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Updated: 38 min 20 sec ago

Strategy Manager, Cambridge Centre for Carbon Credits (4C) – Cambridge, UK

Fri, 2022-02-25 08:28
With the recent significant donation to develop 'The Cambridge Centre for Carbon Credits', we are seeking a 4C Strategy Manager who will focus on creating an effective programme to support students and researchers in the relevant areas of computer science, environmental science and economics in order to build a trusted market place for carbon credits and support global reforestation efforts.
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*European Policy Director, International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) – Brussels

Fri, 2022-02-25 07:37
*PREMIUM LISTING - As European Policy Director, your role will be to ensure that IETA engages constructively with European policymakers and other stakeholders to advance market-based climate policies that meet the urgent need to decarbonise, and deliver the Paris Agreement’s net zero ambition.
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Senior Carbon Manager, PUR Project – Paris/Toronto

Fri, 2022-02-25 07:24
As PUR Projet is expanding worldwide, we are looking for a dynamic and organized Carbon Manager. As a key member of the experienced Carbon team, you will be in charge of developing and managing carbon certifications and partnerships with carbon partners.
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UPDATE – WCI carbon auction clears at fourth consecutive all-time high during Q1

Fri, 2022-02-25 06:50
California and Quebec sold current vintage carbon allowances at a fresh all-time high and a record premium to the secondary market during the February sale, though the advance auction cleared at the floor as it failed to sell out for the first time in two years, according to results released Thursday.
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Ukraine crisis to weigh on VER prices as buyers step back -traders

Fri, 2022-02-25 05:22
Voluntary emissions reduction (VER) prices are likely to come under pressure as buyers step away from the market amid huge uncertainties thrown up by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, an online panel heard on Thursday.
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ANALYSIS: Central banks face increasing climate-related headwinds in battle to curb inflation

Fri, 2022-02-25 03:25
Central banks have clearly signalled their intent to tighten monetary policy to help tackle the sky-high prices that are plaguing both sides of the Atlantic, but lowering inflation will face hindrances from the unchartered realities of climate change and its associated 'greenflation'.
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Drax’s fossil generation falls 75% in 2021 following gas asset sales

Thu, 2022-02-24 23:19
ETS-covered coal and gas power generated by UK utility Drax fell by more than 75% year on year as the firm ended all commercial coal operations and completed the sale of its gas assets, the company announced in full-year results on Thursday.  
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China accelerates coal plant construction despite carbon neutral pledge -study

Thu, 2022-02-24 19:52
New coal plant construction projects in China rose to a five-year high last year, tripling numbers in the rest of the world combined, while new project approvals have picked up pace in the first few weeks of 2022, according to a report released Thursday.
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Euro Markets: EUAs plunge 7.5%, gas soars as much as 40% as Russian forces enter Ukraine

Thu, 2022-02-24 19:09
European carbon prices plunged as much as 7.5% in early trading on Thursday, while front-month TTF prices were up more than 40% at one point as Russian forces crossed into Ukrainian territory and attacks were reported on Ukrainian military targets across the country.
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Big Australian fossil fuel project emissions sharply higher than originally estimated, study finds

Thu, 2022-02-24 18:53
Around one-third of Australian fossil fuel projects assessed by an environmental group were found to be emitting more greenhouse gases than was estimated at the time of their approval by regulators, casting doubt on the efficacy of instruments such as the Safeguard Mechanism to curb carbon pollution, a study released on Thursday has found.
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CP Daily: Wednesday February 23, 2022

Thu, 2022-02-24 14:12
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
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Canada-based carbon credit fund seeks US Nasdaq listing

Thu, 2022-02-24 09:54
A Canadian-based carbon credit investment vehicle is seeking a listing on the US Nasdaq stock market, it announced Wednesday.
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California offset issuance stays low, Quebec mints first credits in 8 months

Thu, 2022-02-24 08:44
The number of compliance offsets handed out by California regulator ARB through February is off to the slowest start in five years, while Quebec gave out its first WCI credits since June, according to government data published Wednesday.
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California provides glimpse of possible carbon market reform steps after Scoping Plan update

Thu, 2022-02-24 07:39
California government agencies on Wednesday largely punted their response to sweeping watchdog proposals to strengthen the WCI-linked cap-and-trade programme until after the forthcoming Scoping Plan update, though they did disclose some potential steps the state could take following the end-year finalisation of the climate strategy document.
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RFS Market: RIN prices lift to 1-mth high on commodity complex, proposed RVO deadline

Thu, 2022-02-24 06:36
US biofuel credit (RIN) values raced higher this week amid rising feedstock prices, while traders also said further clarity regarding final Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) quotas may also be providing support.
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INTERVIEW: Intergovernmental body targets first Paris emissions trade deal by year-end

Thu, 2022-02-24 05:02
An intergovernmental organisation that works with host countries on low-carbon development aims to secure its first Paris-compliant deal for an internationally transferred mitigation outcome (ITMO) by the end of 2022 from one of its 12 emissions trade projects, a senior director told Carbon Pulse. 
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Large European utilities report surge in EU ETS-covered fossil generation

Thu, 2022-02-24 02:21
Uniper and Endesa both announced a significant year-on-year increase in ETS-covered fossil fuel power generation for 2021, the firms said in financial results this week, with a strong rise in gas-fired output driving the growth as well as a surge in coal burn in the case of Uniper. 
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Bluesource, Element Markets merge as carbon markets industry consolidation proliferates

Thu, 2022-02-24 01:25
North American offset project developer Bluesource and environmental commodities company Element Markets on Wednesday announced they will form a combined entity under the backing of a global impact investor, adding to the booming consolidation movement within the international carbon credit industry.
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Verra’s nature carbon lead joins developer South Pole

Thu, 2022-02-24 00:58
One of the most senior staffers at standards body Verra is joining South Pole, with the offset developer and consultancy looking to broaden its technology-focused portfolio into nature as part of an ongoing expansion.
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Euro Markets: Midday Update

Wed, 2022-02-23 23:39
European carbon prices rose to their highest in more than a week as EUAs moved in line with broadly firmer energy markets, with tensions continuing to mount in Ukraine after Russia announced it would send troops into the separatist regions of Donbas and Luhansk.
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