Ventilated Air Methane

Mon, 2011-11-14 18:46 -- adminssee
Wednesday, April 20, 2011 - 14:00 to 15:00
Dr. Mike Clarke
Engineering House, 447 Upper Edward Street, Brisbane
Event Details: 

Ventilated Air Methane (VAM) is methane released during coal mining that as a fugitive emission finds its way into the mine exhaust air.  Its concentration varies with the gas content of the coal being mined, the rate of mining and the ventilation airflow rate.  It commonly occurs in concentrations ranging from 0.1 – 1.0 % v/v.
VAM production from underground coal mining is looked upon as a major source of greenhouse gas.  Under the UNFCCC methodologies its destruction can earn carbon credits.
VAM can be captured and made inert by oxidation  or it can also be a useful subsidiary fuel for power generation.
In this talk, methods of VAM destruction will be discussed as will its use in power generation.


For more information see the attached flyer.

Video streaming of the presentation is available on Engineers Australia's website.