
Major insurers urge G20 leaders to commit to 2020 fossil fuel subsidy phase out

Wed, 2016-08-31 18:32 -- David

Multi-national insurers with more than USD 1.2 trillion in assets under management have urged governments to commit to phasing out fossil fuel subsides by 2020 at the G20 leaders’ summit in Hangzhou, China next month.

Insurance companies Aviva, Aegon NV and MS Amlin have signed a joint statement, along with the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) and Open Energi, warning governments of the risks of continuing to fund the production of oil, coal and gas.

The Big Conversation - 2 August at UTS

Fri, 2016-07-22 14:34 -- David

Tina Perinotto, Managing Editor of The Fifth Estate, and I met with Ian Dunlop last Tuesday in Sydney. Tina has featured her thoughts from that meeting in her "From the Front Desk" editorial in today's Fifth Estate Newsletter:

"Ian is a cool strategic corporate leader, previous head of the Australian Coal Association, Cambridge educated engineer, now climate campaigner. We were preparing for a talk he will give for Engineers Australia at UTS on 2 August (with The Fifth Estate on a panel after).


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