materialise, resulting in volatile price action in the secondary market.
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Rabobank, Plan Vivo refute Ivorian carbon credit double counting claims

Wed, 2024-04-24 10:59
Rabobank and Plan Vivo have pushed back against reporting by investigative journalism outlet Follow the Money (FTM), which revealed that Cote d’Ivoire had asked the Dutch bank to suspend its carbon credit origination activities in the country’s Nawa region over double counting fears.
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BC’s updated forest offset protocol mandates First Nations engagement, outlines reversal measures

Wed, 2024-04-24 10:45
Canada’s British Columbia has updated its offset regulation and published its second forest carbon offset protocol (FCOP 2.0), which mandates First Nations’ engagement across all projects and stipulates measures that could see fewer credits awarded to project developers in the event of a reversal.
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Australia provides A$330 mln to decarbonise heavy industry

Wed, 2024-04-24 10:32
The Australian government has provided A$330 mln ($214 mln) in grant funding to heavy industrial facilities across the country to reduce their CO2 emissions by 830,000 tonnes per year, it announced Wednesday.
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Over $11 mln secured to oppose Washington’s cap-and-trade repeal initiative

Wed, 2024-04-24 10:20
Major US corporations are backing a campaign against a voter initiative in Washington that seeks to overturn the state’s cap-and-trade programme, with some $11 million mobilised by the time it launched last week.
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CORSIA credits could be worth over $50/t based on airline demand signals, says offset project financier

Wed, 2024-04-24 09:37
Prices for first phase CORSIA carbon credits could be valued above $50/tonne based on indications of airline demand, a project financier said Tuesday.
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BRIEFING: Additional MRV, policy support needed to scale enhanced weathering as a CDR solution, experts warn

Wed, 2024-04-24 08:31
Advancing enhanced rock weathering (ERW) as a CO2 removal solution will require addressing MRV challenges and higher policy support, especially in Europe, members of a recently formed industry alliance said Tuesday.
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UN SG calls on G20 to lead the way on phasing out fossil fuels and increasing finance

Wed, 2024-04-24 05:30
G20 countries must lead the way in "dramatically" accelerating the fossil fuels phase-out, providing certainty and predictability to markets, and boosting climate action support for poorer countries, the UN secretary general said in a speech on Tuesday.
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Voluntary carbon credit issuances outpace retirements in Q1 to further inflate oversupply, weigh on prices -analysts

Wed, 2024-04-24 04:37
Despite a historically large number of retirements in the voluntary carbon market in Q1 2024, oversupply continues to balloon amid issuances rising at a faster clip, keeping credit prices at bay, analysts said Tuesday.
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