Tuesday, July 16, 2013 - 18:00
Hannah Aulby – Campaign Director, Beyond Zero Emissions
Hawken Auditorium, Engineering House, Brisbane
Event Details:
Repower Port Augusta is a proposal to replace aging coal plants Playford B and Northern in South Australia with solar thermal and wind power.
Six solar thermal plants and ninety five wind turbines will replace the 4650 GWhrs that the coal plants produce on average (based on 2008-2009 generation levels), which equates to 31% of South Australia's electricity supply requirements.
The proposal would create 1800 jobs, save 5 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions a year, eliminate the serious health impacts of coal and gas, and provide energy security and stable electricity prices.
The presentation was followed by discussion where comments and questions from attendees were welcomed. For more information download the flyer or watch a webcast of the event.