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UK campaigner mulls appeal after losing court case to price incinerator GHGs -media

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-06-16 07:59
A British campaigner is considering an appeal after losing a High Court case against the UK government’s decision to exclude waste incinerators from its carbon market, media reported on Tuesday.
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NA Markets: CCA prices spike to another all-time high on thin sell-side volume

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-06-16 07:58
California Carbon Allowance (CCA) prices surged on the secondary market for a second consecutive day on Tuesday, with the benchmark contract edging close to the $22 level.
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RFS Market: RIN prices extend freefall as possible refiner relief weighs

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-06-16 07:30
RIN prices continued their recent plunge on Tuesday, having now lost a quarter of their value in three days as traders digested reports of possible Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) compliance relief and more analysts predicted a downturn in biofuel credit values.
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Renewable growth must accelerate to unseat fossil fuel dominance

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2021-06-16 07:27

A new report finds some yawning gaps between the deployment of renewables and what's needed to meet climate targets.

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Australia’s energy R&D is a mess: Putting fossil fuels in the driver’s seat won’t help

RenewEconomy - Wed, 2021-06-16 07:24

Nishi Building ARENA board appointment offices - optimisedAustralia's funding for climate research has shrunk to nearly nothing since LNP took power. Now its directing what little is left to fossils, and it's a sad moment for ARENA.

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Massachusetts GWSA carbon auction settlement rebounds 20% even as bidding declines

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-06-16 06:28
The auction clearing price in Massachusetts’ Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) cap-and-trade programme rebounded significantly at the June sale after hitting all-time lows earlier this year, though allowance demand tapered off at the third quarterly auction, according to results released Tuesday.
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Germany’s poll-leading conservatives to pledge earlier shift to free-floating carbon price under domestic ETS -reports

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-06-16 06:19
Germany’s ruling CDU/CSU union of outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel is set to promise an earlier shift in the country's domestic ETS, moving to a system with a free-floating price from the current fixed carbon tax, local media reported Monday.
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Peatlands worldwide are drying out, threatening to release 860 million tonnes of carbon dioxide every year

The Conversation - Wed, 2021-06-16 06:08
Peatlands worldwide are running short of water, and the amount of greenhouse gases this could set loose would be devastating for our efforts to curb climate change. Yuanyuan Huang, Research Scientist , CSIRO Yingping Wang, Chief research scientist, CSIRO Licensed as Creative Commons – attribution, no derivatives.
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North Carolina commission advances green group-backed RGGI petition

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-06-16 04:35
North Carolina’s Air Quality Commission (AQC) on Tuesday sent on a RGGI rulemaking petition brought forth by environmental groups, with the proposal scheduled for discussion by a wider state agency next month.
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Euro Markets: EUAs sink towards €51, UKAs plumb new low as supply weighs

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-06-16 03:28
UK carbon prices hit a record low Tuesday while EUAs fell by more than a euro for a second day amid a sell-off in gas prices, with bulls in both markets growing cautious ahead of more supply injections.
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S&P Global Platts launches VER assessments for nature, household offset projects

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-06-16 03:22
S&P Global Platts on Tuesday announced it has commenced assessments for two new categories of voluntary emissions reductions (VERs), building on the commodity price reporting agency’s existing carbon credit offering.
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Oil firm Equinor accelerates push for renewables in new climate strategy

Carbon Pulse - Wed, 2021-06-16 03:07
Norway’s state-owned Equinor signalled its intention to accelerate its transition to renewable energies and cut its carbon intensity, though the firm's oil and gas output is still set to rise for several years.
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Crayfish behave more boldly after exposure to antidepressants – study

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-06-16 02:00

Traces of drugs found in water can make crustaceans more outgoing – but also vulnerable to predators

Antidepressant drugs in water can alter the behaviour of crayfish, making them bolder and more outgoing, and therefore more vulnerable to predators, researchers have found.

Low levels of antidepressants – excreted by humans or disposed of incorrectly – are found in many water bodies. Researchers from the University of Florida assessed the impact of these medicines on crayfish, which are a fundamental component of many aquatic food webs – given they eat almost everything, from plants, insects, leaf litter to small fish (even cannibalising each other).

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Climate crisis to hit Europe’s coffee and chocolate supplies

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-06-16 01:00

Increasing droughts in producer nations will also make palm oil and soya imports highly vulnerable, study finds

Coffee and chocolate supplies in Europe soon could be disrupted by the climate crisis as droughts hit producer countries, according to a study.

The research also found a high vulnerability for palm oil imports, used in many foods and domestic products, and soybeans, which are the main feed for chickens and pigs in the European Union.

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Reverse Trump’s cuts to monument protections, Haaland asks Biden

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-06-16 00:11

It isn’t clear yet if president will follow recommendation, but during his campaign he pledged to restore Utah’s monuments

It was one of Donald Trump’s most provocative environmental decisions. After a year in office, he angered preservationists and Native American tribes and ordered that two treasured national monuments be dramatically reduced in size.

The areas falling outside the diminished monuments, both expanses of rocky outcroppings dense with archaeological artifacts in Utah, lost environmental protections. A few years later, he also ordered that commercial fishing be allowed in a marine preserve off the coast of New England.

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The UK’s obsession with trade deals means disaster for the environment | Nick Dearden

The Guardian - Wed, 2021-06-16 00:01

From food standards to fossil fuel exports, Britain’s agreement with Australia could stop us dealing with the climate crisis

Over the weekend, Boris Johnson told the world we need to “create a healthy planet for our children and grandchildren”. Today he launches a trade deal which is not simply as inadequate as the pledges made by Johnson and other leaders at the G7, but is more worryingly moving us rapidly in the wrong direction.

The trade rules contained in the UK-Australia deal will be a disaster for the environment. On the one hand, it will certainly increase carbon emissions if we replace food from Britain, or our near neighbours, with food from a country on the opposite side of the world.

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Australia’s oil & gas lobby eyes carbon storage superpower status as other nations decarbonise

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2021-06-15 23:34
Australia can become a carbon storage superpower, though realising that potential would require bilateral agreements on carbon credit and accounting arrangements with potential buyer countries such as Japan and South Korea, the head of the nation’s main petroleum industry lobby group said Tuesday.
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Isles of Scilly: Egyptian vulture seen in UK for first time in 150 years

BBC - Tue, 2021-06-15 23:27
The sighting of the Egyptian vulture, if confirmed to be wild, would be the first for 153 years.
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*Climate and Energy Correspondent, Carbon Pulse – Brussels

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2021-06-15 21:37
*PREMIUM LISTING - Carbon Pulse is looking for a Climate and Energy Correspondent to help us bolster and expand our coverage of the EU ETS and other energy and environmental markets, as well as climate and energy policy at a national, EU, and international level.
Categories: Around The Web

ETS Officer, Carbon Forest Services – Wellington, NZ

Carbon Pulse - Tue, 2021-06-15 18:59
The ETS Officer will be a key support to the ETS Consultant. The role provides technical and administrative support to the ETS Consultant principally and the wider team on an ad-hoc basis.
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