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Updated: 1 hour 8 min ago

Norway sets out higher Paris GHG pledge as world awaits more

Sat, 2020-02-08 05:02
Norway committed to increase its UN Paris Agreement emissions pledge on Friday, one of very few less than a year ahead of the start of the climate pact that is drastically falling short of its global warming target.
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Swiss get 25 entries in latest bid for Paris-era carbon credits

Sat, 2020-02-08 02:00
Switzerland’s carbon credit procurement agency received 25 submissions under its second call for proposals from developers hoping to sell emission units to the country under the Paris Agreement’s Article 6.
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Court rejects California’s request for delays in DOJ lawsuit challenging ETS linkage

Sat, 2020-02-08 01:58
A federal judge on Thursday turned down a California petition to delay the timeline for a US Department of Justice (DOJ) lawsuit challenging the state’s cap-and-trade linkage with Quebec, setting up a critical hearing next month.
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CARBON FAST FORWARD: Mapping the future of UK carbon pricing in Manchester

Sat, 2020-02-08 00:24
Last month's Brexit climax finally brought long-sought answers for British emitters on their EU ETS obligations, though navigating the way ahead presents several challenges for companies managing their carbon and energy risk.
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EU Midday Market Update

Fri, 2020-02-07 23:16
EUAs dipped lower early on Friday and were poised for a 1.6% weekly loss as poor industrial data and a weak energy complex dampened bullish sentiment.
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Carbon credit delivery to Australia’s ERF surpasses 50 mln

Fri, 2020-02-07 19:53
Australian offset project developers delivered almost 660,000 credits to the government’s Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) over January, taking the fund’s total generation above 50 MtCO2e since its first auction in Apr. 2015.
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CP Daily: Thursday February 6, 2020

Fri, 2020-02-07 10:36
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
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Climate Policy Manager, Office of Sustainability & Environment, City of Seattle – Seattle

Fri, 2020-02-07 09:01
As the Climate Policy Manager, you will bring strong analytic, policy, and communications skills to shape the City of Seattle's climate program. The program includes policies aimed at reducing pollution in the built environment, from transportation, as well as from internal city operations.
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NA Markets: CCAs continue bullish trend with speculative purchases, RGGI falls on emissions data

Fri, 2020-02-07 08:48
California Carbon Allowance (CCA) prices rose for the second consecutive week as speculators continued to take long positions on the back end of the curve, while RGGI Allowances (RGAs) retraced previous gains after data showed emissions from the power plants covered by the ETS fell to an all-time low in 2019.
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Finland’s utility Fortum goes emissions-free over second half of 2019

Fri, 2020-02-07 08:39
Finnish utility Fortum reported zero emissions from its ETS-covered facilities over the entire second half of last year, it said on Thursday, as its profits were boosted by higher hydro output.
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Refinitiv hires former energy and carbon analyst to lead European gas research

Fri, 2020-02-07 07:10
Financial market data firm Refinitiv has hired a former energy and carbon analyst to head its European gas research division, Carbon Pulse has learned.
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EU Market: EUAs retreat after failing to hold 1-week high above €24

Fri, 2020-02-07 05:20
EUAs failed to hold early gains above €24 on Thursday, slumping as energy resumed its bearish tone while markets worldwide continued to fret about China's ability to contain the coronavirus.
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Norwegian oil firm Equinor broadens climate goal to include its products

Fri, 2020-02-07 03:22
Norway’s Equinor is joining other major European oil and gas companies in setting a target to rein in emissions including those from the fuel it sells, leaving the door open for using offsets to help meet the goal.
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ClimeCo VP departs for Canadian environmental firm

Fri, 2020-02-07 02:39
A vice president for offset developer and advisory firm ClimeCo has taken a senior position with a Canadian competitor, Carbon Pulse has learned.
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Canada targets spring release of draft compliance offset regulation

Fri, 2020-02-07 01:52
The Canadian environment ministry will aim to publish draft regulations this spring for a federal offset programme under the country’s ‘backstop’ large emitter programme, and it is also developing a shortlist of protocols to supply that output-based pricing system (OBPS), a government official said Wednesday.
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Polish oil firm Lotos says ample free EUA allocations could help it dodge cutting emissions next decade

Thu, 2020-02-06 22:41
Polish oil company Lotos Group expects that it may need to buy only a minimal quantity of EU carbon allowances over the next decade as its annual free allocation could be enough to allow it to avoid cutting its emissions for the foreseeable future.
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Poland in praise of EU carbon border measures as it weighs 2050 net zero goal

Thu, 2020-02-06 20:55
Poland believes setting EU carbon border adjustments are a good way to protect the bloc’s industry and promote wider climate action, though the government is yet to decide whether to endorse an EU-wide 2050 net zero emission goal, a climate ministry official said on Thursday.
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Japanese firms worried over backlash from climate inaction

Thu, 2020-02-06 18:39
A group of more than 140 Japanese companies and over 20 municipal governments has urged the government to raise its ambition under the Paris Agreement, warning that failure to step up efforts might see Japanese firms left out of international supply chains.
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Australia increases CO2 cap for more major industrial emitters

Thu, 2020-02-06 16:41
Another group of big emitters under Australia’s Safeguard Mechanism has seen emission caps increase, including facilities owned by BHP Billiton and Alcoa, as the government is implementing new rules that allow emissions to rise each year.
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CP Daily: Wednesday February 5, 2020

Thu, 2020-02-06 09:04
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
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