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Updated: 1 hour 16 min ago

Annual EUA withdrawal number to be published on May 8 -EU Commission

Thu, 2020-05-07 03:03
The European Commission will on Friday publish figures determining how many EU ETS carbon allowances will be removed from the market over the 12 months from September, with this year's calculation release date coming a week earlier than normal.
Categories: Around The Web

Hydro gains likely to lower California power sector’s WCI obligations for 2019, data suggests

Thu, 2020-05-07 02:56
Robust California hydroelectric generation last year displaced carbon-emitting sources and mitigated lower nuclear output, likely reducing compliance obligations for the power sector in the WCI-linked ETS, according to preliminary California Energy Commission (CEC) data released Tuesday.
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Czech senate demands EU ETS renegotiation amid rising heating costs

Thu, 2020-05-07 02:21
The Czech senate has passed a resolution demanding the country’s government re-negotiate the country's obligation under the EU ETS, citing an increased burden on the district heating system.
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LCFS Market: California prices bounce back following data release

Thu, 2020-05-07 00:56
California Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) credit prices climbed to a one-month high on Tuesday, erasing all losses after state regulator ARB posted higher-than-expected credit generation figures for Q4 2019.
Categories: Around The Web

EU Midday Market Briefing

Thu, 2020-05-07 00:11
EUAs hung around €19 on Wednesday as the market absorbed a bumper Polish auction far more comfortably than a smaller sale the previous day, as fresh data showed an increase in speculative short positions.
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Governments must resist efforts to weaken carbon pricing, says business coalition

Wed, 2020-05-06 21:19
Carbon pricing and the legislation governing it are “essential policy tools” to tackle climate change and governments must stand firm against voices demanding their weakening, a coalition of 40 businesses, financial institutions, and non-profits wrote in a report published on Tuesday.
Categories: Around The Web

UK should consider wider carbon pricing while oil price is low, say advisors

Wed, 2020-05-06 20:38
The UK should consider expanding carbon pricing among its post-pandemic recovery measures, the government’s climate advisors said on Wednesday, adding that current low oil prices provide an opportunity to raise carbon taxes.
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Principal Consultant, Net Zero Carbon Strategies, Climate17 – Home-based

Wed, 2020-05-06 19:52
Our client is a specialist strategy and sustainability consultancy focused on supporting organisations to grasp the opportunities and navigate the risks associated with a transition to net-zero emissions.
Categories: Around The Web

SK Market: Korean carbon’s virus resistance weakens

Wed, 2020-05-06 18:13
South Korea’s carbon price is finally showing signs of reacting to the COVID-19 crisis, slipping steadily in recent days amid growing pre-compliance trading activity after weeks of stable prices.
Categories: Around The Web

CP Daily: Tuesday May 5, 2020

Wed, 2020-05-06 07:50
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
Categories: Around The Web

WCI auction outlook strengthens need for annual banking metric, rule-based adjustment -expert

Wed, 2020-05-06 04:57
Emissions reductions stemming from the coronavirus pandemic increase the need for California to implement an annual surplus metric for its WCI-linked carbon market, with a rule-based mechanism the best solution to adjust future allowance supply, an ETS watchdog official told Carbon Pulse.
Categories: Around The Web

Massachusetts’ GWSA-capped emissions crater during COVID-19 pandemic

Wed, 2020-05-06 04:28
Massachusetts power generators remained significantly below their annual Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) CO2 limits amid the coronavirus pandemic, with two plants having barely operated during the first quarter, data shows.
Categories: Around The Web

EU Market: EUAs slump back to €19 after auction barely clears

Wed, 2020-05-06 03:40
EUAs slumped back to €19 on Tuesday, with early gains given up when a very weak auction helped knock carbon prices below technical support.
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French energy major Total restricts full net zero climate ambition to Europe

Wed, 2020-05-06 03:37
French energy major Total set new 2050 voluntary goals to reach net zero emissions from its global operations, as well as from its products sold to European customers, the company announced on Tuesday.
Categories: Around The Web

Lead US climate negotiator departs for sustainability consultancy

Wed, 2020-05-06 00:18
The US State Department’s chief climate negotiator has exited President Donald Trump’s administration for a role in the sustainability consulting arm of a multinational utility, Carbon Pulse has learned.
Categories: Around The Web

Australian industry body wants to link offsets with renewable crediting

Tue, 2020-05-05 19:05
Australia should drive additional investments in low-carbon energy by making Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) and government-issued carbon credits fungible as part of a wider plan to back a low-emission recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, the Clean Energy Council said Tuesday.
Categories: Around The Web

CP Daily: Monday May 4, 2020

Tue, 2020-05-05 10:56
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
Categories: Around The Web

Americas Policy Analyst, Vivid Economics – London

Tue, 2020-05-05 07:07
We are currently looking for Policy Analysts covering energy and climate policies in Canada, USA, Mexico, and LatAm. The candidate is expected to monitor and analyse policy developments, brief internal and external stakeholders and to contribute with their policy expertise to ongoing projects.
Categories: Around The Web

MENA Policy Analyst, Vivid Economics – London

Tue, 2020-05-05 07:05
We are currently looking for Policy Analysts covering energy and climate policies in Europe and MENA. The candidate is expected to monitor and analyse policy developments, brief internal and external stakeholders and to contribute with their policy expertise to ongoing projects.
Categories: Around The Web

Asia Policy Analyst, Vivid Economics – London

Tue, 2020-05-05 07:04
We are currently looking for Policy Analysts covering energy and climate policies in key countries such as China, South Korea, Japan, and SEA as a region. The candidate is expected to monitor and analyse policy developments, brief internal and external stakeholders and to contribute with their policy expertise to ongoing projects.
Categories: Around The Web
