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Old PPE masks find new life fighting plastic waste

BBC - Wed, 2021-09-22 09:06
All schools and colleges in Cornwall will be given litter pickers made from old hospital masks.
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Edify wins planning approval for 1GW green hydrogen and battery facility

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2021-09-22 09:05

Edify wins planning approval for 1GW green hydrogen project, including large scale and behind the meter solar and storage, in new eco industrial precinct.

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Mexican offset market struggling with supply ahead of full ETS launch

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-09-22 07:49
Pre-compliance carbon offset trading has started under Mexico’s pilot cap-and-trade programme, but a dearth of supply and lack of regulatory clarity are serving as headwinds for further development, a panel heard Tuesday.
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Curious kids: why do sloths go slow?

The Conversation - Wed, 2021-09-22 06:12
Like the lazy koala, the reason sloths go slow has a lot to do with what they eat. Shelby A. Ryan, PhD Candidate | School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle Ryan R. Witt, Postdoctoral Researcher and Honorary Lecturer | School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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California gasoline consumption edges down in July as demand narrows to 2019 levels

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-09-22 04:56
California gasoline demand per day declined slightly in July even as Governor Gavin Newsom (D) removed all COVID-19 restrictions, but the Golden State’s fuel consumption still narrowed against historic levels, according to federal data.
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M25 protests: Protesters 'may cause serious injury or death'

BBC - Wed, 2021-09-22 03:57
Insulate Britain protesters blocked traffic on both carriageways of the motorway in Surrey.
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President Biden urges unity in first UN speech amid tensions with allies

BBC - Wed, 2021-09-22 03:49
Joe Biden called for cooperation in his first speech as US president to the UN General Assembly.
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Former Nationals leader Michael McCormack warns a flat ‘no’ on net zero could threaten trade

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-09-22 03:30

The ex-deputy PM tells Guardian Australia the next phase of climate policy must not ‘smash our regional economies’

The former federal Nationals leader Michael McCormack says his party has to consider signing up to a commitment to net zero emissions because a flat “no” could threaten Australia’s trade relationships and export income.

McCormack’s public overture ahead of Cop26 in Glasgow comes as the New South Wales minister for energy and the environment, Matt Kean, will also tell an event organised by the British high commission on Wednesday that Scott Morrison has pulled off a “stunning coup” in negotiating a nuclear submarine deal with the US and the UK, but now needs to take the next step.

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One in five carbon credits under Australia’s main climate policy are ‘junk’ cuts, research finds

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-09-22 03:30

‘Avoided deforestation’ projects do not represent genuine abatement, say researchers who liken the Coalition policy to ‘cheap tricks and hot air’

About 20% of carbon credits created under the federal Coalition’s main climate change policy do not represent real cuts in carbon dioxide and are essentially “junk”, new research suggests.

The report by the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) and the Australia Institute found “avoided deforestation” projects do not represent genuine abatement as in most cases the areas were never going to be cleared.

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COP 26: How much is the developing world getting to fight climate change?

BBC - Wed, 2021-09-22 01:24
Are rich countries living up to their climate promises to the developing world?
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Junk credits: One-fifth of Australian carbon offsets could be “hot air”, report finds

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2021-09-22 00:01

Serious concerns have been raised around the integrity of Australian carbon offsets issued to 'avoided deforestation' projects.One-fifth of carbon offset units issued through federal government's Emissions Reduction Fund may have no basis in emissions reductions, new research finds.

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*Senior Research Analyst, Carbon Markets & Climate Change, Zulu Forest Sciences – London

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2021-09-21 23:54
*PREMIUM LISTING – We are a small team of giants. You’ll join a diverse team of scientists, engineers, asset managers and innovators with over 200 years of combined experience in conservation, silviculture, biometric modelling, project finance and entrepreneurship, including advisory roles for the World Bank, United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organisation, and some of the fastest growing technology companies in the world today.
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Manager/Expert sur les Solutions Technologiques en Matiere de Carbone, EcoAct – Paris

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2021-09-21 23:42
Dans un environnement Collaboratif, vous souhaitez vous Engager au sein d’une équipe motivée, dynamique et orientée vers le Futur, ainsi que partager votre Expertise pour participer au développement de la Société et de ses filiales.
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Britain’s energy crisis has been years in the making, thanks to the Conservatives | Ed Davey

The Guardian - Tue, 2021-09-21 23:30

Since 2015 policies to insulate Britain’s homes and diversify our energy supply have stalled

  • Ed Davey is leader of the Liberal Democrats and former energy and climate change secretary

Rocketing heating bills owing to dramatic gas price rises are just the latest chapter in Britain’s mounting cost of living crisis. From food price-hikes to increasing transport costs, this new bout of inflation is hitting essential goods – and that means the poorest people will be hit the hardest. So no one should be surprised that Boris Johnson has dismissed these problems. He wants us to think it’s all a global problem, with nothing unique to the UK. And he wants us to think it will all be over quickly.

Of course, the reality is somewhat different. While rising gas prices are a global phenomenon, British consumers will be hit hard because energy policy in the last six years has been an unmitigated disaster – with fewer homes being insulated and with measures for diversifying the UK away from overdependence on gas needlessly stalled. Within the last 18 months alone, the Conservatives have launched, mismanaged and then scrapped a Green Home Grant scheme; their flagship policy to help people cut their heating bills failed totally, and nothing has been put in its place.

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‘Earth looks fragile from space’: Jeff Bezos pledges $1bn to conservation

The Guardian - Tue, 2021-09-21 23:26

Donation from $10bn Bezos Earth Fund will go towards biodiversity hotspots in Congo Basin and Andes

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, has said he realised just how fragile the Earth was when he looked back down at it from space, while committing $1bn to conservation projects around the world.

The money , made through the $10bn Bezos Earth Fund that he formed last year, will go towards the conservation of nature in biodiversity hotspots such as the Congo Basin, the tropical Andes and the Pacific Ocean. It will help finance a goal to protect 30% of the world’s oceans and land by the end of the decade, a draft target in Paris-style UN agreement on nature being negotiated.

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Johnson says he has changed his mind on the climate – but he’s still dragging his feet | Adrienne Buller

The Guardian - Tue, 2021-09-21 23:15

Outright denial has been replaced by something that may turn out to be even worse: delay

As he flew to New York yesterday to speak to the UN general assembly about the Cop26 climate conference, Boris Johnson was asked to defend old comments made by his newly appointed trade secretary, Anne-Marie Trevelyan. Trevelyan had made statements on Twitter in the past decade promoting climate-denial literature, denying climate change was happening at all, and denigrating climate scientists and activists as “doom-mongers” and “fanatics”.

Johnson insisted that these views – despite coming from a minister whose role has serious climate implications – weren’t really such a big deal. In fact, he was himself guilty of similar statements not so long ago. He reminded the public that were we to “excavate some of [his] articles from 20 years ago”, it wouldn’t be difficult to find sentiments that “weren’t entirely supportive of the current struggle”, as he generously put it. “Facts change,” he added, “and people change their minds.”

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GWSA September auction sets new all-time high as prices surge above RGGI levels

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2021-09-21 23:06
Massachusetts Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) allowance prices surged nearly 30% in the final auction of the 2021 compliance year, with the settlement eclipsing the most recent quarterly auction price in the Northeast US RGGI cap-and-trade programme.
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UPDATE – RWE in line for windfall EUA profit if coal closures are advanced -report

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2021-09-21 22:40
German utility RWE’s early hedging of its EUA exposure for the period to 2030 may earn it significant financial rewards if the country’s coal phaseout is brought forward from its scheduled 2038 deadline, according to media reports.
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Euro Markets: Midday Update

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2021-09-21 22:14
EU carbon allowances were relatively calm on Tuesday as the market stabilised after Monday's volatility, with traders looking ahead to tomorrow's expiry of the Sep-21 options contract.
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Voluntary offset taskforce names governance board, promises indigenous representation

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2021-09-21 21:53
The private sector Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets (TSVCM) announced its governance body on Tuesday, adding that it was on track to deliver next year standardising tools being designed to help dramatically increase the volume of carbon credit transactions.
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