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CP Daily: Monday June 13, 2022

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2022-06-14 11:26
A daily summary of our news plus bite-sized updates from around the world.
Categories: Around The Web

Researchers use whale photo archive to help protect important WA calving site

The Guardian - Tue, 2022-06-14 10:45

Southern right whale populations were severely depleted by whaling but may be bouncing back in Geographe Bay

Researchers are combing through thousands of whale photos to help protect a calving site off Western Australia’s coast that was severely impacted by the whaling industry.

The researchers believe that Geographe Bay off south-west WA is an important calving ground in need of environmental protection, and are using a 30-year archive of images to determine how many southern right whales have visited the area over time.

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Categories: Around The Web

Falklands War: Digging for physical memories on Mt Tumbledown

BBC - Tue, 2022-06-14 10:06
Archaeologists and veterans survey the remains of the Falklands War's decisive final battle.
Categories: Around The Web

Huge plan to map the DNA of all life in British Isles

BBC - Tue, 2022-06-14 09:02
Scientists are planning to sequence the genomes of all species, including plants, animals, fungi, found in Britain and Ireland.
Categories: Around The Web

Investor makes carbon credit purchase secured from Sierra Leone national park

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2022-06-14 09:01
A carbon finance investment firm has agreed to acquire carbon credits stemming from a rainforest national park in Sierra Leone that aims to generate half a million credits a year on average over the next 30 years.
Categories: Around The Web

Project Director, Forest Positive Partnership, Conservation International – Arlington/Seattle

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2022-06-14 08:44
Conservation International protects nature for the benefit of humanity. Through science, policy, fieldwork, and finance, we spotlight and secure the most important places in nature for the climate, biodiversity, and for people.
Categories: Around The Web

EU will fail to meet Global Methane Pledge unless people eat less meat, warns report

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2022-06-14 08:01
Tackling methane emissions from cows is the blind spot of the EU that risks the bloc failing to meet the Global Methane Pledge unless policies are adopted to encourage a shift in diet away from meat and dairy products, an analyst report said Monday.
Categories: Around The Web

RFS Market: RIN prices sink after market digests final 2022 quotas

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2022-06-14 07:37
US biofuel credit (RIN) values continued to drop on Monday as traders mulled the impacts of the recent finalisation of multi-year quotas for the federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).
Categories: Around The Web

EU lawmakers set to spurn chance to quickly reopen talks on ETS reform  

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2022-06-14 07:04
The European Parliament’s environment committee (ENVI) is likely to delay reopening divisive negotiations on EU ETS reforms following a meeting of senior lawmakers on Monday, a move that would postpone confrontation ahead of a second vote of the full assembly later this month.
Categories: Around The Web

Researcher, Nature-Based Solutions, Shell – Bengaluru

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2022-06-14 06:40
You will provide deep technical expertise in Measurement, Reporting and Verification  (MRV)  to the rapidly growing NBS and Agricultural and Forestry (A&F) Sectoral decarbonization activities across Shell, including helping the businesses to achieve its goals.
Categories: Around The Web

We know heatwaves kill animals. But new research shows the survivors don’t get off scot-free

The Conversation - Tue, 2022-06-14 06:04
Exposure to hot and dry conditions can damage the DNA of nestling birds in their first few days of life – meaning they age earlier and produce less offspring. Justin Eastwood, Postdoctoral research fellow in ecology, Monash University Anne Peters, Professor in Behaviour, Ecology and Conservation, Monash University Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
Categories: Around The Web

Seals use whiskers to track prey in deep ocean, study shows

The Guardian - Tue, 2022-06-14 05:00

Scientists analysed footage from small video cameras with infrared night-vision attached to the animals

When they are in the deep, dark ocean, seals use their whiskers to track down their prey, a study has confirmed after observing the sea mammals in their natural habitat.

It’s hard for light to penetrate the gloom of the ocean’s depths, and animals have come up with a variety of adaptations in order to live and hunt there. Whales and dolphins, for example, use echolocation – the art of sending out clicky noises into the water and listening to their echo as they bounce off possible prey, to locate them. But deep-diving seals who don’t have those same acoustic projectors must have evolutionarily learned to deploy another sensory technique.

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Categories: Around The Web

Dutch group targets hydrogen-fuelled commercial flight in 2028

The Guardian - Tue, 2022-06-14 03:32

Consortium plans to adapt turboprop aircraft with 40-80 seats to run on environmentally friendly fuel

The world’s first hydrogen-fuelled commercial flight of a passenger plane could take place between Rotterdam and London in six years’ time, under a plan to make short-haul air travel more environmentally friendly.

The 2028 target set by a Dutch consortium is ambitious. Airbus announced its intention 18 months ago to be the first to offer zero-emission commercial aircraft models running on hydrogen, by 2035.

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Categories: Around The Web

UN appeals to public for $20m to stop feared catastrophic oil spill from tanker

The Guardian - Tue, 2022-06-14 02:45

Vessel off Yemen with more than 1m barrels of oil aboard has been stranded for six years and is close to breaking up

A rare UN appeal to the public to raise $20m is to be launched on Tuesday in an attempt to prevent an environmental catastrophe caused by the potential break-up of an oil tanker off the coast of Yemen.

The money is needed to offload more than 1.14m barrels of oil that have been sitting in the decrepit cargo ship, Safer, for more than six years because of an impasse between Houthi groups and the Saudi-backed government over ownership and responsibility.

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Categories: Around The Web

Frog bones found in Cambridgeshire Iron Age ditch baffle experts

BBC - Tue, 2022-06-14 02:32
More than 8,000 frog and toad bones found in a single ditch is "extraordinary", baffled experts say.
Categories: Around The Web

VCM Report: Market wobbles as draft buyer standards and recession fears further weaken prices

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2022-06-14 01:32
Standardised voluntary emission reduction (VER) credits returned to losses as participants scrambled to adjust positions following the publication of a set of draft buyer standards, amid a broader bearish outlook for prices due to wider macroeconomic weakness.
Categories: Around The Web

China ETS market power in the hands of the few, analysts find

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2022-06-13 23:03
More than 2,200 companies participate in China’s national emissions trading scheme, but the majority of surplus allowances and the power to determine the market’s trading patterns rest with fewer than 10 firms, a report released on Monday found.
Categories: Around The Web

Plan to scrap Natural England will disrupt net zero targets, experts say

The Guardian - Mon, 2022-06-13 22:28

Campaigners spotted proposal to absorb conservation watchdog into Defra buried in recent government consultation

Discussions about dismantling Natural England have sparked anxiety, with experts fearing this would further damage efforts to protect wildlife and reach net zero.

Campaigners have raised the alarm after spotting the proposal buried in a recent government consultation on nature recovery, which was sent to stakeholders.

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Categories: Around The Web

Orsted to trap 400,000 tonnes of CO2 per year from 2025 at CHP plants for storage, green fuels

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2022-06-13 21:49
Danish energy company Orsted plans to capture 400,000 tonnes of CO2 from two combined heat and power (CHP) plants on an annual basis from 2025, both for permanent storage and in producing green fuels, the company announced on Monday.
Categories: Around The Web

Euro Markets: Midday Update

Carbon Pulse - Mon, 2022-06-13 21:38
EUAs fell back in thin trading on Monday as the market awaited developments from the European Parliament's environment committee, which meets today and tomorrow to discuss a revamped report on the "Fit for 55" reform package, which was rejected by the full Parliament last week.
Categories: Around The Web


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