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Heating and eating: can cost of living and climate protesters join forces? - video

The Guardian - Thu, 2022-10-06 21:37

There are strong synergies between the solutions needed to the climate crisis and the cost of living crisis, but are the campaigns talking to each other? We spent time with people most affected by austerity, strikers on the picket lines and disruptive climate campaigners to find out if their messages are aligning or if there is still work to do  

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Maritime, energy players combine to develop “onboard” carbon capture tech to reduce shipping emissions

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2022-10-06 20:44
A consortium of players in the energy and shipping industries launched a project this week to explore the viability of carbon capture on vessels, reflecting a push to explore the utilisation of the technology to reduce emissions from shipping, a sector which is heavily dependent on fossil fuels but faces increasing pressure to decarbonise its operations.
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Video reveals devastation from scallop dredging on ‘protected’ Scottish seabed

The Guardian - Thu, 2022-10-06 20:07

Campaigners say marine protected area set up to save UK’s only fan mussels exists merely as a ‘paper park’

New underwater footage taken by environmental campaigners in Scotland has revealed severe damage to marine life and habitats wreaked by scallop dredgers in “marine protected areas” (MPAs).

The Scottish government designated the seabed around the islands of Canna and Rum, on Scotland’s west coast, as the Small Isles MPA in 2014, to conserve Britain’s only colony of rare fan mussels and other features. The islands host a large breeding colony of black guillemots.

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‘I have a voice’: African activists struggle to attend UN climate talks in Egypt

The Guardian - Thu, 2022-10-06 20:00

Young campaigners from the continent most affected by the climate crisis face financial and accreditation difficulties for Cop27

African climate activists from some of the countries most affected by global heating say they are struggling to get access to the UN climate talks in Egypt in November.

Cop27, which has been termed “the African Cop”, threatens to take place without African activists advocating for communities devastated by drought, floods and fossil fuel projects in the negotiations when life-or-death decisions about climate finance will be made.

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Western Australia EPA could rule out new projects with high Scope 3 emissions, Gorgon report says

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2022-10-06 19:56
The Western Australia Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has flagged the possibility of not recommending new polluting projects based on their Scope 3 GHG emissions.
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Here’s a plan for green King Charles: sell the family silver and use the cash to save the planet | John Vidal

The Guardian - Thu, 2022-10-06 19:00

He’s spent his life sniping from the sidelines. Now he has the power to make radical environmental reforms to the monarchy

So King Charles won’t be going to COP 23, by order of Liz Truss https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/oct/01/king-charles-abandons-plans-to-attend-cop27-following-liz-trusss-advice; an inauspicious start for a monarch with pretensions to remain an influencer and be known as the first “green” king.

But he should take heart: Truss may not be long for No10, and Charles may look at recent events and conclude that no-one listens to her anyway. If so, there are plenty of opportunities now for him to turn the archaic House of Windsor into an institution fit for an age of climate breakdown, poverty and deep inequalities.

John Vidal is a former Guardian environment editor

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People of colour have been shut out of the climate debate. Social justice is the key to the green agenda | Julian Agyeman

The Guardian - Thu, 2022-10-06 17:00

Environmental issues in low-income areas have long been ignored by activists who fail to grasp the importance of equity

“Equity is not an issue for us. We’re here to save the world.”

From 1986 to 1990, I worked in an inner London borough as an environmental policy adviser. I worked on raising awareness of local environmental issues, paying special attention to those affecting the borough’s lower-income residents. There were very few jobs such as this in local government, and I was the only Black person employed in one.

Julian Agyeman is a professor of urban and environmental policy and planning at Tufts University, and editor-in-chief of Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability

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Climate policies to push global wind capacity past 2TW over coming decade

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2022-10-06 16:51

A spate of positive climate policies around the globe is expected to drive big growth in the wind energy sector, according to analysts Wood Mackenzie.

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NZ proposes to give local councils greater power over carbon forestry

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2022-10-06 16:40
The New Zealand government on Thursday proposed to give local councils a greater say in regulating carbon forestry as it launched yet another ETS consultation that pushed the NZU price up by almost 6%.
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New oil and gas at odds with green goals - report

BBC - Thu, 2022-10-06 15:04
New licenses for North Sea oil and gas are incompatible with reaching net zero by 2050, a report says.
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On our wettest days, stormclouds can dump 30 trillion litres of water across Australia

The Conversation - Thu, 2022-10-06 14:21
On Australia’s rainiest days, more than 30 trillion litres can fall from the skies. Andrew King, Senior Lecturer in Climate Science, The University of Melbourne Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
Categories: Around The Web

Big corporate emitters fail to account for climate risk in their financial reporting, survey finds

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2022-10-06 14:13
Almost all of the world’s largest corporate emitters do not sufficiently acknowledge climate risks in their financial statements, leaving investors ‘in the dark’ as to whether and how their financial reporting takes into account the impacts of climate change, according to a report released on Thursday.
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‘Reckless’ coal firms plan climate-busting expansion, study finds

The Guardian - Thu, 2022-10-06 14:00

Coal is the most polluting of all fossil fuels and investors must stop funding it, say campaigners

Hundreds of coal companies around the world are developing new mines and power stations, according to a study. The researchers said the plans were “reckless and irresponsible” in the midst of the climate emergency.

Coal is the most polluting of all fossil fuels and its use must be quickly phased out to end the climate crisis. However, almost half the 1,000 companies assessed are still developing new coal assets, and just 27 companies have announced coal exit dates consistent with international climate targets.

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Ocean Wildlife Photographer of the Year winners 2022 – in pictures

The Guardian - Thu, 2022-10-06 14:00

Competition illuminates beauty of ocean and threats it faces. Ben Thouard’s winning image of surfer was chosen unanimously by the six judges

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A flight to quality, as carbon traders hedge against a tightening of rules

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2022-10-06 13:50

A mixed quarter of trading shaped by the announcement of the Chubb ERF review and the federal government's plan to reform the Safeguard Mechanism.

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Categories: Around The Web

New voluntary carbon asset venture launches for Asian market

Carbon Pulse - Thu, 2022-10-06 13:32
A group of firms on Thursday announced the launch of a venture that will generate carbon credits and other environmental products across the Asian region for the voluntary market.
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Federal government opens “discussion” on a national energy efficiency strategy

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2022-10-06 12:43

Albanese government launches consultation on how to deliver long overdue energy efficiency improvements across the economy, starting with a discussion paper.

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Categories: Around The Web

Foundation backed by Mike Cannon-Brookes invests $10m in bid to cut secondhand electric car cost

The Guardian - Thu, 2022-10-06 11:40

Good Car Company plans to run a batch-buy program that would source cars from Japan and the UK

A philanthropic foundation backed by Mike Cannon-Brookes has invested $10m into Tasmanian startup the Good Car company to help slash the cost of secondhand electric vehicles in Australia.

The announcement from Boundless on Thursday follows months of signalling by Cannon-Brookes that he was prepared to invest large sums into businesses addressing aspects of the carbon transition.

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The old men and the CPAC: conservatives regaled with tired tales of climate misinformation | Temperature Check

The Guardian - Thu, 2022-10-06 11:24

The Australian conference supposedly devoted to ‘bold action’ from the right spent much of its time pouring scorn on any form of climate action

Climate science is a fraud, according to one speaker; renewable energy has pushed up electricity prices for Australians and the case that carbon dioxide drives global warming is unproven, according to others.

Those were just some of the themes at last weekend’s annual conference in Sydney of the Conservative Political Action (CPAC) network – billed as the “largest and most prominent conference for conservatives and liberty lovers in Australia”.

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Categories: Around The Web

Fracking: The simple test of whether it should happen or not

RenewEconomy - Thu, 2022-10-06 11:04

According to conventional economic theory, whether or not fracking should occur is simple – and the answer these days is almost always "not."

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